14:28 (GMT+2) Thessaloniki: Police tried to break the demo by attacking with a large amount of teargas and with flash bang grenades. A lot of ATMs have been smashed, and clashes continue in Aristotelous Square and the streets around it.
14:10 (GMT+2) Athens is like a gas chamber. There are violent clashes all over, and many demonstrators have been injured, including old people and the handicapped. There are a lot of undercover cops in hoods. People are still on the streets and defending themselves.
15:05 (GMT+2) Athens: Mixed blocks of people are gathering in front of the parliament and are calling for everyone to join them there. People from Exarchia are trying to form an assembly. Many reports say that the crowd size is similar to that of the May 5th, 2010 demo (around 250,000 people). Thousands of demonstrators are still in the streets around Exarchia and Propylaea and are trying to access Syntagma Square. Numerous riot police block the streets. In many places throughout Athens, protestors are throwing stones and the police are firing teargas and flash bang grenades. There have been an unknown number of arrests. Central metro stations have been closing for short periods. A mixed crowd of people still occupies Syntagma Square.
Live updates on general strike demonstrations from all over Greece.
13:57 (GMT+2) Athens: The demo has been teargassed all over and has been cut into many parts. There are clashes all over Athens and there are reports of police motorbikes on fire. Some random arrests.
13:40 (GMT+2) Athens: Thousands of people have gathered at Syntagma Square. A lot of teargas has been used in an attempt to disperse the crowd. Molotovs have been thrown at riot police outside parliament. People have attempted to occupy the Ministry of Finance near Syntagma Sq.
13:30 (GMT+2), Athens: More people are concentrating in Syntagma Sq. Cops are teargazing people there. According to RADIO REVOLT cops have attacked to various points of the Thessaloniki demo.
12:53 (GMT+2), Athens: The demonstration is one of the biggest Athens has seen in recent years. Great weather and good spirit. People are slowly heading to Syntagma square.
12:50 (GMT+2), Athens: The demo is huge. Some reports say that it2019s larger than last year2019s great general strike demos. The corrupt president of GSEE (General Confederation of Greek Workers), Panagopoulos, was provoked by protesters. PAME (the syndicalist union of Greek 201cCommunist201d Party) organized a separate demo as usual, which also has thousands of people. The head of the demo has already reached Syntagma square (outside parliament) while thousands have not started marching yet. Secret cops went on some more detains of people carrying bags.
12:30 (GMT+2), Athens: “Preventive” detentions of grassroots union workers. Thousands of people still gathering. Many secret cops around Exarheia and the streets around.
Thessaloniki: Secret cops were chased by demonstrators. Some CCTV cameras were destroyed as the march began.
Patras: Maybe more than 4000 people are marching on the central streets of the city. Migrants have also joined the demo.
12:00 (GMT+2): Thousands of people are gathering in central points of Athens, Patras, Thessalonica etc. The marches have not begun yet as more people are coming out to the streets. Thousands of cops (riot police, motorcycle and secret cops) are also moving around the gathering points trying to terrorize people that are going to the demos. According to the authorities, police forces from many places have moved to Athens to join the suppression plan.
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