giovedì 9 giugno 2011
en/es Chile: June 7th: Statement by comrades and friends of Luciano
Faced with such a painful situation, we believe it necessary to share some developments with respect to the situation of our comrade and friend Luciano.
Due to the seriousness of his health, he has been subjected to constant medical checks and interventions, but most important is to clarify that ALL THE DECISIONS that have been taken with respect to Luciano HAVE BEEN TAKEN BY HIS FAMILY OF ORIGIN (mother, father and siblings) who without knowing our Tortu, have in the absolute taken and appropriated responsibilities with respect to:
1. His transfer from the central hospital to the bourgeois clinic INDISA where they have made various interventions on him (amputation of his right hand and part of his left hand, skin grafts on both legs for his moderate burns. Also to clarify, he did not lose his entire eyes but rather both corneas.
2. With respect to visits, the family and especially his “mother” (one of the people who Luciano saw the least) has wanted to control them, deeming to “authorize” only those who she esteems appropriate and in her presence, in addition to expressing her total displeasure with the people closest to and loved by Luciano calling them disparagingly “the anarchists.”
In these difficult times we believe it is of vital importance to accompany one’s friends and comrades more closely, we must break the fear and the barriers that stand between us, we must express ourselves our ties of solidarity with imagination and creativity.
We believe in our channels for communicating ourselves and we must face on our feet (although it may be difficult for us) this situation.
Thanks to the comrades who have given us their support and love directly and indirectly.
For a call to solidarity and to actions against that which oppresses us.
7 de junio: declaración de compañerxs y amigxs de Luciano
Frente a tan dolorosa situación creemos necesario compartir algunos alcances con respecto a la situación del compañerx y amigx Luciano.
Por la gravedad de su salud, ha estado expuesto a constantes chequeos e intervenciones médicas, pero lo principal es aclarar que TODAS LAS DECISIONES que han sido tomadas con respecto a Luciano. HAN SIDO TOMADAS POR SU FAMILIA DE ORIGEN (mamá, papá y hermanxs) que sin conocer a nuestrx Tortu, en lo absoluto se han tomado y apropiado atribuciones con respecto a:
1. Su traslado desde la posta central a la aburguesada clínica INDISA donde se le han realizado distintas intervenciones (amputación de su mano derecha y parte de su mano izquierda, trasplantes de piel en ambas piernas por sus quemaduras moderadas. Aclarar también que no perdió sus globos oculares sino ambas corneas.
2. Con respecto a las visitas, la familia y en especial su “madre” (una de las personas que Luciano menos veía) ha querido controlarlas, restringiéndose a “autorizar” solo a quienes ella estime conveniente y en su presencia, además de expresar su total desagrado con las personas más cercanas y queridas por Luciano llamándolas despectivamente “lxs anarquistas”.
En estos difíciles momentos creemos de vital importancia acompañar a sus amigxs y compas más cercanxs, rompamos el miedo y el cerco que interponen entre nosotrxs, expresémonos nuestros lazos de solidaridad con imaginación y creatividad.
Creemos nuestros canales para comunicarnos y hagámosle frente de pie (aunque nos sea difícil) a esta situación.
Gracias a lxs compañerxs que nos han brindado su apoyo y cariño directa e indirectamente.
Por un llamado a la solidaridad y a las acciones en contra lo que nos oprime.
from viva la anarquia, translated by war on society:
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