FROM: http://nottingham.indymedia.org.uk/articles/955
Neighbourhoods: beeston
On Sunday Night, windows were smashed at Atos Origin offices in Beeston. Also, a graffitti message reading "Atos profits from oppression" was left on the entrance to the site. Atos is responsible for designing and implementing the tests used to determine eligability for incapacity benefits etc, and so this was an act of solidarity with all those who have had their lives turned upside down by being thrown off their benefits. Atos make a profit out of our misery.
As the government increasingly pushes its ruthless agenda in cuts to social welfare, it is companies such as Atos who are paid to do the dirty work. We are being forced into work, to chain ourselves to an unstable, exploitative and inhuman labour market that makes us ill. It will always be politicians and business owners who benefit from our wage slavery. Poeple who refuse, or are unable, to be pliant and flexible workers are being punished for not conforming to the demands of the economic system, and it is from this oppression that companies such as Atos profit.
We believe that the work that healthcare professionals carry out for Atos is in direct conflict with the duty of care that should be shown to people in need of medical help. Atos' money has paid for their ethics to be put aside so that profit can be made for the company at the expense of people's health.
Atos are becoming experts in the business of identifying groups to contain and exclude them. They were one of the groups who tendered for the government's ID cards contracts whilst the scheme was still going ahead.
This is a message to Atos and other companies who profit from this system of denial and abuse that our rage will bring down your empires.
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