Rami Sirianos trial set for the 5th of December
The comrade is imprisoned since February 1st in Ioannina prisons accused of the robbery of a state car auction house in Neapoli, Thessaloniki.
The state oppressive mechanisms, just after his arrest also arrested comrade K.S. as the alleged 2nd individual that participated in the robbery. the fact that K.S. -for years now targetized by the cops because of his fighting action- was working at the university during the robbery infront of dozens of peolple that confirmed it legally did not stop the prosecutor from charging him with felonies, without however imprisoning him.
Letter from Rami Syrianos about political isolation at Ioannina Prison(greece)
From Culmine (June 21, 2011):http://thisisourjob.wordpress.com/2011/06/22/letter-from-rami-syrianos-about-political-isolation-at-ioannina-prison/
Rami Syrianos, arrested on January 31 and charged with robbing an auction in Thessaloniki, recently released the following letter:
Shortly after being transferred to Ioannina Prison, prison authorities began a process of selective censorship of the printed matter (books, pamphlets, printouts from the Internet, newspapers, fanzines) being sent to me. Their excuses were that it was “being done for the good of the prisoners” (who evidently shouldn’t be be exposed to such reading material), that “writings that defend terrorism can’t be allowed inside,” and other such imaginative notions, accompanied by demonstrations of Power (without which they would never be able to do what they’re doing) via statements like: “I administrate this prison, and if I feel like it, I won’t give you anything.”
After the application of some pressure, but thanks above all to the demonstration—which functioned as a catalyst—that some comrades held in front of the prison, the censorship regimen ended and I was able to receive printed matter without any problems. Until about a week ago, when the censorship began again, this time with the help of a “skeleton key”—a bureaucratic excuse about some order “from above” that supposedly prohibits so-called “street publications” and texts taken from blogs. When asked what “street publication” meant, they explained that it meant anything not sold at a newsstand for a fixed price. In other words, according to that definition, any publication, pamphlet, or newspaper with antiauthoritarian/subversive content is off-limits, since those materials go against the logic of commerce, basically circulate without any price, and obviously can’t be found at newsstands next to Cosmopolitan or Playboy.
I don’t know if prison warden E. Agapitou is acting on her own or if she is in fact following orders like she says, nor do I know what the reasons were for restarting the censorship at this particular time. What I am sure of is that the physical confinement behind these walls of those who choose to confront democratic barbarity and defend their dignity as human beings—which gets trampled on every day here in the cells of democracy—is not enough to satisfy the State mechanism’s thirst for revenge. The deprivation of the simplest everyday things after imprisonment, the endlessly repetitive sensory torture of the surroundings, and the isolation from one’s local milieu is not enough to make all these prisoners obedient. So democracy throws off its masks and uses every means at its disposal to send the cautionary message of its own force: humiliating body-cavity searches, disciplinary measures, constant transfers, censored correspondence, quantitative isolation in prisons that are hundreds of kilometers from where one lives, qualitative isolation in special wings, deliberate medical and pharmaceutical carelessness. The goal of these and dozens of other premeditated procedures is the total submission of the prisoner by methodically annihilating her—ethically, psychologically, and physically—and assimilating her as much as possible to the tortuous and vacuous routine of “penitentiary institutions,” where psychopharmacology and apathy prevail, crushing one’s very personality and finally lobotomizing all subversive thought.
I view my imprisonment as a consequence of my decision to truly apply my rejection of this world in practice, and as nothing more or less than another situation in which revolutionary struggle continues. In this situation, books, printed news, and correspondence must take the place of meetings, demonstrations, actions, and debates, which at one point were the doorways to relationships and political development. I therefore consider the unobstructed receipt of printed material vitally important, and I publicly declare—to the prison warden as well as any of her responsible (or not) superiors—that if this regimen of political isolation doesn’t cease, I will move on to whatever method I deem necessary to achieve my goal.
(Instead of a) P.S. The humiliations I am subjected to by prison functionaries seem trivially insignificant compared to what other fighters have endured in the clutches of bourgeois democracy. The clearest, most representative case of the barbarity and fury that Domination reserves for its enemies is that of Savvas Xeros. His path, from the moment of his arrest and beyond, quite plainly reveals the face of a democracy that, in its own words, “isn’t taking revenge.” The use of special psychoactive drugs during his interrogation while hospitalized and seriously wounded from an explosive device that detonated in his hands, the many years of solitary confinement in the so-called “white cells” of Korydallos, and the medical mistreatment and deprivation of medication he suffered have all resulted in numerous health problems, and he is in danger of going blind if he doesn’t urgently receive suitable specialized medical assistance. On June 6, the court will rule on his petition for a suspended sentence that would allow him to be hospitalized at a special clinic.
I send him a fighter’s greetings and my complete solidarity.
—Rami Syrianos; June 5, 2011; Ioannina Prison
Translators’ Note: Savvas Xeros was a member of the armed leftist group known as November 17. In the summer of 2002, a bomb exploded in his hands, and his arrest was the first in a series that put an end to November 17. His defense attorney has requested several times that Xeros’ sentence be suspended to allow for suitable hospitalization that might save the remnants of his health. In view of the June 6 hearing on the petition to suspend Xeros’ sentence, a number of leftist and anarchist groups (including the Fire Cells Conspiracy) as well as prisoners issued calls for solidarity. However, the court ultimately rejected the petition.
Information about the Solidarity Gathering for the 2 comrades accused of robbery (Thessaloniki) today 3 of February/11
The two comrades were accused of armed robbery at a car auction premises for confiscated vehicles on January 31/20011
This morning 80 to 100 comrades gathered outside the court of Thessaloniki to show their solidarity. Some of the comrades managed to get into the courtroom.
One of the two accused comrades was released with only one restrictive condition: he is banned from leaving the country, while the second comrade was remanded in custody in Diavata prison.
Their audacity has no limits!
After the recent blunder of the antiterrorist with the 27yearold comrade Fee Mayer someone would expect, even superficially, from the “jackals” of the antiterrorist and their parrots, to crosscheck and confirm better their ingenious information, before they decide again to expose somebody without evidence.
On the contrary, it has not even been a month from the big fiasco and their next manufacture of a guilty person is once again a fact. We are referring to the of of Kleomenis Savvanidis, who suddenly found himself accused for participating in a robbery, with his photograph “playing” everywhere and the media are having field trip one more time.
There are irrefutable evidence and solid testimonies that Kleomenis the day of the robbery was in his working place, in the self-organized canteen in the University from 10:00am till 14:00pm, when he left in order to welcome his two friends from the airport and take them to his house, where the geniuses of the police were waiting for him.
The guards, the cleaners, the professors and many of students of University confirm the all the above statements, powerful evidence and proof contrary to the humiliating statements of the police, which are based on two vague testimonies about “bodytypes” while the same witnesses have testified that the perpetrators were 1,65cm -1,70 tall while Kleomenis is 1,84cm tall. This is not possible….!
For one more time they will ridiculed with the new blunder that they have created but for one more time they will have destroyed and maligned another human life through the misinformation, the explosion and the without reason detainment.
The reality is that we are anarchists and we must be exterminated by any means and at any cost. Liberal ideas do not have any place in the “democratic” junta and the internal enemy should be neutralized in order to shield the rotten system from the uproars that are to come.
We will not do them the favor! The trials will become the states sentences. Their stories stink from miles away and the game that they set up becomes perceptible from any thinking person.
Down your hands from Kleomenis.
Down your hands from the fighters.
Coworkers-comrades from the self-organized canteen
in the Thessaloniki University.
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