Riots all over Germany after the eviction of Liebigstrasse 14 in Berlin on 2nd of february.
The Liebig 14 was one of the last and oldest squats in Berlin.
On the 2nd of february, 2.500 cops violently evicted the houseproject. It took them 8 hours to evict the barricated house.
One week before the eviction there was a demonstration with 7.000 people in Berlin against the evictionplans.
In the night following the eviction, there were demonstrations with about 3.000 people and riots in the streets of Berlin with an estimated damage of one million euros and more riots with less people and less damage in the following nights.
The night of the eviction and all the following days, there were solidarity-demonstrations and riots all over the country and even in Copenhagen in Denmark, Oslo in Norway and Iquitos in Peru.
In Hamburg, there were 500 people demonstrating and rioting in the streets on the day of the eviction and the same on the following two nights with a bit less people but more broken windows and damage in the inner city.
There were demonstrations with 300 people in Copenhagen with riots, 150 demonstrating in Rostock and Göttingen, 100 in Bremen and Dortmund, 80 in Giessen, 60 in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Osnabrück, 50 people on a demonstration and a solidarity-squatting in Hanover, 50 in Jena, Freiburg, Saarbrücken, Glauchau and Köln, 40 in Oslo(Norway), 30 on a demonstration and riots in Kiel and Arnstadt/Thüringen and Aue/Erz, a solidarity-squatting in Hildesheim, solidarity-action in Munich, Halberstadt, Rendsburg, Cottbus and Iquitos (Peru) and for sure that's not all.
Solidarity is a weapon!
For more information (in german) and pictures:
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