martedì 31 maggio 2011
Denunce e fogli di via da Bologna
Dopo le perquisizioni e gli arresti, ora nella laida Bologna stanno per arrivare pure i fogli di via per gli indesiderabili dal sistema.
Nelle scorse settimane, in giorni diversi, i digossini si sono presentati nelle abitazioni di cinque compagni, notificando varie denunce riferite al primo maggio scorso in piazza dell'Unità, dove si era svolta una celebrazione della festa dei lavoratori in ottica libertaria e non omologata alle feste dei sindacati e dei partiti.
In quell'occasione un'auto della Digos, che sostava nei pressi della piazza, era stata avvicinata da compagni che, gentilmente, chiedevano conto della fastidiosa presenza.
Per questo due compagni, ore dopo, verranno seguiti e fatti scendere da un autobus e i loro nominativi schedati. Altri tre compagni verranno fermati, qualche ora dopo, nelle vicinanze della piazza, portati in questura e dopo un oretta buona rilasciati con una denuncia per violenza e minaccia a pubblico ufficiale ed oltraggio a corpo politico, amministrativo o giudiziario dello stato.
Qualche giorno fa, per questo episodio, i cinque compagni si sono visti addebitare, oltre ai già citati reati, anche quelli per danneggiamento aggravato e resistenza, senza peraltro far riferimento a qualsivoglia accaduto.
Ora alcuni dei compagni colpiti da quest'ennesima ondata repressiva si sono visti recapitare a casa dalla Digos il procedimento del Questore per comminare il prossimo foglio di via da Bologna.
é chiaro e lampante il clima che si respira in città, sempre più nauseabondo per qualsiasi persona che aneli ad un minimo di libertà. Per chi di libertà ne esige il massimo questo puzzo è un qualcosa che esige un moto di ribellione necessario alla vita. Un moto che è prima di tutto dignità!
Ci vogliono relegare da parte, senza possibilità di interagire con il contesto in cui anche noi anarchici, come tutti, viviamo. Vogliono tagliare i ponti, distruggere amicizie, affinità, legami. Tentano di mettere fuori gioco gli individui pensando, con questo, di spegnere quel fuoco della rivolta che sempre più divampa ogni dove.
Ma perché in ogni dove, quel fuoco sarà ben difficile da spegnere.
Anarchici inossidabili ed ignifughi.
Marino Laziale - Attaccato distributore eni agip
MARINO LAZIALE (ROMA) - 25-05-2011
- tagliate e portate via sei pistole dalle pompe
- sigillata con metallo liquido cabina self service
- incendiato con due taniche da cinque litri di napalm artigianale il punto vendite del distributore
- lasciato striscione "ENI - da guerre e disastri ambientali, i loro profitti (A)"
Solidarietà agli anarchici colpiti dalla recente ondata repressiva dello Stato.
A Silvia, Costa, Billy e Marco.
Lunga vita al Fronte di Liberazione della Terra!
Lettera di Madda da Rebibbia
Carissime e carissimi,
Vi informo che da oggi, lunedì 23 fino a mercoledì 25 maggio, la sezione di alta sicurezza A1 e A2, inizierà uno sciopero del carrello e della spesa in solidarietà alle altre carceri italiane che già lo hanno iniziato da un po' per denunciare il sovraffollamento e la situazione interna a cui le carceri devono far fronte ogni giorno.
Questa richiesta è venuta dal partito politico dei radicali, che, come ogni partito politico, non ha di certo reale interesse a mettere in evidenza il problema del carcere in sé, come struttura e istituzione, ma cerca come tutti di ammortizzare la situazione esplosiva interna, frutto di un sistema sociale malato.
Sapete già il mio punto di vista riguardo questa mobilitazione... di certo non credo che uno sciopero, partito poi da un gruppo di politicanti di merda come quello dei radicali, possa risolvere i problemi interni al carcere (essendo la struttura e ciò che la mantiene il problema), semmai ci vorrebbe, a mio parere, un tipo di lotta differente, più incisivo e dannoso alla struttura, una lotta, poi, che dovrebbe nascere dai/dalle detenuti/e stessi/e.
Comunque la sezione ha voluto dare il suo contributo, in maniera simbolica con questi 3 giorni, ad un metodo che ancora lega varie carceri italiane, che fa da filo conduttore tra reclusi e recluse.
In ogni caso, sappiate che le detenute della sezione comuni hanno apprezzato assai la vostra presenza sotto questo fottutissimo penitenziario! Quelle urla di supporto morale (mi è giunta voce) hanno scaldato il cuore e gli animi, rafforzando la mobilitazione partita oggi.
Peccato invece che in questo bunker di cemento in cui stiamo noi della massima sicurezza non sia arrivato il suono della vostra voce! Dio cane, mannaggia a loro! Poco o niente... a me ieri mi è parso di sentire qualche cosa subito sfumato nell'idea fosse la tv di qualche ragazza... vabbuò fa piacerissimo lo stesso sapere che ci siete stati e sopratutto che si continui quotidianamente con la lotta esterna.
Queste sezioni sono veramente la riproduzione del modello attuale di controllo che c'è fuori. Pur essendoci lasciato “campo libero” per via delle celle aperte dalle 8 alle 20, con spazi come la saletta per la socialità, la biblioteca (ben fornita grazie alla gestione di una compagna), la palestra (che comunque non ha strumenti funzionanti) e l'aria decorata con giardino e alberi, vige un elevatissimo studio e controllo di ogni nostro movimento! Ci stanno telecamere ad ogni angolo dei bracci, in ogni sala almeno 2, solo all'aria se ne contano 7! Ogni cazzo di nostra abitudine, spostamento è monitorato da questo occhio elettronico, non c'è un minimo angolo d'intimità: o sei guardata, o sei ascoltata (nelle celle, almeno quelle delle A2, sicuro ci sono i microfoni)... certo il carcere è questo, sei nella tana del lupo.
D'altronde il motivo è chiaro, come fuori, anche dentro si cerca e si vuole prevenire ogni forma di ribellione e/o “disagio interno”... diciamo che questo è proprio l'esempio più vicino e lampante (rispetto le detenzioni passate) del sistema sociale che c'è fuori attualmente. Ognuna diviene controllore di se stessa, sapendo di essere controllata ad ogni minima mossa, il tutto poi rafforzato dal fatto che ti concedono certe “comodità” come contentino per zittire ed evitare che possa nascere anche un barlume di ribellione interna. Il capo posto, dalla sua minchia di saletta monitor osserva in tempo reale ogni spostamento e abitudine d'ognuna. Per questo le sbirre in sezione non si vedono quasi mai, la loro presenza serve poco o niente (anzi con il fatto che non le vedi, aiuta ad evitare possibili conflitti con “il nemico più vicino”).
Inizialmente vedendo le celle aperte mi sentivo più “libera”, (non mi era mai capitato!), ma dopo soli due giorni ti rendi conto del motivo di tutto questo. Il gioco non vale la candela. I pochi metri in cui ti concedono di circolare stufano subito! Questo è un carcere dentro il carcere. Per chi conosce i penitenziari sa bene che le sale in comune: quella dell'avvocato, quella dei colloqui, matricola e via discorrendo, per raggiungerle se tu detenuto/a a doverti spostare; qua invece no, avvocati, colloqui, infermeria sono tutte all'interno di queste due piccole sezioni (in tutto le celle sono 8 contando pure le nostre 3 dell'A2) da questo spazio non ti muovi! Pure la matricola se deve notificare qualche cosa viene da te e non tu al suo cazzo di ufficio! Insomma veramente un mini carcere dentro al carcere.
La sezione spesso viene mostrata a consiglieri regionali e minchioni vari, presentata da sbirri e giornali come esempio di inserimento e integrazione del detenuto; come sezione modello per il fatto che dimostra come il carcere serva e funzioni, appunto, a reinserire... perchè in effetti è quello che fa, farti tornare un buon ingranaggio (grazie proprio all'accettazione conscia o inconscia della routine carceraria).
Vabbè ragà quello che volevo fare era descrivere la sezione della massima qua a Rebibbia date che io, come molte altre persone fuori, ne sapeva ben poco.
Per il momento vi saluto.
Vi abbraccio con il cuore sempre per la completa libertà!
Saluto tutti/e i/le miei/e compagni/e, sia quelli/e con obblighi imposti e indagati/e a piede libero, sia quelli/e trasferiti/e ultimamente in altre carceri del nord.
Al di là della distanza, quello che ci lega è molto più forte!
Abbraccio i compagni e la compagna detenuti in Svizzera e chiunque fuori continua la lotta contro uno stato di mega controllo sociale, che è appunto lo stato capitalista.
Forte nell'animo e nel core!
Con i detenuti e le detenute in lotta!
Rebibbia 23 maggio 2011
en/it Greek Consulate & Tourism Organization Attacked in Berlin
In the early hours of Friday morning, there was an attack against the office of EOT (Greek Tourism Organization) and the Greek Consulate in Berlin. The attack took place at 3:00 in the morning by a group of 10-15 masked people, who caused serious damage. The assailants completely smashed the glass door of EOT’s entrance, which is located on the ground floor of the building, at Wittenbergplatz Square and caused even further damage to the rest of the office’s windows. They also threw black paint on the walls and bottles, which reached the balcony of the third floor, where the Greek Consulate is housed.
