domenica 8 aprile 2012

en es - Greece: 41-year-old anarchist remanded in custody, accused of arsons in the city of Trikala

On Sunday, April 8th, at 8pm, a PA’s gathering will be held in Rigas Fereos Square in solidarity with Evangelos K., who is remanded in custody accused of involvement in the incendiary devices’ case in Trikala. Already prior to his pretrial detention, the cops tortured him in detention rooms, while the local corporate media have slandered him for days. Depending on the turnout, a demonstration may follow on the same evening.

Anarchists’ text in solidarity with Evangelos K.

At dawn on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012, the 41-year-old comrade Evangelos K. was arrested for attempted arson on a luxury AUDI car in the Papastathis former military camp, across the SMY military academy (a career NCO college).

The law enforcement authorities — after they took all their hatred on him, beating him savagely — transferred him in the police security department of Trikala, where they also tried to charge him with the rest incendiary attacks that occurred in the city of Trikala during the last month —against the municipal police offices; in the parking lot of the police headquarters of Trikala; on the car of the lieutenant governor of the SMY military academy; on the car of the former mayor of Trikala, politician currently aligned with the ND (the second largest right-wing party ‘Nea Dimokratia/New Democracy’).

In view of general elections, the State with its gangs in uniform avenged the comrade by holding him in pretrial detention since Friday, April 6th. Three days of his pillorying and conviction by the local media (electronic and otherwise) had preceded; the same media obtained information from the law enforcement authorities (which was based on perjury by a renowned drug addict snitch) and hurried to triumph over their great ‘success’ and to denigrate him as the ‘gas-canister guy’ in Trikala. All this occurred amidst the State’s effort to intimidate the entire society. A society condemned by nowadays administrators of Power in violent pauperization and hunger for the next 40 years. A society enslaved to the appetites of local and foreign statists, parliamentarians, legislators, bankers, ship owners, big media owners, as well as constructors and industrialists.

Evangelos’ longtime unemployment, the drug dependence that wracked him in the past years, his great effort for detoxification in recent months, as he attended the rehab program of OKANA (state-run ‘organization against drugs’) with the use of substitute drugs, and the fact he was homeless, armed his hands against destitution.

The prosecutorial and judiciary authorities, in an attempt to halt the social rage and intimidate society ahead of elections, pour out their hatred on the comrade, just as they have done the last two years on thousands of protesters that react to the state brutality and the tens of pretrial incarcerations of fighters.

For four whole days, the miserable praetorians of the ‘civil protection’ minister M.Chrysochoidis refused to move the comrade to hospital for the healing of his injuries from beatings, and for the ‘suppression’ of the withdrawal syndrome because he had not received the substitute drugs of OKANA.

But Evangelos K. is not alone. He’s part of society that opposes state brutality. He’s makes part of all those (almost 1,800 people) who turned the weapons of wrath against themselves and committed suicide because of the troika’s memorandum. He is one of the thousands of those who crossed the boundaries of ‘legitimate protest’ and clashed with the repressive forces outside the parliament, risking their freedom for a truly free life. He is one of the millions of oppressed people who saw their life being precipitated into ruin for the sake of the Greek State’s European perspective and the credit money system. He is one of the hundreds of thousands of oppressed who will boycott the modern dynasts with their abstention from these elections.


Everyone to the streets on election day; because that’s the only guarantee for our social liberation from the junta’s twin sister, the parliamentary democracy.
Anarchists from Trikala

Greece: Responsibility claim by unemployed anarchists from Trikala

Arson and wildfire for the Prefecture and all Municipalities in our regional unit [nomos].

We should not let any polling station open in the regional unit where we live. Let all polling places burn just like they’ve burned our lives.

People of Trikala, you must finally wake up!

How did our regional unit come to be in such a mess?

Where is their so-called development now, where are their construction works, where exactly are their great and fake words?

How is it that the unemployment rate has reached 25% in this regional unit?

How come we have empty refrigerators and empty pockets now?

How did farmers and animal breeders cease to exist?

Where did all the social security stamps [ensima] from public funds go, when these payment stamps are specific when it comes to public projects?

Where the fuck did the social security stamps from the work in construction sites go?!

Where are you, prosecutors, and Pharisees, and secretaries?

Why the hell don’t you conduct inspections inside the Prefecture? What are you waiting for? Do you expect us to torch these buildings first, so that you can talk about provocateurs of your democracy?

Go on; gather your Security Battalions [Germanotsoliades], and first of all look at your own mess.

Be right yourselves first, and then you may have requirements for democracy.

It can no longer be that the entire regional unit is starving and the unemployment is remaining so high.

