We are experiencing all over greece a period which at the same time is one of the most critical moments and one of the biggest bets of the anarchist revolutionary movement. Sovereignty steps on the qualitative and quantitative raising of the benchmark of hostilities from our side, increasing more and more the intensity of repression. The arrests of comrades, the publication of photographs, the raids in houses, and the more general climate of diffuse fear that is attempted to be imposed are a piece of this counter-attack.
The penalization of friendly and comrade relations constitutes henceforth a guaranteed method of the juridical and police authorities. The anarchist comrades S.Antoniou, D. Michail and Ch. Politis are the latest on a list of individuals that are imprisoned, no for their action, but for their political perceptions and their friendly and comrade relations. A list to which the juridical authorities are also trying to add the anarchist comrade Fee Meyer, with the ridiculous argument for the “offence” of possession of texts from imprisoned revolutionaries.
In this climate began the trial of members of the organization together with individuals that are accused without evidence for participation in it. A trial which being the first in a line of other that will follow for cases of revolutionary action will determine on one level the behavior of the special courts towards the political prisoners, concerning the conditions of the upcoming trials. From the beginning of the procedure it became perceptible the effort of isolation and cutting off of the defendants from the comrades in solidarity via the blackmail of registering those who arrive to the courtroom.
Solidarity as a bidirectional relationship could not leave uninvolved the accused comrades in this decision of the court. Leaving the procedure and their refusal “to legalize” this registering with their presence there, constitute a decent and proud political attitude. A attitude that includes also the proportional cost to the comrades that are accused without evidence for heavy charges and are in danger to be judged in absentia. A fight that puts as a priority the relation of solidarity between the defendants and the comrades that arrive to the room of the special court in order to support them and give them strength.
This fight is given no for a precarious victory in this court, but in order to impose it as a vested to all the following political trials, the possibility of unhindered attendance of those in solidarity.
A fight that climaxes with the start of a hunger strike. What our revolutionary conscience commands us to do is stand next to our comrades and begin a hunger strike to support them.
First Gerasimos Tsakalos began on 3/2/2011 with the remainder of the comrades a hunger strike, and soon Michalis Nikolopoulos will begin as well, because of practical difficulties that are related with his very short time within the walls.
In this critical moment for the anarchist-revolutionary movement we answer with confronting attack. We do not take a step back. We declare our respect for the comrades that are accused in this trial and select the difficult path of the fight, their attitude raise the benchmark of revolutionary consistency. We send our warmest greetings to those that even under the pressure of difficult times continue acting in the direction of rupture with the diffuse dominating construction. To all the comrades and the organizations that corresponded through their acts and their texts to the call for a co-creation of the INFORMAL ANARCHIST FEDERATION – INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY NETWORK. We raise our fists through from inside the walls. And finally, we dedicate to the brothers of the Illegal Sector of our organization the paraphrased extract from Jan Marc Rouillian. “For a long time I remain there stiff as a rock, the head leaning, hands in the pockets, the memories bombard me, the ones from outside, those from our struggles… The friendship and the tenderness of those who fight embraced, are unleashed by our laughters and the untidy discussions to the morning. We are of course full of the absolute, of the intoxicating freedom of the undisciplined, but also from the hard certainty that we hold, at any cost, one of the last barricades before the crushing. And we laughed. We laughed always while oiling our guns, until goodbye, with an old cry of war, DARE TO FIGHT, DARE TO WIN…”
Michalis Nikolopoulos-Gerasimos Tsakalos
Members of the Prisoners Cell of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire
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