According to a witness who called the police, the mob spoke German fluently. They left an unsigned proclamation with anti-capitalist content, where their action is characterized as “a sign of solidarity” to those who recently were confronted with “state terrorism”. Police are conducting an investigation into the incident, to find the people involved.
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, in a discussion he had with his Greek counterpart Dimitris Droutsas, expressed regret for acts of vandalism targeting the Greek Consulate in Berlin, as announced on Friday.
The German Foreign Minister said that such actions were condemnable and do not reflect Germany’s feelings toward Greece, adding that all efforts will be made to arrest the culprits and bring them to justice.
German Deputy Foreign Minister Wolf-Ruthart Born has contacted the Greek Ambassador to Berlin on the issue as well.
Berlino – Attaccati Ente del turismo greco e consolato
Nelle prime ore del 27 maggio c’è stato un attacco contro l’ufficio dell’EOT (Ente del turismo greco) e del consolato greco a Berlino. L’attacco è avvenuto intorno alle 3 del mattino ad opera di una quindicina di individui mascherati che hanno causato seri danni. Essi hanno distrutto completamente le vetrate dell’entrata dell’EOT, situata al piano terra dell’edificio, in Wittenbergplatz Square e hanno danneggiato anche il resto delle vetrate. Hanno anche gettato vernice nera sulle pareti e bottiglie che hanno raggiunto la balconata del terzo piano, dove c’è il consolato greco.
Hanno lasciato un volantino anonimo con contenuti anticapitalisti, specificando che la loro azione è un segno di solidarietà verso quelli che recentemente si sono scontrati con il terrorismo di stato.
Puno - Peru: Continua a Huelga del Pueblo Aymara Contro La Miseria Asesina
En nombre del pueblo Aymara del Sur del Perú (como protagonista y representante), por segunda vez me dirijo a la comunidad Internacional, al Foro Permanente para cuestiones indígenas que se reúne en estos días en la Ciudad de Nueva York de los Estados Unidos en la sede de las Naciones Unidas, y muy especialmente al Relator Especial de la ONU sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas Profesor James Anaya y al Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas señor Ban Ki-moon y a las organizaciones sociales del Perú y el Mundopara que se solidaricen por la lucha aymara y exhorten al Gobierno Peruano cancele todas las concesiones mineras en el territorio aymara y se implemente de inmediata la consulta previa para todo actividad distinta de los aymaras. Es decir, obtener el consentimiento libre, previo e informado”.Tal cual los establece el derecho internacional.
Continúa Huelga del Pueblo Aymara contra la minería asesina
En nombre del pueblo Aymara del Sur del Perú (como protagonista y representante), por segunda vez me dirijo a la comunidad Internacional, al Foro Permanente para cuestiones indígenas que se reúne en estos días en la Ciudad de Nueva York de los Estados Unidos en la sede de las Naciones Unidas, y muy especialmente al Relator Especial de la ONU sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas Profesor James Anaya y al Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas señor Ban Ki-moon y a las organizaciones sociales del Perú y el Mundopara que se solidaricen por la lucha aymara y exhorten al Gobierno Peruano cancele todas las concesiones mineras en el territorio aymara y se implemente de inmediata la consulta previa para todo actividad distinta de los aymaras. Es decir, obtener el consentimiento libre, previo e informado”.Tal cual los establece el derecho internacional.
El día ayer (lunes 23), desde las 15:00 horas retornamos los aymaras, cerca a12 mil activistasa la ciudad Puno (fundada por los españoles). Como en el pasado de Tupac Amaru y el Azangirno Pedro Vilcapaza fuera sitiada Puno durante la colonia española, si el caso es distinto retornamos a puno luego de dos días de tregua en la ciudad, en tanto que las carreteras han permanecido bloqueadas. Hemos cercado la plaza principal de la ciudad de Puno, donde los comercios y transporte público fue paralizada. Los aymaras provenientes de Zepita, Kelluyo, Pomata, Desaguadero, Juli, Yunguyo y parte de El Collao y Ácora y otras ciudades y comunidades volvimos a la ciudad ante la burla y traición del Gobernante del Perú ALAN GARCIA PEREZ que en lugar de solucionar nuestro justo reclamo de cancelación de todas las concesiones mineras, ordenó a la Policía y al Ejercito del Perú a Reprimir al Pueblo mediante la Resolución Suprema N°191-2011 del Ministerio de Defensa. Es decir ordenar a disparar contra todos los protestantes, y como un objeto comprobado de burla al pueblo aymara, emitió la Resolución Viceministerial N° 589 que declara al cerro Khapía como Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación de la provincia de Yunguyo, con el cual pretendió tapar la boca de los aymaras, como este decrete los hiciera feliz a los aymaras. Sino el patrimonio cultural solo garantiza la consolidación del despojo de tierras de los aymaras que habitan.
La declaración de patrimonio cultural de la nación no es la solución al gran problema integral de la minería genocida, porque no consigue la paz social ni la salubridad ambiental; sino, más por el contrario, la figura de patrimonio cultural es la misma matiz de las áreas protegidas donde los territorios aymaras o de los pueblos indígenas se convierte en propiedad del ESTADO, es decir pasa a manos del gobierno para hacer de ella lo que mejor le parezca, en tanto que los verdaderos dueños de cerro Khapia y los otras áreas protegidas o patrimonio cultural pueden seguir viviendo en ellas, mas ya no son dueños, porque el dueño es el gobernante para venderlo en otro momento al mejor postor y hacerse más ricos de los que son. Por tanto KHAPIA como patrimonio cultural despoja de sus territorios a todos los aymaras que viven en este territorio dedicado a la actividad agropecuaria.
Es así que los aymaras, no nos dejamos sorprender por el gobernante de turno, como los arengan los huelguistas, el miedo de acabo, no a la minera si al agro, derogatoria de Decreto Supremo 083-2007 que autoriza la libre venta de los territorios aymaras y quechuas. En si el pedido es único, la cancelación de todas las concesiones mineras y se implemente la consulta previa para todo actividad distinta de los aymaras. Es decir, obtener el consentimiento libre, previo e informado”. Tal cual los establece el derecho internacional.
La protesta no le interesa para nada al gobernante peruano ALAN GARCIA, mucho menos los hombres y mujeres que duermen en plena plaza pública soportando el intenso frio de invierno -25° grados bajo cero. Y además sin comida ni dinero para estar en la ciudad. Claro al gobernante y sus seguidores duermen en sus hoteles de prestigio pagando con el dinero robado al Pueblo. El gobernante y su cúpula comen en los mejores restaurantes en tanto que los aymaras solo beben agua y pan generosamente apoyado por el pueblo Puneño o personalidades solidarias con el Pueblo Aymara. Los aymaras han dejado a sus casas y sus animales solo a sus hijos, en tanto que la gente de gobierno duermen felices en sus casonas con su familias bien pagadas con la plata del pueblo.
Por consiguiente, nuestra protestas en contra la minería y por la cancelación definitiva de las concesiones mineras es la única solución que conduce a la seguridad alimentaria por medio de la actividad agropecuaria y las otras actividades propias de los aymaras distintas a la gran minera transnacional que hace mas ricos a los más ricos y hace más pobre a los más pobres. De modo tal que la propuesta del Gobierno para discutirlo en una comisión especial para que presenten propuestas dentro de los 180 días es otra burla al pueblo para engañarnos y cansarnos. Y pero aun sin la representación de los verdaderos integrantes del Pueblo Aymara. Como de costumbre, el gobierno a través de esta comisión por la mayoría integradas por la cúpula gobernante tratara una vez más imponer sus ideales mercantilistas. Es decir a través de sus negociadores de conflictos sociales que le interesa solo inclinar la balanza hacia el gobierno y no a favor del Pueblo.
Dentro de este contexto, nuestra protestas es por la vida y nuestra generaciones futuras, por nuestras tierra y territorio que son nuestros al estar la propiedad garantizada no solo la constitución política del Perú sino, está blindada (Obligada) por el derecho internacional como es el Convenio 169 de la OIT, la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Pueblos Indígenas, Pacto Internacional de derechos civiles y políticos, entre otras normas de derecho internacional. Por los considerados expuestos requerimos su apoyo y solidaridad a las organizaciones del País del Perú y del Mundo.
Puno, 24 de mayo de 2011
Fortunato Escobar, Mag.
Activista del Pueblo Aymara – Base Desaguadero
indigenous struggle,
After nearly three weeks Yiannis Kafkas, the demonstrator injured by riot police, leaves hospital
Yiannis Kafkas, the demonstrator injured seriously by riot police at the General Strike demonstration of Ma 11th, left hospital on Monday. Yiannis had been in intensive care in the days following his life and there were fears for his life. Outside the hospital, a group of people in solidarity welcomed him – the banner bellow reads, “Solidarity is our strength – Yianni, to your health!”
(A thread with all the background posts on Yiannis’ injury by riot police is here).
Ittre – Five cars of guards burned down in front of prison
BRUSSELS – During the night of Friday to Saturday, unknown persons burned down five cars belonging the guards of the prison of Ittre on their parking lot in front of the prison. The five cars were completely destroyed.
In the afternoon, guards went on strike for several hours to protest against this violent act of revenge, saying that there working climate is becoming worse every day.
