lunedì 5 marzo 2012

Proof that the FBI Tracks Us On Facebook

Please note: This info is NOT meant to perpetuate fear and paranoia. I am monitored locally as well as online. I assure you, I do nothing differently because of it nor do I live in a state of apprehension or panic. It is inconsequential except to the extent that information and knowledge is power. And we all need to understand the atmosphere in which we operate.

by Camille Marino

We all know that the feds and industrial enemies track us on facebook. I have had proof for some time but, until now, I didn’t know if I wanted to make it public or not.

Below are two sets of statistics from the Negotiation Is Over website. If you’ve never seen these before, it may take a minute to understand what you’re looking at. The relevant pieces of information to understand are:

“Referring URL” tells you how someone found NIO; click on link to follow it to facebook
“ISP Host” will tell you what government agency is monitoring you
“Webpage” shows which articles they are reading
Please note, individuals cannot be tracked using these stats because we do not log in through dedicated hosts
Here are the stats for two different FBI offices that have been accessing NIO this week directly through facebook. You can also see in which articles they appear to be interested:

--continue read

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