do not feel loss for my arrest…
I do not feel loss for the clandestinity …
I do not feel loss that I am imprisoned…
I do not feel loss for the Struggle that we conduct…
(Michalis Nikolopoulos member of the prisoned cell of C.C.F)
The real defeat in a war is not captivity in the hands of the enemy, but capitulation, loss of conscience, surrender, penitence, statements of loyalty. Because that is where the game of power is played, in the moral decline and depreciation of its dissident opponents. It wants to force rebels to bend, to kneel, to conciliate to make clear that “every struggle is lost, all resistance is useless” . However the only lost fight is the one that never began. Its commands are clear. “You must not think, you must not resist, you must not fight”. And where its rhetoric does not work, either with the illusion of consuming frenzy, or with the threat of the violence of truncheons, guns and tear gas, there are the judicial “clergies” and correctional establishments ready “to accommodate” the most undisciplined for an indefinite time. They also want to send this message “we decide and we give the orders” inside the special political martial court that is judging the case of the revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.
There is no need for somebody to be an anti-authoritarian in order to see the overt fascism that prevails in the special court of Koridalos prison. The refusal to install microphones for the recording of the trial and the fact that the cops hold all the identities of the people who want to express their solidarity and stand next to the defendants are the “virtues” of the admirable world of democracy. Those that with their predatory appetites have “mortgaged” the life of an entire population, now speak about the “unsustainable cost of recording the trial” while simultaneously they are restoring in modern history the publication of new testimonial beliefs, by keeping the identities of the people that want to attend the trial, obviously in order to use them in no “innocent” way, but for the input of the Police and the Counter-terrorist department.
We will be brief.
The comrades of the cell of the imprisoned members of C.C.F and the dignified rebels P. Masouras and G. Karagianidis have highlighted the political and repressive policies of this trial a thousand times better than us.
The essential wager that is being played at this moment on the part of the anarchists, revolutionaries, those in solidarity and undisciplined is to not allow power to make one more step towards strengthening its coup d'etat.
The cell of the imprisoned members of C.C.F and the dignified comrades placed a limit of life and dignity by beginning a HUNGER STRIKE on 3-2-2011. “This struggle is given, not for a precarious victory in this court, but in order for it to be imposed as an non-negotiable term in all the political trials that will follow, the possibility of the unhindered attendance by all the people who want to express their solidarity. A fight that comes to a peak with the start of the hunger strike”(Gerasimos Tsakalos- Michalis Nikolopoulos - members of the cell of prisoned members of C.C.F) The comrades turned the court of power into a victory not only for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire but also for the wider revolutionary front. Everything that happened and everything that will happen constitutes the new legacy of courts and prosecutions that the system is preparing for its political opponents.
Comrades…! in this court is being conducted one of the most important battles that goes far beyond the action and history of a revolutionary organization. The state “tests” the resistance and tolerance of the radical-subversive area.
Certain coincidences, such as the facility with which the police and the public prosecutors fill the TV screens and the front pages of the newspapers with photographs of suspects, where it is proved afterwards that these persons, such as the anarchist Fee Meyer or K.S. that was arrested as a suspect for a robbery in Thessaloniki and turn out to have no relation with these “charges” against them, are not accidental. (We add that for that particular robbery the anarchist Rami Surianos was arrested and for sure if he is innocent he deserves our solidarity, if guilty he deserve it a thousand times more). The new fashion of arrests of persons that are accused for unknown-anonymous terrorist groups, such as the case of the 6 and the arrest of the 4 comrades in Thessaloniki, is also not accidental.
This witticism of the unknown-anonymous terrorist tgroup, as anyone can understand, is an “elastic argument” that stretches and opens depending on the appetites and interests of power and the law enforcement authorities in order to justify the huge increase in future charges (special provisions of terrorism law).
It was heard from the public prosecutor that in the case of F. Meyer “it is not reasonable to possess texts written by suspects for terrorism”. That is to say the possession of texts that are already published, that contain thoughts, concerns, proposals, regardless whether somebody agrees or not, is considered a punishable offence. Thus perhaps the season of the thought police is not far away. We must not forget that what gets used by the eye, gets used by the brain as well. Anyone can remember the reactions that existed to the first special court years ago for the R.O. 17November, and compare them with the present trial. Now the fact that special courts exist seems to be normal and only a few react (a fact that honours them).
Here exactly we must pass to the counter-attack. Exactly here we must stop getting used to retreating. Exactly here we must stop fearing the ghost of repression. The repression exists because action exists. Qualitative, quantitative and unrepentant action.
The imprisoned members of C.C.F. and the dignified comrades sparked something off. Our brothers from Thessaloniki of the case of the 4 together with G. Skoyloudis as well as Stelios and Panos Anastasiadis (the NADIR case) turned their solidarity into action by participating in the abstention from taking prison food. Here we want to add that the 4 comrades D. Dimtsiadis, D. Fessas, M. Tsilianidis, S. Tzifkas gave “lessons” in revolutionary dignity, disdaining and offending the judiciaries with their proud attitude as they did not give one word, refusing to recognize the process. We remind them that they are always in our thoughts and that the dangerous journey of revolution has not finished…
Now it is our time. We, “the free”, all of us, anarchists and revolutionaries that say that we refuse this world, that we are fighting for freedom, that we are demolishing their false god that is money because ours is the human being, will we leave our comrades alone? Will we tolerate the fascist delirium of this worthless president (of the court) and her collaborators that pronounce “death” sentences for the comrades that go on hunger strike?
