sabato 19 novembre 2011

Let’s Not Forget the UK Antifascist Prisoners

There are five comrades behind bars in need of support.

In June, seven antifascists were fitted-up on charges of ‘Conspiracy to Cause Violent Disorder’, with six of them being sent to jail for between 15 and 21 months. Their four co-defendants in that trial were acquitted, and the trial of a further nine antifascists ended with all of them being found ‘not guilty’. The charges related to an incident at Welling train station two years earlier, when following an antifascist mobilisation against a nearby ‘Blood and Honour’ gig, there was a confrontation between some of the antifascists and two German neo-Nazi skinheads. In a brief altercation, one of the neo-Nazis ended up on the floor, and the other ran away. This minor incident was used as a pretext to launch an attack on antifascism itself, with dawn raids throughout the country and a total of 23 people arrested. Unfortunately for the cops though, they did not have any evidence to pursue charges of assault (for example), so instead they manufactured a conspiracy, hoping to send all of those arrested to jail on this nefarious charge. While, in the majority of cases, and despite their best efforts, the State failed to convict the antifascists they had arrested, in the first trial, assisted by perjury and prejudice, seven comrades were convicted. Six of them were sent to prison immediately, with the seventh subsequently receiving a non-custodial sentence.
The six prisoners spent their first weeks in London’s Wormwood Scrubs prison, before being split-up and dispersed to other jails in southern and central England. Austen Jackson, who received 15 months, has since been refused early release (on electronic tag). Similiarly, Thomas Blak, who is Danish, was also refused HDC (Home Detention Curfew), but has now been released following deportation to Denmark. Despite having lived and worked in the UK for fifteeen years, it may be sometime before he is allowed to return.
Since they were sent to jail in June, Leeds ABC have been working hard to publicise the situation of the UK antifascist prisoners and to generate support for them. The remaining five have been inside, seperated from their friends and loved ones, for a good few months now, so please write to them to express your solidarity and support. Austen has had all his postage stamps taken off him by the prison authorities, but you can still send him a stamped self-addressed envelope when you write. The others can receive stamps. Additionally, Sean Cregan can receive books (in new or very good condition please) and Ravi Gill can receive posters. If you’d like to write, but aren’t sure what to say please take a look at the Leeds ABC ‘Writing to Prisoners’ guide on our website, or just send them a card.
A solidarity fund has been set up to support the prisoners in jail and upon release. All donations, big and small, are very welcome. The fund is administered by Leeds Anarchist Black Cross, a long-standing and reputable prisoner support organisation, and the fund will ONLY be used to support the prisoners directly. If you would like to contribute to the fund please send a cheque (made payable to ‘The Cable Street Society’) to Leeds ABC, 145-149 Cardigan Road, Leeds, LS6 1LJ. Details for bank transfers are:
The Cable Street Society
Sort Code 070093
Account number 33333334
Ref 0827/704169523
We would like to thank the groups and individuals who have already contributed to the solidarity fund, including Active Rebellion, Anarchist Group Amsterdam, Antifa England, The Bollox (Amsterdam), Bristol ABC, Joe’s Garage (Amsterdam), Kate Sharpley Library, Moonstomp, Rebel Soul (Shambala Festival), Upstart Clothing, West Yorkshire Solidarity Federation , and the Hereford Heckler crew who sold benefit T-shirts at the London Anarchist Bookfair.
The T-shirts, which are in two designs, were made by the Anarchist print co-op Sabcat. They are printed on organic cotton, fair wear, carbon neutral, Earth Positive T-shirts and cost £14.95 including UK postage. Sabcat are donating their labour for free, so apart from the cost of the unprinted garment itself and the postage, all money raised goes to the antifascist prisoners support fund. To order a T-shirt check out the Sabcat website at
Leeds ABC have produced a solidarity poster in several sizes, which is being displayed in laminated form in numerous community centres, social centres, pubs, cafes, bookshops, etc. Please contact us with regard to displaying one. You can also download the graphic to display on your website, Facebook page, etc.
These comrades in jail because they are antifascists, let’s not forget them. Please give them your support.
Andy Baker
HMP Highpoint
Sean Cregan
HMP Coldingley
Shaftesbury Road
GU24 9EX
Phil De Souza
HMP Elmley
ME12 4AY
Ravinder Gill
HMP Wayland
IP25 6RL
Austen Jackson
HMP Stocken
Stocken Hall Road
Nr Oakham
LE15 7RD

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