Anarchist Black Cross Benefit Fest 2012
Jeudi 07 Juin 20h Donation
La Société Elle a Mauvaise Haleine (Anarchopunk - Fr) http://lasocietepue.propagande.org/
Anxiety Attack (Hardcore Old School - Fr) http://ribozine.free.fr/anxietyattack.htm
Autiste Redding ( Fast Noise Dooooom - Fr)
Vendredi 08 Juin 16h 5€
Embers (Black Metal - Usa) http://embers.bandcamp.com/
Vehemence (Crust Metal - Fr) http://vehemence.info/
Contorture (Crust Punk - Sw) http://contorture.bandcamp.com/
Alarm (Post Punk - Fr) http://www.lustucrust.org/site%20alarm/alarm.html
Hongo (Epic Post Crust - Esp) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTFhk9Hr ... TLrlwcFhu_
King's Queer (Electro Clash - Fr) http://www.kingsqueer.com/
Gottesmorder (Doom/Sludge - It) http://gottesmorder.bandcamp.com/
Richard Durn (Synth Punk Hardcore - Fr) http://rdurnlegroupe.free.fr/
Samedi 09 Juin 14h 5€
Psycho Squat (Anarcho Punk - Fr) http://psychosquatt.fr/
Kalashnikov (Anarcho Synth Punk - It) http://www.kalashni.net/
King Terror (Fast and Politicized Hardcore - Be) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLfCCUSu ... re=related
Kazan (Post Core/Metal - Fr) http://www.kazan-band.com/
Avfart 33 (Crust Punk - Sw) http://avfart33.blogspot.fr/
Reflections of Internal Rain (Crust/Screamo - Srb) http://reflectionsofinternalrain.tumblr.com/
The Fight (Punk Hardcore - Pl) http://www.thefight.pl/
Mom on Meth (Angry Power Violence - Fr) http://mamansdecristal.tumblr.com/
@ Le Chat Crevé Rue Parmentier, Metro Fives, 59000 Lille (France)
Prix Libre le Jeudi.
Vegan food by Veggie Pochetron
Activities, workshop, distro ...
Contact : abcfest2012 (AT) riseup (dot) net
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