In an interview with a spokesperson of the Ministry of Justice and of the Union of the Guards, they are saying that guards get more and more harassed by prisoners, ex-prisoners, friends and family of prisoners. They say it is very frequently that a guard is recognized when he is not on duty, gets insulted and even beaten. Also threats are often made, which then lead to repressailles in front of their houses etc etc. The Union is saying that “a molotov against the house of a guard is no longer an exception” and the Ministry denounces the increase of intimidation and threats against the guards and the staff of the prison, quoting an exemple where “guards, doctors, directors and social assistents working in the isolation module of the prison of Bruges get insulted when they leave the prison, harrassed and systematicaly photographs are taken from them.”
Video on
en/it Turin, Italy – Eni, Snam vehicles attacked against the G8 and in solidarity with Fuoriluogo
mail received from anonymous:
“YOU G8, WE-FUORILUOGO [OUT OF PLACE, name of anarchist place closed down by the cops in Bologna when anarchists comrades were arrested] “. ACTIVE SOLIDARITY, WAR TO CAPITAL. FREEDOM FOR THE COMRADES, EVERYBODY FREE “
Torino - Attaccati veicoli Snam Eni contro G8 e in solidarietà con Fuoriluogo
riceviamo da mail anonima:
On the 25th of May our applications of release are accepted as well as Ivan Gugovs for the Nadir case. This automatically meant the end of our detention something that did not happen in the case of the comrade. Ivan after signing of the release document is cuffed again, is transported to Immigration and afterwards to the Transfers cells in Diavata where he is today in order to go through a series of vengeful and fascist behaviours resulting in being threatened with deportation, while initially he was detained with the explanation that they was “suspect of escape”.
Even though Ivan has the same charges with comrades that were arrested on the 4th of December also in the steki all were let free with restrictive terms.
The state apart from imprisoning and separating the fighters spread out in all the prisons of Greece now threatens with fascist measures the deportation of a comrade, because of his Bulgarian citizenship.
We demand the immediate release of the comrade.
He lives here, he fights here, he should remain here.
We call all the comrades-fighters to attend in solidarity outside
the department of Transfers of Diavata.
Pregathering on Sunday at 5pm outside the polytechnic university (the transport will be with the bus).
Because no fighter is alone.
Because solidarity concerns us all.
Immediate release of Ivan Gugov here! and now!
Anastasiadi brothers
Update on Ivan Gugovs situation
The imprisonment of Ivan was originally decided besides the fact that he was considered a suspect of escape but also because he was considered also a suspect of carrying out new crimes. From the moment the prosecutor decided on the 25th of May to release Ivan as well as comrades Panos and Stelios Anastasiadis, this means that he isn’t considered a suspect of escape any more but neither a suspect of carrying out new crimes. Which means he isn’t considered any more, according to the prosecutor dangerous for the safety of the country. But the cops obviously “disagreeing” with this decision, consider him a public danger for the common good and ask for his deportation.
*Note: If he is deported by the Greek state, based on the Shengen agreement, he will be denied entry to all countries of the European union without even going to trial and being sentenced for any of the charges he is accused of.
To all those who perceive my captivity as a point of showing governmental terrorism, to all those who perceive my captivity as a capable point of promoting new resistances, to all those who perceive my captivity as a starting point of promotion of the insurrectional struggle.
From the 2nd of February I am a hostage in a prison of the state. Because of the fact that I was at a spot occasionally checked by the police-terrorism mechanism, armed. The police used this coincidence and put forward my detention, because I am an anarchist. My imprisonment is another attempt of deterioration of the insurrectionist social struggle, an enterprise of inactivation of one more fighting person and intimidation of those who resist the governmental – capitalistic savagery.
I defend my natural, moral and political right, the right of every person, to take care of the defence. For my historical and social conscience the law is the core of the terrorizing speech of the state, the institutional ratification of its deadly violence and ideological pretext of perpetuation of property and exploitation. However I do not give away to the terrorist mechanisms the socially not ratified possibility of using their laws against fighters and against myself, as it suits them. I do not recognize any omnipotence of the state, I do not recognize even one unassailable possibility of them to pretend and direct. As I do not recognize no even one unassailable possibility of theirs to imprison me. We have every reason for changing the contradictions of the system of sovereignty into points of conflict, into points of direct struggle. With these terms I do not tolerate my detention as if it was an irreversible wound, a product of an invulnerable attack.
All people are overfed against the culture of authority. All those who fight, inside and outside prison, with their attitude they nourish the branches of solidarity. All the imprisoned fighters are equally defensible towards the governmental repression and they deserve comrade and social solidarity that they, with their actions, have (or not) offered.
My objective from inside prison is to continue contributing to the insurrectionist struggle, the self-organization against the state and the bosses in the prospect of a social revolution. My objective is also to contribute in the creation of a political front against the prisons within the prisons and the strengthening of the bonds between anarchists and other prisoners, on the base of insurrectional struggle and solidarity to the oppressed. And of course, my objective is also my release, as well as the release of other fighters from the hostage situation.
Whoever feels the need for me to be a reference point in the expression of their solidarity, has every reason to do it. Whoever feels my captivity as one more reason of revolt, has every reason to oppose in practise the terrorism of bosses with this reason as well. Whoever perceives my captivity as one more point of the resistance to the repression and even more whoever perceives it as starting point of promotion of the insurrectionist struggle already have me next to them.
From the first minutes of my imprisonment I had communicated my opinion that the constitution of a collective that would deal exclusively with my case would be a waste of forces. I considered then and I continue, that the undertaking of initiatives referring to my captivity or to my captivity as well, has value only if some comrades think that it can be a starting point of promotion of the insurrectionist struggle. Solidarity has a clear meaning, when it roots in the practical dialectic of competition with authority. With such a thought, I support each move that tries to strengthen the insurrectionist social struggle, whether its referring to me or not. On the line of a comradely dialogue I am willing to take initiatives from where I am.
The least of the possibilities that an imprisoned anarchist has, my written word, is available to whoever feels that gives meaning to a common experience, historical or experiential, and a common prospect, immediate and historical.
Dimitris Hadjivasiliadis
1st wing of koridallos prisons
translate by actforfreedomnow!
R.O. December 6th: Communiqué for the bomb attack against the ministry of Press in January 2010
On December 21st, 2008, the ‘Revolutionary Organization December 6th’ had fired bullets against Kougias (a well-known lawyer who defended Korkoneas, the cop murderer of Alexis Grigoropoulos) as well as against Pretenteris (a major sold-out TV presenter, one of the most arrogant and filthiest ‘journalists’ of the Greek corporate media). The same urban guerrilla group also claimed responsibility for a bomb attack against the general secretariat (ministry) of Press on January 15th, 2010, via this communiqué:
‘If keep your laws, the worse for you. The violence of the State legitimates the bloodiest of the reprisals and after the stifling voice of arms, you will hear another voice, even louder, the voice of dynamite…’
The armed struggle is one component of a multiform movement. It has its own space and time within the revolutionary history. It is an inevitable part of the struggle, not because the revolted human asks for it out of fetishism or whim, but because it will occur on his path as a result of a chain of incidents (political, social, and economical). In a power armed with uniformed killers, in a mechanism fortressed with jails-white cells, we draw a separative line between us and the enemy. As long as there will be laws that convict us, as long as you will keep burying alive our comrades, the more we will deepen the lines of armed conflict.
Today we introduce ourselves in public for the first time, under the name ‘Revolutionary Organization December 6th.’ Our choice to use the date of the assassination of Alexandros Grigoropoulos was not made just to pay a tribute to his person. It would may be more accurate to use some assassination date of dozens locals and immigrants that are being executed ‘in silence’ in the borders, in poor neighborhoods and police stations. For all these deaths that the public opinion and its journalists were never shocked, enraged, touched. This date, doesn’t take its meaning for us just from Alexis’ death, but mainly from what followed; the revolt. We don’t have the arrogance to believe that our organization expresses December’s revolt, nor the illusion that it represents it’s continuing with other means. Our signature expresses only us and our souls. Our tears and hate; the revenge. The hope and the wild joy of the revolt we lived. The oath-vow we took those days, that when everything should end, we would never come back. And indeed, that December passed and it may take long time until it comes again, but the promises remained, and our duty now is to organize our own every-day Decembers. We do not intend to provoke any kind of supposed sentimental emotion or a contemplation of the revolt as a nice memory with our signature. We are disgusted from the anniversaries, we deny the symbolisms. The execution of Alexis and the revolt that followed were not at all symbolic acts. They were decisive events. And events produce proposals [1]. And this is exactly what we intend in: Within the events that our actions create, to imprint the proposal of December; the proposal of a revolted life.
