Statement of Arthur and Guido February 10, 2011 from Lo Russo e Cotugno (Vallette) prison in Turin
We were arrested during the night of last Monday, February 7 with the allegations, as far as we know, of resisting a public official, injury and attack on transport in the public highway (or something like that) during a blockade against the passage of a train carrying nuclear waste in Condove, Valsusa.
The passage of these trains has always come about with maximum discretion, so that the people exposed to the risks could not express their concerns and possible forms of protest.
Certainly drawing attention to this threat that is passed over in silence and opposing these trains of death is an essential step in the struggle against the nuclear monster, as witnessed by the protests that for decades, especially in northern Europe, thousands of people have taken part in, aware of the tragedy that the atomic industry represents for the present and the future of the planet.
For those who struggle against the harm caused by the absurdity of production that feeds the sick society of progress, nuclear power can only be a further opportunity to express one's own rejection and anger.
Beyond the crimes that are being contested and the progression of the judicial process, we are proud to have participated in what we hope is only a first moment of revival of a broad and determined mobilization that can express, with the forms and methods are in harmony with each one, dignity and strength in rejecting and fighting all harmful substances.
Rebel greetings to all those who, struggling inside and outside the prisons, are stoking the fire of desire for a world free of exploitation and authority.
Presi bene raga!
Arturo Fazio
Guido Mantelli
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