There is no need for anyone to answer to himself with emotion. There is no space for emotion, or for humanitarian sympathies. It is a matter of a clear conscience. If the values and the moral code of persons that still believe in anarchy and her beauty, allows them to delay their attack and make up excuses, they should stay away from the affair We will not wait for them neither will history ….
Now or never there is a need for our most decisive step. We say again that here is being played a total wager from the side of power. The development and the way in which the court of C.C.F turns out will be the guide for the trials to come. What remains unanswered will be considered a defeat. Their wager is in our hand, to make it our opportunity. Because times can be hard, our brothers can risk their lives with the hunger strike, many comrades can be imprisoned in the cells of democracy, however it is always one more chance for attack, for the destruction of this system. Of course, the need for strategy is now more clear than never before. Lightning never travels in straight repetitive lines. It bursts out suddenly. Even a phenomenal “silence”, is not a retreat, but the silence before the thunder…
As a minimal expression of solidarity to the struggle of the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the dignified comrades we sent an incendiary package to the minister of Justice X. Kastanidi who is responsible for the refusal of one of the two requirements of our comrades for the recording of the transcript of the trial. We will not answer his lies concerning the quantity of allegedly powerful explosives that he claimed for reasons of communication policy in order to present himself as victim. We will make do with repeating that the precautionary measures were the same as those of the previous 14 packets so that it is impossible for anyone uninvolved to be injured.
Moreover, we want to say a few things about the recent events in the Law faculty.
This is the season of murderers. When the walls of a building have more value than 300 tortured souls, then it is sure that something is not going well. We have spoken about the contradictions of immigrants in a previous text, however when the majority of Greek society cares more about the windows and doors of a building, then do not search for criminals and murderers in the thieves and the desperate. Look around you, they speak the Greek language fluently and some go around in expensive cars wearing ties. Because you should know that when somebody is cruel in words, it rarely stops there ..
Finally we declare that from now the illegal sector of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire will also participate in the International Revolutionary Front - Informal Anarchist Federation. The explosive expression of solidarity at international level for the trial of C.C.F. and also the publications that put organizations such as the FLT-FLA (Mexico) and Praxedis G. Guerrero in their texts, we consider that they initiate powerful bases for the opening of a revolutionary dialogue through action, but also proposals of co-ordination.
We send therefore the most powerful revolutionary greeting to the comrades revolutionaries in all the world with the belief that our voices and action can meet and coordinate our total attack against power.
The sabotages in Turkey and the attacks of the informal cells of insurrection, the attacks in Chile, the letters with bullets in Madrid and Barcelona, the paint bombs on the Greek embassy in Austria, the arson of courts in Switzerland, the acts of solidarity in Poland, in Bristol, in London, but also in other places- heart of the capitalistic civilization (sources of counter - information culmine, viva la anarquia, act for freedom, 325, safa.espiv e.t.c.) fill us with strength and courage in order to continue. And not only, but also in order to commit through our participation in the Informal Anarchist Federation - International Revolutionary Front that the quiet days are over for ever.
At the same moment the internal enemy in Greece, is developing, becoming more effective and is organizing for its confrontation with the system. The attacks of the International Revolutionary Front - Deviant Behaviour for the spread of revolutionary terrorism, Informal Anarchist Federation - Cell of Aggressive Line, Informal Anarchist Federation - Cell of Revolutionary Solidarity, Warriors of Revolutionary Conscience, commando Lambros Fountas, revolutionary formations for the spread of chaos and other comrades, show that the prospect of international networking in the formation of the Informal Anarchist Federation and its values is effective here and now. Now every anarchist group can participate in this open platform of action and thought, contributing with its own way in its development and co-ordination. Also we send our warm solidarity to the anarchists Monica Caballero and Andrea Urzua Cid who are to be found in the women's prisons of Chile and to all the arrested for the bombs - case, to the anarchists Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio Arturo Duran (jailed in Mexico), to our brother Gabriel Pombo Da Silva in prison of Germany and to Billy, Costa, Silvia, M. Camenich (prisons of Switzerland).
Finally we embrace our own people, Michalis, Gerasimos, Panagiotis, Xaris, Takis, we grit our teeth and give them this promise and commitment:
As long as the sun rises from the east we will not stop fighting for your release even for a moment, to be all together again in the most beautiful plans that we left unfinished in order to fulfil the most wild and “mad” adventure of revolution. Our day will come...
We dedicate you these few words to you...
“Love danger. What hardre? That is what I want.
Which road will you take? The most rugged uphill.
Love responsibility
Do not look for friends, look for comrades.
Do not ask “will we win?”... “will we be defeated?”... just FIGHT.
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