We’re staring at the future by travelling to the past
So here we find ourselves in our turn to imprint our own interpretation of the time that we’re living in; to describe our own decisions for our choice to get organized in the armed struggle. But before we start talking, we first need to travel into the past and meet our roots. Go where everything started. To start from the circumstances that gave birth to the local urban guerrilla struggle, continue until its fall and degeneration to end up again here, today, to its massive reappearance. We meet, so our roots, in the post-dictatorship period and the revolutionaries of the extreme Left. It is the period of the labor reformation that brought the just arrived capitalist model of Karamanlis [2], with the official Left co-signing the social peace, which however is not yet to come. Squatted factories, autonomous labor groups, violent strikes and clashes with the cops, invasion of protestors in the American embassy and arson of the British embassy, are the scattered pictures of the social-class war of those times[3]. In any case, it’s the collective historical memory, with the experience of the dictatorship being the most recent one that had rooted in the consciousness of a big part of the Greek society, the shape of the enemy in the face of the cop, the fascist, the American, the industry owner. It’s this memory, from which the first armed groups’ assault, executing American agents and dictatorship’s torturers and blowing up local and international corporations; actions that are connected and accentuate the movement struggles of those times; actions with wide acceptance and positive impression. The activity of the armed groups, during the first years of the ‘passing to democracy’ procedure, sketches out the strategy of what we call social guerrilla fight. From Latin America to Europe, history teaches us that the social guerrilla fights, anti-state or national liberation oriented, have as permanent reference point the positive impression to the masses. It is born and developed either through a general social malaise (poverty, dictatorships) or through the contestation movements that flourish during periods of intense social–political happenings (Europe in the 60s). The quintessence of the social guerrilla fight is found in what the Tupamaros so simply declared: ‘without social support there cannot be guerrilla fight.’ This is what the guerrilla fighters were looking for in the first years of the passage to democracy and for this purpose, they were claiming with their actions a dialectic relationship with the movement and the resisting people so that they could promote the armed struggle as a feasible perspective for the social inversion.
The 80s find the armed groups in front of very fast social incidents. The Greek society is starting to change and get a new ideology of life. The up to that time existing ‘civil war atmosphere’ starts to be considered backward and the political conversations in the labor places and cafeterias pass slowly but gradually into the sphere of communicational picturesqueness. Greece is looking ahead, is moving towards its new European environment. In this new social contract of national alignment and peaceful way to the ‘new era,’ the social-political ‘fermentations’ surrender once and for all to the capitalist way of life. The ‘change’ of PA.SO.K [4] and the fraud of the historical vindication of the lefts that are now ‘ruling the country’ led to the total disarticulation of the up to that time combatant extra-parliamentary Left and actually to the cease of social-class struggles. The local and global deep structural changes create a new system of values. The class reformation in Greece is eventually completed after the fall of the Eastern block and the massive arrival of immigrants. An extremely cheap working force is coming to offer its services, so that Greece transforms into a modern western country. The petit-bourgeoisization of the working class transforms the payed per day worker by that time, into a householder and boss that is getting rich exploiting cruelly the illegal labor of the immigrants. The labor worker has Albanians working for him and is now playing in the stock market. The class consciousness is now becoming the consciousness of the fools that refuse to grab the chance for quick money making. The struggle never gets vindicated because the Western way of life provides more than efficient ‘solutions’ in the problem of livelihood with a feigned but imaginative quality of life. The Greek can now get rich, make new houses, buy cars, watch the new programs of private television. In the face of this new reality already by the end of the 80s the armed groups started to become less and less in number, either because they felt they had lost the bet of inversion, either because even these guerrilla fighters succumbed to the allurements of the capitalist ‘well-being.’ But even the armed groups that continued to fight made the historical mistake of the most groups with a long-term action. They couldn’t re-define their strategy according to the new data.
Speaking about the armed struggle today
The arrests of the members of the ‘R.O. November 17th’ [17N] in 2002 actually close the historical circle of the period of the so-called passage to democracy. The State, having finished with the last ‘suspense’ left from this period, tried to rewrite history using its own interpretation; the winners’ interpretation. The mechanisms of propaganda went on a merciless defamation of the members of 17N, trying to politically denude them and twist their struggle. In the face of these events, the infamous ‘generation of the Polytechnic [uprising]’ and the official Left whistled indifferently, dissociated themselves or interfered referring to those people as psychics. This ridiculous rabble of veteran ‘fighters’ was democracy’s certificate of victory, speaking about the struggle in a past tense. Like something that should be buried in oblivion, like something that has no reason to be happening today.
We don’t know if we can speak with terms of victory or loss about the revolutionary movement of the past decades. We can however say that we live today the times of its global recession. The class and social consciousness are entirely forgotten in history’s time-closet, surrendered to the precepts of the modern behavioral industry; to lifestyle and individualization; to loneliness, fear and passivity. We live the most evolved form of social consent, to the imposition of a scientifically rationalized acceptance of oppression. We live in the times of rebuttal of speech and alternation of the meanings: ‘FREEDOM’ of the markets, ‘REVOLUTION’ of technology. Our attacks are now interjections in the normal flow of the TV schedule: TV show, interval, breaking news, images of destruction, commercials, TV show again. And the enemy nowadays is not clear and visible because democracy creates crimes with no guilt; wars in the name of peace, violence and repression in the name of citizens’ protection. We come from another time. We come from the strangest version of history. We come from a devastated society where the war of everyone against everyone reigns. We come from suffocation, from the on earth city sewers and the rat-cage apartments. We come from the ideology of non-violence, of vanity and surrender; of dope and video games. We come from the times of fetish, pose, the fake and the image. We come from the times of public relations where the proletariat is having extreme fun on Mykonos Island. We come from the times of isolation, neurosis and mental breakdown. We come from a fucked-up life. And you, comrades who are somewhere up there shedding your blood for a better world, listen to this: It’s not just the fat sworn enemies of the proletariat that drink your blood in the workplaces but the leftist ex-comrades of yours as well. Those that were the persecuted of this world are now drinking our blood, and the immigrants that became bosses are now worse than the ‘proud Greek patriots.’ And the cops are no longer just the offspring of fascist families but our childhood friends and schoolmates with whom we used to hang out in the streets.
Nowadays, that infamous saying of Tupamaros about social support to the armed struggle doesn’t find anymore the place to be vindicated. We talk about the social revolution and its relation with the armed struggle, but we cannot ‘serve’ the strategy of the social guerrilla fight as it was shaped by the comrades that acted in a completely different time circumstance. Today, we cannot speak about the creation of the ‘armed anti-imperialist block in the heart of the Western metropolis’ nor for the working autonomy. Today, the armed struggle has to pose the same questions that were posed in the past but on a different basis. Which are the social correlations and how much do they affect us, in what phase is the movement right now and what is our relation with it, what is it exactly that we can look forward to -in terms of strategy through the armed struggle?
The third pole and politics in first singular person
Strategy as active theory
The urban guerrilla fighter is not broken away from the social life but exists within it, is a piece of it. He/she is involved with it and interprets it in order to become more accurate. Today, the armed struggle is taking place in an environment of altered meanings and relationships, so we cannot focus just in how many buildings we will blow up and how many lackeys we will execute. We anyway know well that there will be built new, more guarded buildings, and the lackeys will hire better trained guards. The issue that has the highest strategic importance for us is how we will manage to break these social relations that conserve this world, through our actions. How we will take back the words, so that they become ours again, so that they become sharp again. FREEDOM, STRUGGLE, REVOLUTION… In order to analyze and de-organize the modern social relations, we won’t search in books of sociological approach but we will dive deep into ourselves. This is why we won’t seek for any truths. For us, none fixed view, no ideology is capable to interpret what we live today. Our own speech is articulated through the daily life; through our own fears, conformities and contradictions. Because only if we discover what is found into us we will be able to destroy what is around us. ‘… It is impossible to understand the daily life, without denying it. It is impossible to know it until the end, without fighting to change it…’
The Revolutionary Organization December 6th is for each and every one of us an experiment. Using this group as a tool, defining it first of all as a relationship, we claim the progressive deliberation from our petit-bourgeois residues, and the re-definition of the relationship with our own selves, through a new collective identity; the identity of armed struggle. However, this is our own way, and our own choice. We don’t propose arms as the only solution, because arms alone make no one a revolutionist. This is why our choices do not separate us from anyone, except from our enemies. The issue, for us, doesn’t have to do with the means but with the goal itself. And the goal, for us, is to fight with one’s heart, no matter from which bulwark [bastion] one does it. This is what counts.
We propagate the third pole and the politics in first person by promoting the bet for the creation of a new point of reference; of a new point of gathering between comrades that target in a de-ideologized approach of the struggle starting from zero; from their own selves. Since the very moment we placed this bet, we chose to stay away from the encirclement of the modern ‘revolutionary’ lifestyle; away from the ideologized pseudo-dilemmas that it places. Anarchist or nihilist, social or antisocial. Terms already lose that tend to become a code of entrance and acceptance into groups, or spectacular jargons of separation from them. Codes, roles, pro-types of behavior are what form an alternated ‘revolutionary’ identity. They are the elements that contribute into our political defeat. The ‘hardcore ones’ and their fans, the orators and their audience, the petty leaders of any kind and their followers, the ‘neutrals’ and their good intentions. In this way, not only life but also the struggle itself is not experienced as a struggle, but as a representation. This is why if we really want to speak today about the case of revolution, we have to speak about ourselves first. For the way that we overpass ourselves since the moment we enter the struggle and we de-attach from the symptoms of our life until that time. From the cowardness, the safe hideouts, the selfishness, the silent consent, the self interest, the competitions. Because, comrades, if we really want to change this world, we first have to vomit it out of us. Because the revolution is not a future overthrow, but the way we live and fight today. All the rest stink ideology and repetition.
