from http://325.nostate.net/?p=1670
4 February 2011
Andrews of Tideswell buses taken out over English Defence League connection (EDL are English nationalists/fascists/’patriots’).
“Last night activists struck at Andrews of Tideswell. This bus company is a known supplier of coaches to the EDL. Eight coaches had their tires slashed, rendering them inoperable for todays protest. This will not be the last such action and we call on others to take up action. The EDL are a distraction from the real challenges facing people, they feed upon the racist, xenophobic culture of the likes of the Daily Mail, promoting a divisive culture of fear. For this reason we took action to stop them.”
angry up north
Andrews of Tideswell Ltd
Anchor Garage,
Tideswell, Buxton
Derbyshire, SK17 8RB
Telephone – 01298 871222
Fax: 01298 872412
Paul Duncan Andrew
Tel: 01298 871 657
Robert Brian Andrew
Tel: 01298 872 063
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