Sunday afternoon on July 24th, around forty people gathered in front of the jail in Greensboro, NC to show our solidarity with the thousands of hunger striking prisoners across California as well as our anger with the actions of the pigs against friends and comrades on the West Coast. People chanted, held banners, banged on pots and pans, and played drums within view of the hundreds of locked cages of the Guilford County Jail. Several people visiting loved ones inside stopped to watch, one of whom joined in playing drums and screaming.
At one point a group of cops and guards walked by on the opposite sidewalk, and the noise spontaneously stopped. One person shouted, “Hey yall, what does ACAB stand for?” The whole crowd screamed, “ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS!”
After about an hour in front of the jail, we marched several blocks to a new jail still under construction, which will also house hundreds of state prisoners from the NC DOC. Under its shadow we regrouped and shared updates about both the hunger strike in California as well as other anti-police struggles, and talked about future plans. We also passed the hat for bail money for comrades in Seattle, recently beaten and arrested on a variety of charges.
We hope that this small action can help break down some of the isolation and fear one experiences while in jail, and can help raise the spirits of prisoners still on hunger strike throughout California. While the prisoners of Pelican Bay are no longer on strike, we recognize their struggle will continue and wanted to heed their call for continued actions.
We also send our love to all the prisoners rebelling against their conditions all over the country, to the friends and family of Charles Hill and Kenneth Harding and all the people in the bay area unwilling to accept their murders, to all of our friends and comrades in Seattle, to the Asheville 11, and to all of the comrades and revolutionary prisoners in North Carolina with whom we remain committed to long-term organizing and making the prison ungovernable.
Because it was so well worded, we will end this brief update with a paragraph stolen from a statement written by comrades in St. Louis after their own similar demonstration:
“In the solidarity demonstrations which are occurring throughout the country, we can see an embryonic version of the links between struggles which are a necessary precondition for the eruption of a truly uncontrollable storm. The very fact of a movement on the outside which can quickly respond to and act in solidarity with rebellions on the inside is a factor which previous prisoner revolts may have benefited from. The tactical forms of this solidarity will undoubtedly change as struggles continue to appear in various intensities, yet it is essential that it remains a constant.”
-some NC anarchists against prisons, and the world that creates them
for more info about the hunger strike in California:
for more info on the situation in seattle:
for pictures of the demo, and more info on anarchist and anti-prison struggle in NC:
www.trianarchy.wordpress.com (still under some construction!)
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