They say you have to learn to leave your traces back on the snow; so that you don’t get lost, so that the rest will find you. In relation to the issue of the social addressing, we don’t conserve fake hopes. We know well that the armed struggle today cannot ‘rise the masses up,’ but we know as well that not everything is lost out there, and December’s revolt happened to remind this to us. We will not divide society in two sides. There aren’t just these who fight and those who consent, nor we consider enemies all these that are not directly by our side right now. However, we don’t want to ‘caress’ anyone as well. A big part of the social body is full of the dominant ideologies, in a way that we automatically consider them our enemies. The snitches, the pimps, the jail guards, the junk dealers, the fascists, the big and small bosses that patron our lives, all of them are our targets from now on. But apart from those that go along with the dominance there is also other people. And they’re quite a few. It’s the people of December’s revolt. It’s also those that didn’t participate in it but defended it like something of their own. It’s the lonely people, the ‘outsiders,’ those who differ inside the vast dump of social stupidity; these which as clockwork bombs in ‘off mode’ we now want to put back into function. We address in all these people and with our actions we encourage them to fight and discover together the ways to win over our daily freak-outs. For this reason you, friend, that you now read these lines, don’t believe anything you may hear about us. Don’t believe those who’ll speak about ‘fanatic criminals’ or others who will say we’re dark revolutionaries coming out from novels. We don’t differ in anything. We may be your neighbors, your colleagues at work, the company that hangs out in the same cafeteria with you.
The traces on the snow remain. In this way, we’re able to find the paths that the comrades left in the middle, and walk them until where they go. So that afterwards the others will come and continue them. With our action, today, we guard the historical rings in the chain of revolutionary tradition. From the Tupamaros and Che, to Ulrike Meinhof and Dimitris Koufontinas, we have the historical duty to continue. Because as long as this invisible human chain will endure as years will pass, the history won’t appear to be finishing. Unless if we only say so. And we still have way too much to say…
Democracy or the myth of Power
Democracy doesn’t make us free. And even if you still insist that within it there are no dead ends, we tell you that we didn’t find any ‘passages so far. Democracy is not something supernatural, something far from our selves. It’s our daily life. It’s the way we describe the cultural poverty of the modern mega cities; the emptiness, the poverty, the loneliness, the alienation. Today, democracy receives proud laudations by ‘inflated’ politicians, ‘firm’ prosecutors, ‘uncorrupted’ cops, ‘truth-loving’ journalists, ‘charity activist’ wealth owners. And is now the time that we have to strip democracy from its ‘sanctity’ and throw it where it deserves: in the cesspool of history. And it’s now that we have to finish with this alienation that submits subconsciously the illusions –the illusion of the ‘most perfect’ regime in history, the illusion of normality, equality and peace. Let’s attack democracy by destroying whatever oppresses the individual and its ‘ego,’ thought and consciousness; its natural truths and desires. Let’s crease coolness and silence, the guarantees that the regime imposes for a well conformed life upon the pro-types given by itself.
The phony and contemptible inventions such as nation, State, religion, money, are all part of the diachronic mechanisms of obedience. They are the values that remain untouched through the years, what we call ‘social inventions.’ These disgusting inventions are undivided and necessary pieces in the alternation of our life. They are the tools that enshape a standardized moral and value code. The obscurantism, the fear and languor of the ‘inventions’ society, encage us into the ideological mechanisms (family, school, university, army, career, wedding, and family again), for which we cannot exist in any other way than through our submission. It is the contract of a programmed life, which we sign since we’re still inside our mom’s belly. It’s the loss of any desire for real life.
The accursed sickness of alienation and its victims
The reconstruction of the capitalist machine in the modern democracies proposes a re-definition of relations through new perspectives. The individualization, snitching, lying, self-interest, ‘looking out only for my ass’ are the modern social values that render the shaping of a whole personal identity, impossible. Relationships take now an alienated value. The reproduction of standardized gestures, behaviors and words kill slowly the true experience, enshape a fake ‘ego,’ a bad copy of advertisements. We now recognize ourselves through our car, our modern clothes, perfectly whitened teeth, and our sexy body. Everything change but remain eventually the same. A feigned reality imposes us to seek for the ‘imaginative’ experience. To sell ourselves so we can live the myth of beauty, wealth, power. But the promises don’t last too much and soon we’re back to depression. That’s why the precepts of the leaders of the entertainment industry, to be happy, are precepts to burry even deeper the misery that surrounds us. To accept that we survive through a procedure of deconstruction of our own life and that from now on we will build relationships according to a new value system. Introversion, self interest, dishonesty, usability. The wickedness to guard our constructed existence.
Repression and the law-abiding children of the State
In the modern democratic societies, the dominance is getting fortified through the upgrade of repression. By watching, supervising and charting the individuals. Repression is not related only to those who break the law. It’s not found just in prisons and police stations but marches inside all of us. It’s the internalized fear that makes us obedient and disciplined. It’s the erase of any hope for resistance and the distortion of its term as a vain and self-destructing procedure. Repression is a diffused social relation. It’s found in our homes, in the coward teachings of our parents for obedience and compliance. It’s found in the father’s punishment. It’s found into schools, in these manufacturers of people with fear as identity so that they get along with the alienation that surrounds them; so that they will be ready to silently accept a life inside the militarized environment of the metropolis; so that they learn that cameras are the extension of their ‘liberty.’ For their security and safety of them and their wealth; so that they learn that the streets are nothing else than a catwalk for the police cowboys. That the police stations, these training camps of uniformed rapers, murderers and torturers, are the fortresses of the citizens’ protection. That the borders are not places of death squads, but the nation’s ridges where everyone that serves there is protecting us with honor from the foreigner invaders.
We were absent during those classes. We learned however in the streets that even the last cop has full conscience of the role that the regime has given him/her. That he becomes consciously its ‘long arm.’
Mr. Chrysochoidis [the former minister for civil order, or ‘for citizen's protection’], from the first moment that took on his duty, wanted to make one step forward. Convert the frightened citizens into his direct partners. The method of putting a price on someone’s head is an effort to diffuse cannibal instincts. It’s the sneaky means for the creation of a new type of values’ of suspiciousness, social detectivism and denunciation; eventually, the creation of a self-surveilled society where the people will control each other. We already had, some months ago, the first snitch kiosk owner that put a price on the head of the ‘robber’ that didn’t even rob him. So just think you, Greek citizen, for how many thousands euros you sell your dignity. For how many euros you will put on the hood of snitching. There are thousands of legal pistoleros passing around you. You should guard yourself from them and from their ‘malfunctioning’ guns that detonate ‘by chance.’
To the case in point
Mr. Chief of the ministry for the snitching citizen’s protection, veteran of the war against terrorism, officially honored from your American friends, those that dream of insurrections will always find the ways to live them. Even if the times are against them. Even if they are a few. Because the more there will be uniformed killers around us, the more we will load our weapons and light the fuse of our rage. Veteran Michalis [Chrysochoidis], some people forget, but we don’t. Your socialist politics was the one that used against us the back-up police of Golden Dawn [5], the one that violated the university asylum for the first time after the military dictatorship in the chemical faculty in 1985, in ASOEE in 1994 and the Polytechnic school in 1995. It was the one that killed Koumis and Kanellopoulou in ’81, Michalis Kaltezas and the urban guerrilla fighter Christos Tsoutsouvis in ’85, the unrulied Michalis Prekas in ’87, the anarchist revolutionist Christoforos Marinos in ’96 and the dignified fighter of the prisons Charis Temberekidis in ’99. We don’t forget all those that we may don’t know but were tortured and murdered in the name of socialism too.
We claim responsibility for sending bullets to Mr. Pretenteris [6] and Mr. Kougias [7] and for the bomb attack to the ministry of Press on Friday, January 15th, 2010.
21/12/2008. Days of celebration and joy for some people that want to base their careers on dead people’s bodies. So we decided to contribute in their happiness by sending a present totally non-symbolic. We sent a pair of 9mm bullets to the well-recognized Mr. Kougias and Mr. Pretenteris. Each one of them is very special, for us. Mr. PRETENTERIS is the modern neo-Greek democrat MEGA [TV station]-journalist with a styled snobbish attitude, silver tie and golden cuff-links. Even if having his mouth full of lip-gloss he thinks that he can keep slandering, misleading, deceiving, threatening, staining, propagating and snitching, following orders from the palaces of democracy. WE ARE BEHIND YOU. Mr. Kougias, the man-clam. WE ARE BEHIND YOU.
15/1/2010. We face a modern war of misinformation that targets on the human mind, the individual consciousness and finally our mere existence. In this war, we cannot stay without participation. The night of January 15th we attacked the ministry of propaganda, also known as ministry of Press. With this attack we tried to disorganize, even just for a short while, the headquarters of the fake news industry. We wanted to remind the journalists, this famous carnival of the chosen ones that they will have to learn to live with fear. Because these snitches, as guards of the humble and respectful Christians alternate the reality with the power of their image, and condemn us in a lifetime mental deformation. Because these miserable, prostituted cold executioners of moral and dignity invade in every side of our lives, contributing in the shaping of a new type of human, the ‘energetic television viewer-TV stoned national citizen.’ Because they propagate the values of modern civilization. Apathy and unconditional surrender to a virtual reality where there will always be some other people talking, judging and deciding for us.
PS. We don’t believe in your justice. We don’t expect anything from it. We seek for revenge. And we will take it. We include ourselves in the queue waiting for Mr. Korkoneas to come out of prison.
1 Or ‘projects’ –generally there’s a difficulty in translating the exact meaning of the Greek word ‘πρόταγμα’ as it literally means ‘what someone is putting forward as a suggestion for what we should do’ but is used exclusively in the political jargon.