Fire and blast to the Prefecture.

No polling station in the regional unit.

Better loved from afar; we don’t want you here.

As long as unemployment and hunger reap us in their wake, they turn into fire; and our despair has turned into a river, and the river of despair has risen and drowns everything in its wake.

Whether this is the Jeep of a brigadier general, or of Tamilos (the former mayor of Trikala), or of the police, or of any public entity that absorbs most of the public funds at the expense of the working and farm–livestock sector.

Fire and blast to the Prefecture.

Unemployed anarchists from Trikala

the original communiqué here

Grecia: Anarquista de 41 años en prisión preventiva acusado de ataques incendiarios en Trikala

Texto de anarquistas en solidaridad con Evangelos K., en prisión preventiva, acusado de implicación en el caso de los artefactos incendiarios en Trikala.


El martes, 3 de abril de 2012, al amanecer, el compa de 41 años, Evangelos K. fue arrestado por intento de ataque incendiario sobre un AUDI de lujo en el antiguo campamento militar Papastathis, frente a la academia militar SMY (escuela de suboficiales de carrera)

Las fuerzas del orden —después de aplicar todo su odio sobre él, apaleándolo de forma salvaje— lo enviaron al departamento de seguridad de la policía de Trikala, donde intentaron acusarlo también del resto de ataques incendiarios que se llevaron acabo en Trikala el mes pasado, contra las oficinas de la policía local; el aparcamiento de la comisaría de policía de Trikala, el coche del asistente del gobernador de la academia militar SMY, el coche del antiguo alcalde de Trikala, actualmente asociado a ND (el segundo partido mayor derechista: “Nea Dimokratia/Nueva Democracia”).

En vistas a las elecciones generales, el Estado, con sus bandas uniformadas, se ha vengado del compa al mantenerlo en prisión preventiva desde el viernes, 6 de abril. Han precedido tres días de ridiculización y condena de manos de los medios de comunicación locales (electrónicos y de otro tipo), estos mismos medios obtuvieron la información de las fuerzas del orden (basadas en el perjurio de un conocido drogadicto chivato) y se apresuraron a mofarse de su gran “triunfo” y a denigrarlo como el “tío del bote de gas” de Trikala. Todo esto ha ocurrido en medio de un proceso de Estado en busca de intimidar a toda la sociedad. Una sociedad condenada, por los administradores actuales del Poder, a una violenta pauperización y hambre para los próximos cuarenta años. Una sociedad esclavizada al apetito de Estados extranjeros, parlamentarios, legisladores, banqueros, propietarios de barcos, propietarios de grandes medios de comunicación, así como constructores e industriales.

El largo desempleo de Evangelos, la dependencia a la droga que lo arruinó durante años, su gran esfuerzo por desintoxicarse durante los últimos meses, ya que asistió al programa de rehabilitación de OKANA (“organización contra las drogas” estatal) con el uso de drogas sustitutivas, y el hecho de que era un sin techo, le armaron las manos contra la miseria

Las autoridades fiscales y judiciales, en un intento de ponerle freno a la rabia social e intimidar a la sociedad antes de las elecciones, vierten su odio en el compa, tal y como han hecho durante los dos últimos años con miles de manifestantes que reaccionan a la brutalidad de Estado y las decenas de prisiones preventivas impuestas a combatientes.

Durante cuatro días, los miserables pretorianos del ministro de “protección civil”, M. Chrysochoidis, se negaron a enviar al compa al hospital para curarse las heridas de las palizas y para la “supresión” del síndrome de abstinencia, ya que no había recibido las drogas sustitutivas de OKANA.

Pero Evangelos K. no está solo. Forma parte de la sociedad que se opone a la brutalidad de Estado. Ha formado parte de aquellxs (unas 1800 personas) que giraron las armas de la rabia hacia sí mismxs y se suicidaron debido al memorándum de la Troika. Es uno de lxs miles de personas que cruzaron la frontera de la “protesta legítima” y se enfrentaron a las fuerzas represivas por fuera del parlamento, arriesgando su libertad por una vida verdaderamente libre. Es uno de lxs millones de oprimidxs que vieron cómo sus vidas se precipitaban a la ruina en favor de la perspectiva europea del Estado griego y el sistema de crédito económico. Es uno de lxs cientos de miles de oprimidxs que boicotearán a las modernas dinastías con su abstención activa en estas elecciones.


Todxs a la calle el día de las elecciones, porque es la única forma de liberación social de la hermana gemela de la Junta (dictadura militar en Grecia entre 1967 y 1974): la democracia parlamentaria.
Anarquistas de Trikala

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