2 Konstantinos Karamanlis the elder, uncle of the former prime minister, governed during 2004-2009.
3 1974-1980…
4 PA.SO.K stands for ‘PAnellinio SOsialistiko Kinima’ (pan-Hellenic socialist movement), a quite typical socialdemocrat party that governed between 1981-2004 with a small break in the beginning of 90s.
5 Golden Dawn goes for ‘Chrissi Avgi,’ national socialist parastatal organization-party.
6 Disgusting TV-star journalist, main influential supporter of the socialist party PA.SO.K.
7 One of the most famous lawyers, with extreme-right winged views, hired by the cop Korkoneas that shot Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6th, 2008.
direct action,
responsibilty claim,
update gr
Llamado a Día Internacional de Solidaridad con lxs eco-anarquistas encarceladxs Marie Mason y Eric McDavid
11 de Junio Día Internacional en Solidaridad con lxs compañerxs!
El 11 de Junio empezó siendo el día internacional de solidaridad con el preso anarquista Jeff “Free” Luers en 2004. En ese momento Jeff estaba cumpliendo una condena de más de 22 años. Harto de la devastación mediomabiental a nivel global, Free quemó tres coches SUV (uno de los modelos de coche más contaminantes) en un concesionario de Eugene, Oregón. La condena que le fue impuesta estaba destinada a lanzar un claro mensaje al resto de gente que sintiese rabia ante la continúa guerra que el capitalismo ha lanzado contra los ecosistemas, y por supuesto, a aquellXs que estuviesen pensando en usar la acción directa para combatirla.
Tras años de lucha, Jeff y su equipo legal consiguieron una reducción de condena y salió de prisión en diciembre del 2009. Pero en el periodo de tiempo transcurrido desde la detención de Jeff y su posterior puesta en libertad, el FBI había llevado a cabo una serie de acusaciones y detenciones con el fin de intentar destrozar el movimiento ecologista radical y el movimiento anarquista. Dos de las personas detenidas durante esta oleada de represión fueron Eric Mc David y Marie Mason.
Eric McDavid fue detenido en Enero del 2006 tras ser traicionado por “Anna”, una informante del gobierno a sueldo, y fue acusado de un solo cargo por conspiración. Eric (quien nunca llevó a cabo ninguna acción, por lo que podemos afirmar que se le condenó por un “crimen mental”, al mas puro estilo Orwelliano) se negó a cooperar con el Estado y llevó su caso a juicio. Tras un juicio lleno de errores, el jurado condenó a Eric a casi 20 años de prisión. SE puedE encontrar más información sobre Eric (en ingles) en:
Marie Mason fue detenida en Marzo del 2008 después de que su pareja, Frank Ambrose, se volviese un informante del FBI. Enfrentándose a una cadena perpetúa si iba a juicio, Marie aceptó un alegato de negociación en Septiembre del 2008, admitiendo su relación con la quema de una oficina relacionada con la investigación genética, y la destrucción de una hoja de registro de equipos. En Febrero del siguiente año fue condenada a casi 22 años. Más información (en ingles):
Marie y Eric comparten ahora el desafortunado honor de estar cumpliendo las condenas más largas como presxs ecologistas en Estados Unidos.
Por favor, el 11 de Junio, únanse a nosotrxs en el Día Internacional de Solidaridad con lxs anarquistas encarceladxs Marie Mason y Eric McDavid. Es el momento de recordar a nuestrxs amigxs encarceladxs, quienes continúan con su lucha dentro de la prisión. Es el momento de continuar y fortalecer el duro esfuerzo por el que ahora Eric y Marie se encuentran encarceladxs. Por luchas contra el capitalismo, contra la devastación ecológica, y otras formas más difusas de control en esta sociedad cárcel.
Libertad Marie y Eric!
Libertad para todxs!
Rayén y el espíritu del río. Cuento escrito por el compañero Mauricio Morales
Lo que digo es que cada vez estamos mas lejos de la naturaleza salvaje, demesticadxs desde pequeñxs a la idea del reloj y a la civilizacion…”
-Mauricio Morales-
Cuento tomado del libro “Mauri… la ofensiva no te olvida”, este es nuestro saludo al Mauri, por la liberacion animal y de la tierra, no olvidamos a quienes pelean contra la dominación, no los consideramos “martires”, la lucha tambien nace de nosotrxs mismxs y sin duda eso les alegra a quienes hoy no nos acompañan… procuren que viva la anarquia.
Sacado de
Argentina: ataque incendiario a Banco Galicia
Porque en todas partes existe opresion y la llave del dinero que nos ofrecen solo nos sirve para abrir la puerta que nos encierra en los compromisos capitalistas de una vida artificial basada en la produccion y el consumo de un mundo cada dia mas prostituido al negocio del poder y la ambicion.
Cuando una multitud se paseaba en un busca de su felicidad a traves de las ofertas empresariales de comida de mierda, bebidas alcoholicas, luces y ruidos, dejamos un artefacto incendiario en el sector de cajeros automaticos del banco galicia de Rivadavia al 7100, en Flores, y a pesar de que alli dentro se encontraba una persona durmiendo en un rincon al fondo del mismo, lo dejamos igual ya que consideramos que lo unico que le podia pasar era asustarse y nada mas.
Dedicamos esta sencilla accion a los revolucionarios que informalmente atacan a la autoridad y hacen de su vida una guerra constante contra todo lo que los oprime, mas alla de las palabras.
Celula Incendiaria Mauricio Morales
direct action,
responsibilty claim
Argentina: quema de autos en Villa del Parque y Villa Devoto
La miserable vida del trabajo a como de lugar y por cualquier medio posible nos compele a la alienacion y la subordinacion de unos pocos mandatarios que transmiten sus mandatos al resto de la sociedad que los acepta y reproduce del mismo modo a los que estan por debajo de ellos en la escala social.
¡Salvense quien pueda! gritan los burgueses.
¡Aca no se salva nadie! gritan los concientes.
Continuamos con la quema de autos de la burguesia en Villa del Parque el 25 de mayo al mediodia en Campana y Marcos Sastre, y en Villa Devoto el 27 de mayo en Resurreccion por la tarde.
Amigxs de la Tierra.
en/es Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol demanding immediate release without charges
Update on Amelia Nicol
Prisoner from Anti-Police Terror March
Denver, CO
Amelia Nicol had her first court date on Monday May 16th in Denver County Court. At this court date, her lawyer made a formal appearance. Amelia declined to have her charges publicly read in court. But as of the date of this writing, the charges she is being held under continue to include several major felonies, including two counts of attempted murder of a police officer, a single count of pocession of an explosive device, a single count of arson, and criminal destruction of property.
The judge declined a any hearing on reducing her bond, instead scheduling bond arguments for June 9. Her bond remains at $50,000.
Denver Anarchist Black Cross has been in contact with Amelia. She has made it clear that she does not want to be bonded out, that she does not want the state or any associated body to profit from her imprisonment. She has but one clear demand: her immediate release without charge.
She has asked that any money being collected for support be directed to Denver ABC to help pay for phone calls and sending her stamps, envelopes, and paper. She does not want any more money placed in her commissary as she does not want to purchase any items from the jail. She does not want any more money being given to those that now hold her in a cage.
In the coming weeks leading up to her next court date, Denver ABC will be organizing a massive letter writing and phone call campaign directed at the Denver District Attorney, demanding that Amelia’s charges be immediately dropped.
Here are some concrete ways you can support Amelia and also support the ongoing struggle against police terror in Denver:
1) Write to Amelia! Send her letters, cards, photos, jokes, stories, etc…
Letters may be addressed to:
Amelia Nicole CD# 0000762401
Denver County Jail
PO Box 1108
Denver, CO 80201
Please see mail regulations here, and note that Denver ABC has already sent a package of envelopes, paper, and stamps.
2) Write a letter to Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey and demand that the charges against Amelia be dropped immediately!
Denver DA Mitch Morrissey
201 W. Colfax #801
Denver, CO 80202
Or call him at: 720-913-9000
3) Donate to Amelia’s phone fund.
Send checks or money orders made out to P&L Printing to:
Denver ABC
2727 W. 27th Ave Unit D
Denver, CO 80211
4) Keep checking the Denver ABC blog at for updates, or follow us at twitter, through our user name, DenverABC.
from Denver Anarchist Black Cross:
Estados Unidos: Amelia Nicol exige la liberación inmediata sin cargos
Desde Denver Cruz Negra Anarquista:
Actualización sobre Amelia Nicol
Prisionera en la marcha contra el terror policial
Denver, CO
Amelia Nicol tuvo su primera audiencia el lunes 16 de mayo en la Corte del Condado de Denver. En esta cita de la corte, su abogado hizo una aparición formal. Amelia se negó a que sus cargos fueran leídos públicamente en la corte. Pero a partir de la fecha de este escrito, sus cargos siguen incluyendo varios delitos importantes, incluyendo dos cargos de intento de asesinato de un policía, un solo cargo de posesión de artefacto explosivo, un solo cargo de incendio premeditado, y destrucción criminal de la propiedad.
El juez rechazó cualquier audiencia sobre la reducción de su fianza, en lugar de programar los argumentos para la fianza el 9 de junio. Su fianza se mantiene en $50.000.
Denver Cruz Negra Anarquista ha estado en contacto con Amelia. Ella ha dejado claro que no quiere estar con fianza, no quiere que el Estado o cualquier organismo asociado saque provecho con su encarcelamiento. Ella no tiene más que una clara demanda: su inmediata libertad sin cargos.
Ella ha pedido que cualquier dinero que sea recogido en apoyo se dirija a Denver ABC para ayudar a pagar las llamadas telefónicas y el envío de sus estampillas, sobres y papeles. Ella no quiere más dinero colocado en su comisaría ya que no quiere comprar los productos de la cárcel. Ella no quiere que se les de más dinero a los que ahora la tienen en una jaula.
En las próximas semanas previas a su próxima audiencia, Denver ABC va a organizar una campaña de envío de cartas masivas y llamadas telefónicas, dirigida ala Fiscalía del distrito de Denver, exigiendo que los cargos de Amelia sean inmediatamente retirados.
He aquí algunas formas concretas con las que tú puedes apoyar a Amelia y también apoyar la lucha en curso contra el terrorismo de la policía en Denver:
1) Escribirle a Amelia! Envíe sus cartas, tarjetas, fotos, chistes, cuentos, etc…
Las cartas pueden ser dirigidas a:
Amelia Nicole CD # 0000762401
Cárcel del Condado de Denver
PO Box 1108
Denver, CO 80201
Por favor, consulte los reglamentos de mail aquí, y tenga en cuenta que Denver ABC ya ha enviado un paquete de sobres, papel y sellos. 20MAIL% 20ITEMS.pdf
2) Escribe una carta al fiscal del distrito de Denver, Mitch Morrisey, y reclama que los cargos contra Amelia caigan de inmediato!
Denver DA Mitch Morrissey
201 W. Colfax # 801
Denver, CO 80202
O llámelo al: 720-913-9000
3) Haz una donación al fondo de teléfono de Amelia.
Envíe cheques o giros postales a nombre de P&L impreso a:
Denver ABC
2727 W. 27th Ave. Unit D
Denver, CO 80211
4) Sigue chequeando el blog de Denver ABC para las actualizaciones, o síguenos en Twitter, a través de nuestro nombre de usuario, DenverABC.
lunedì 30 maggio 2011
$hile: Enfrentamientos entre encapuchadxs y los pacos en la USACH
Tomado de la empresamediatica
27 de Mayo – Una veintena de sujetos con sus rostros cubiertos protagonizan disturbios en el frontis de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, frente a la Estación Central, obligando la interrupción parcial del tránsito en la dirección al poniente de la Alameda Bernard O`Higgins.
Los sujetos irrumpieron en la principal arteria capitalina entre Matucana y Ecuador donde instalaron barricadas incendiarias para luego atacar con bombas molotov los carros de carabineros que llegaron a intervenir ante la acción y han lanzando bombas lacrimógenas.
En los muros exteriores de la casa de estudios tradicional hay rayados en favor de la libertad de los presos mapuches en alusión a la huelga de hambre que protagonzian 4 comuneros de esa etnia en la cárcel de Angol, de los cuales 2 permanecen en el Hospital de Victoria, aunque se desconoce si esa efectivamente es la causa de la manifestación.
$hile: Pacos reprimen a escolares
26-05-2011 Alumnos de varios colegios paralizaron sus actividades y se trasladaron hasta la Alameda con Providencia. Universitarios convocaron a instalarse frente al MINEDUC. Alumnos de liceos como el Amunátegui, el Confederación Suiza, el Darío Salas, el Barros Arana, el Nº 1 de Niñas y el A 28, entre otros no ingresaron a clases y se reunieron a eso de las 9 en distintos bloques para dirigirse hasta la Plaza Italia.
Un grupo, con un millar de escolares, avanzó por el sector Parque Forestal y ocupó algunas calles interiores aunque hasta ahora no se registra la intervención de Carabineros que está mandatado a evitar cualquier interrupción del tránsito dado que no está autorizada ninguna marcha. La expectación radica en el eventual uso de la Alameda.
Carabineros actuó con carros lanza-aguas para dispersar a los estudiantes secundarios en la zona de plaza Italia y actuó con excesiva violencia sobre todo con las mujeres.
Al menos 27 secundarios fueron detenidos tras los violentos enfrentamientos entre Carabineros debido a que los estudiantes ocuparon la calle, impidiendo el flujo normal de vehículos en el sector.
Los enfrentamientos luego se desplazaron hacia el sector de Providencia con calle Salvador, donde se registró una alta congestión vehicular.
Torino - Danneggiati distributori di benzina agip-eni
Against fear, State terrorism, impoverishment and social cannibalism(greece)
Against fear, State terrorism, impoverishment and social cannibalism
Common struggles of locals and immigrants for life, equality and freedom
Poverty – pauperization – oppression – exploitation: these four words characterize the present and the future that the ruling class promises and enforces by any means to the society. As survival becomes increasingly difficult, those from above – dominants – put forward as people’s only solution to attack each other, to turn against anyone alleged as an easy opponent, to live in fear, to accept the economic and political orders ‘for the country’s sake,’ rather than looking reality straight in the eye.
To achieve their plans, the economic, political and religious elites collude with others that share different interests such as stabbers fascists, mass media, cops, racists residents and shopkeepers in poor regions.
All these persons smell the fear and the human blood, and come out of their holes like a pack pinpointing as an enemy our neighbor, the most destitute, the immigrant, the homeless, the weakest one.
This happened after the atrocious murder of the 44-year-old Manolis Kantaris who was fatally stabbed for a video camera. In the following days, in the area around the point of the murder up to Omonia Square, a wild chase begins: extreme-rightists groups with knives, helmets and batons stab and beat indiscriminately immigrants, smashing also several shops and homes. The cops were present in all of the attacks giving their assistance while patriots and racists via television or their presence at the spots where the pogroms took place, applauded the attacks in every way, presenting the immigrants as enemies of the ‘homeland,’ of the economy and culture, thus serving the immigration policy of the State.
At the same time, the fascists with the aid of cops attacked Skaramaga and Villa Amalias squats which are nearby the site of the assassination of M. Kantaris. These anarchists’ squats have stood in numerous occasions in solidarity to the struggles of immigrants; so the people from these squats tried once more to prevent the attacks, and chased off the neo-Nazi stooges of the ‘golden dawn.’
Those who do not comply, refuse to live in oppression and exploitation, and choose to resist collectively, without mediation by parties and leaders, are faced with either fascist gangs or gangs of cops, as was the case in the general strike of May 11th.
From the furious attack of police squads (MAT) a protester lost his spleen while the co-fighter Yannis K. was wounded very seriously and was transferred in the General Hospital of Nikaia with a risk for his life due to internal head bleeding; he immediately underwent surgery and remained for several days in the intensive care. Furthermore, one of the demonstrators who were arrested, Fotis D. is kept in pre-trial detention via false accusations by the cops that trapped him with a bag loaded with Molotov cocktails.
We know that it is difficult for the poor, pauperized and oppressed to live peacefully in the poor neighborhoods of Athens. The problems are growing through Mafia’s activity –with the assistance of the State it consists one of the most inhumane and at the same time the most profitable corporations of capitalism. What those from above do not want us to understand is that the cause of our problems doesn’t lie on the weakest among us or ‘the Other’ but on the State along with the local and foreign bosses.
We won’t find any solution to our problems by obeying and serving the dominant class. The solutions are to be found when we altogether take our lives in our hands, without leaders, with mutual respect, tolerance and humanity. When we communicate our problems and look for solutions through neighborhood assemblies, union bases, self-organized spaces of resistance, collective feeding, and movements of mutual aid. When we get to know each other and fight as equals against the interests of those from above; when immigrants and locals build common class and social struggles against the State and Capital, for a society without repression and exploitation, for the social revolution and liberation.
Anarchists’ Assembly for Social Self-determination
Letter from Christoforos Kortesis About the unprecedented juridicial approach of my (re) imprisonment (greece)
About the unprecedented juridicial approach of my (re) imprisonment
Freedom the dignity as a field to hold games of power
or alternatively… juridicial coup d’etat in the modern democracy (junta?)
One year after my cinematographic arrest and my imprisonment with the charge of particiation in the organisation Revolutionary Struggle and of each separate action of it, without extravagances and drum sounds came my release with a unanimous decision of the Council of Judges of appeals of Athens (6-04-2011). A decision that to me tends to brings my case to its real dimensions (complete lack of evidence against me), besides the initial cinematographic police-juridicial production.
From the beginning I denied all charges against me, disputing a prosecution that has as a sole base my subversive action, my comrade and friendly relations, my refusal to enter the logic of condemning any revolutionary practice, and finally the intention of the authorities to create a “dead area” around the comrades that materialise their own choice to go against the regime with the practice of urban guerrilla.
Being “free” for just one month, I was informed accidentally that the public prosecutor of the Supreme Court asked, without even notifying me or my advocates, to reverse the decision with which I was released, beacuse it does not mention concrete evidence from my life, from which it results that… I am not dangerous or a suspect to carry out other (?) offences. The fact that they never did bother to justify the precise opposite, because, that is to say, I was imprisoned from the start, i guess thats normal… In the best way, Mr Ioannis Tendes, public prosecutor of the Supreme Court comes to confirm my perception that my invovement in the case exceeds its penal character and comes to give it its real characteristics: the by all means (“formaly” or “irregularly”) political prosecution of an opponent of their regime.
The Supreme Court, willingly, and after it rejected my demand to be present at the discussion, with an unprecedented in the legal chronicles move, cancelled with its decision (19-05-2011) the decision of release and asks the council to re-decide my luck. In other words, when the decisions of their own councils are not good enough for them, so much worse for the… decisions.
In their hurry to lock me up in prison again, “they forgot” what their own laws clearly say: that the decision is irrevocable, since 12months have passed from the beginning of my temporary detainment, no council has any juristiction on the matter anymore. Simply they ask to find any “legal solution” that will send me back to prison. It is obvious that the decision of the council that released me was for them unexpected as well as annoying, threatening at the same time the structure that was set up for the prosecutions concerning the organization Revolutionary Struggle.
And as we said… justice allowes them to be “independent” when the decisions are liked by the “superiors” (inside and ouside the borders) or atleast when they do not cause problems and shake the police plannings. And this time the message is attempted to be given on the backs of people, of which their freedom becomes a field to hold “games of power”. Let me not guess how an “above” order to re-imprison me will influence, the “unbiased” judges that will judge me soon.
Not expecting anything better from people that as an anarchist I consider my political opponents, I remain in the battle osition that always defined my life…
Christoforos Kortesis
Posted in:
Anarchists imprisoned for up to 8 years after repressive wave (Belarus)
Belarusian anarchists sentenced – up to 8 years of hard regime, evidence lacking.
On the 27th of May, judge Zhanna Khvoynitskaya sentenced the Belarusian anarchists Ihar Alinevich, Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Maxim Vetkin and Yeveni Slivonchik. The young men were accused of a number of political actions, amongst which was the attack against the Russian embassy in Minsk in August of 2010.
Ihar Alinevich was accused of attacks against the Russian Embassy and Belarusbank (“Property destruction with intent”, statute 218 paragraph 3 of the Belarusian Criminal Codex), an attack against the remand prison of Minsk (also statute 218, paragraph 2), an attack against a Casino and an illegal demonstration at the military headquarters (“Aggravated hooliganism”, statute 339 paragraph 2 of Belarusian criminal codex). The prosecutor asked for a 9 year sentence in hard regime, eventually he received 8 years of hard regime (1).
Mikalaj Dziadok was sentenced for actions against a Casino, the military headquarters and a yellow(2), state-controlled trade union, all considered “aggravated hooliganism”. The prosecutor demanded a 6 year sentence of hard regime, he received 4.5 years of hard regime.
Aliaksandr Frantskievich was sentenced for actions against state-controlled trade union, military headquarters and a police station at Soligorsk, all considered “aggravated hooliganism”, and also against defacing website of city of Novopolotsk (“Electronic sabotage”, “Illegal access to electronic information”, “Development, using or spreading malware” (statute 349 paragraph 2, statute 351 paragraph 2, statute 354 of Belarusian criminal codex). Prosecutor demanded a 5 year sentence, eventually he received 3 years of hard regime. Screenshots of the action are available here.
Maxim Vetkin was sentenced for the actions taken at the BelarusBank and the Russian Embassy in Minsk. He has been cooperating with the investigation and giving testimony against the others. He was given a 4 year sentence in a low-security prison according to the prosecutor’s demands. He has been temporarily released.
Yevgeni Silivonchik was sentenced to 1.5 years in open regime prison for the attack in Soligorsk. He has also cooperating with the investigation and giving testimony against the other accused.
The accused have to compensate 100 million Belarusian rubles (around 20,000 dollars) in criminal damages to the respective institutions.
Alinevich, Dziadok and Frantskievich have been denying their involvement, with the exception of the action at the military headquarters. They are considering appealing their sentences, but the appeal court may hand out even more severe sentences. The Strasbourg court is not an option for the Belarusians, as Belarus is excluded from the Council of Europe.
Valentina Alinevich, mother of Ihar, said “Yesterday someone else’s children were arrested, and we thought it was not our problem. Today they arrest our children. Tomorrow they will arrest someone else’s children. People, be aware! Do not let it happen!”. She also noted the role of Russian Federation in the case of Ihar: “Russia accepted the kidnapping of a person on its territory. It is an outrageous violation of human rights, which took place in compliance with the Russian authorities.” Keep in mind, that on the 28th of November Ihar Alinevich was kidnapped from Moscow by agents of an unconfirmed special service, and illegally transferred across state borders to the remand prison of the Belarusian KGB in Minsk.
Aliaksandr Dziadok, the father of Mikalaj and an experienced lawyer, who has also worked as a judge, made the following statement to the press: “There were plenty of violations during the court process. The prosecution’s case was not proven. The sentence is unjust and illegal. An objective, law-abiding court would have dropped all charges against the accused”. Aliaksandr Dziadok made a comparison between the case against the anarchists, and the case brought against those arrested after the 19th of December (court cases against the latter, who protested against the falsification of the general elections, which have attracted sizeable international attention).
Anarchist Black Cross of Belarus considers the sentences politically motivated, and the charges unproven. Besides this, all of the actions for which the accused were sentenced, may be considered non-violent. No living being was hurt as a consequence of the actions. Most of the attacks were merely symbolical, and material damage was insignificant.
Reports from each day of the court are available on Belarussian Indymedia and at
“Defying the law”, a documentary on the investigation and the court cases against the Belarusian anarchists is available here. A version with English subtitles will be available in few days.
1. hard regime means less allowances in terms of visits, mails, and packages and other “privileges”
2. yellow unions reject class struggle, oppose strikes and favor the collaboration between capital and labor
Anarchist Black Cross Belarus
You are the best! Thank you from ABC-Belarus
Today, when the sentence was passed on Belarusian anarchists, Anarchist Black Cross-Belarus considers it a must to say the words of gratitude that had accumulated during the 8.5 months of waiting and struggle.
Out experience has proven that really ‘a friend in need’s a friend indeed’.
First of all we would like to express gratitude to all the people, groups, collectives and organisations which responded to our calls for solidarity with Belarusian anarchists.
We got support from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Novorossiysk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Ekaterinburg, Ufa, Kazan’, Cheboksary, Nizhniy Novgorod, Volgograd, Voronezh, Belgorod, Rjazan’, Smolensk, Simferopol, Mariupol, Donetsk. In whole, within 8 months 74 solidarity actions of all kinds took place, from info-meetings and leaflets spread to radical actions (the blockade of the Moscow-Minsk road, attacks on KGB, police stations and detention facilities). Kyiv, Lviv, Chishinau, Minsk, Bobruisk, Gomel, Grodno, Bereza, Zhlobin, Vilnius, Riga, Lublin, Warsaw, Szczecin, Budapest, Prague, Sofia, Vienna, Tirol, Berlin, Rostock, Hamburg, Marcelle.
On the whole, within 8 months 74 solidarity actions of all kinds took place, from info-meetings and leaflets spread to radical actions (the blockade of the Moscow-Minsk road, attacks on KGB, police stations and detention facilities).
After some actions our comrades got sentenced to 7 (arson of KGB in Bobruisk) and 8 years of prison (Ihar Alinevich – the attack on the detention facility with the demand to set free the arrested anarchists).
Just imagine how important was EVERY action, any news from outside that nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgiven, for the guys behind the bars. We took every opportunity to pass all the information about your concern to them.
*You can view the solidarity map here.
The same words of gratitude we want to say to those who helped us financially (gathered money in the concerts, organised benefit-gigs and info-meetings, passed money from collectives and individuals). With your help the arrested got timely lawyer’s help and all the necessary things. We’d like to point out those who helped organise the ABC-tour.
We also grateful to any person that helped in spreading information about the repression in Belarus by all means, to every journalist that took interest in our case and was unbiased covering the events. We’d like to mention reporters from “Belsat”, “Nasha Niva”, Radio “Freedom”, “Euroradio”, “Belgazeta”, “Novaya gazeta”, “ORT”. Without your support the situation wouldn’t get so much publicity.
We are grateful to right-watch organisations, such as “Spring96″, “Belarusian Helsinki Committee”, “Amnesty International” for legal, financial and informational support.
But still the warmest greetings go to the law-enforcement authorities. We know that you read out web-sites so this message is especially for you.
Thanx for being the so-called sanitation force who picked out those who doesn’t deserve to be called an anarchist. Now each of them is less free than any o the guys who sentenced to prison terms because of them. Thanx for opening our eyes of to them and we saw who is who.
Thanx for teaching us how to behave in your presence and under pressure and for reminding us the importance of legal education.
Thanx for changing the outlook of our parents who were so vehemently standing for us, that we were shocked ourselves. Now they are angry with you, not with us.
Thanx for putting all kinds of pressure on us, that helped to finally figure out the most important things in life and practice the will power.
We are grateful for this lesson. But we will mend our ways. For we have just started our struggle.
Addition from ABC Moscow:
On the 18th of May, another “Anarchist case” ended in Belarus – Yawgen Vaskovich, Paval Syramalotaw and Artsyom Prakapyenka were each given 7 year sentences for a direct action against the KGB building in the city of Bobruysk. A problem with this case has been that although media perceived the three as anarchists, none of them had any connections to the existing anarchist movement and thus attempts to contact someone close to them and provide them with support prior to the court dates failed. Hopefully, support may be provided during their lengthy prison sentences.
Forwarded by
Anarchist Black Cross Moscow
abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia
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