RÉSEAU DE LUTTES : international meeting in Tunisia (September 29 – October 2)
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Why an International Meeting in Tunisia?
A step in the revolutionary process
For about ten years, an unprecedented contestation against the economic domination of the world has mounted and, each time, shown a common face: the revolutionary youth. From Argentina in 2001 to Tunisia in 2011, passing through the Palestinian Intifada of 2002, the revolts in the working class neighborhoods of France in 2005, Greece since 2009 – prefiguring the crisis in many European countries – but also Bolivia, Spain, Mexico, Mali, Burkina Fasso, Senegal, China, Iran… Front lines against capitalism and its dictators have been opened in many countries.
Since December 17th, 2011 a rapid acceleration of the international movement has begun in a region where no one expected the emergence of such a force: the Arab world. From Tunisia to Yemen, a revolutionary wave that has not stopped spreading is disturbing all the hierarchies imposed during the postcolonial period.
Today, so that the struggles don’t lose their strength and so that, every week, they invade the great capitals of countries in crisis, the junction between the protagonists of the protest is necessary.
The revolution in Tunisia and its aftermath are the beginning of an international revolution, but they are only a beginning, they are an outline of an international revolution, they are an international awareness of history. This revolutionary process released in Tunisia put the theories of the end of history, the end of ideologies… the end of revolutions… in crisis. The Tunisian revolution, the first “postmodern” revolution, shows once again the possibility that a people conduct its own struggle and organize itself for and by itself, outside of the dominant world’s bureaucratized and co-opted institutions.
This is why Tunisia, the starting point of the current revolts should become a meeting place for all those that want to build a new society.
This is why we propose an international meeting in Tunisia. The meeting will happen in three parts. First a plenary assembly at the Bourse de Travail in Tunis. Second, a few days of debates, workshops, both in the capital and in other cities – notably in Sidi Bouzid and Sousse. Finally, a day to conclude and produce a final declaration with the perspective of following up in this international process.
The new epoch is profoundly revolutionary and it knows it is. On all of the levels of the global society, we can’t and won’t continue on like before. Above, we can no longer manage things as before because we’ve discovered that the premises of the excess of the economy take root beyond ethical boundaries. Below, we can no longer be subjected to what happens and this is the need for life that has now become a revolutionary program.
The resolution to make history ourselves is the profound sense of this international meeting in Tunisia. Our generation, internationally, has now started to be revolutionary and will struggle in the days to come.
Call for a Transnational Meeting in Tunisia
We would like this Meeting to be a laboratory of reflection and common work around the following fundamental questions: migration and the free circulation of people and knowledges, precariousness, the question of debt and social services, free and accessible education for all, the construction of autonomous media and networks, the reappropriation of urban spaces, the mechanisms and the forms of social mobilization and the experimentation of new forms of organization and collective intelligence.
We propose a 4-day Meeting in Tunisia in September 2011, and invite all collectives, groups, individuals and activists who adhere to this call and who wish to construct a transnational network of struggle.
Call for a Transnational Meeting in Tunisia
We, students, precarious workers, unemployed, and activists of Europe and North Africa met in Tunis to share our knowledge and begin a process of common struggles. The struggles that have swept across North Africa over the last few months spoke to the entire globe because the absence of a future for the new generations was at the center of these conflicts. The front lines in these struggles were held by the new generation who is always the first to fight and the last to be listened to. In the context of the global economic crisis, there are many parallels in the reasons why we are fighting in Europe and why Ben Ali and Moubarak were toppled.
These struggles are demanding a radical change of a system based on generalized exploitation by parasitic governments of elites over the needs of the many. We are revolting against the misery of the present and to build new social relationships that are produced by processes of liberation and the reappropriation of our collective wealth. These struggles create common spaces that power constantly tries to fragment and repress.
This is why we are calling for a transnational Meeting of activists to share our struggles and to construct common strategies and campaigns. We don’t want to have a “media” event, but to construct a transnational network able to face these times of struggle and great social transformation.
We would like this Meeting to be a laboratory of reflection and common work around the following fundamental questions: migration and the free circulation of people and knowledges, precariousness, the question of debt and social services, free and accessible education for all, the construction of autonomous media and networks, the reappropriation of urban spaces, the mechanisms and the forms of social mobilization and the experimentation of new forms of organization and collective intelligence.
We propose a 4-day Meeting in Tunisia in September 2011, and invite all collectives, groups, individuals and activists who adhere to this call and who wish to construct a transnational network of struggle.
Front de Libération populaire de la Tunisie
Knowledge Liberation Front
Network Welcome to Europe and other activists of NoBorder
Soliplenumk Revolte (Gottingen)
International meeting
September 29 to October 2, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Maison des Jeunes Menzah 6, Tunis.
- Foreword
- Presentation of the organizations and groups
- Presentation of workshops and registration
Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1, 2011
Plenary assembly of groups’ delegates :
Maison des Jeunes Menzah 6, Tunis.
Self-organisation assembly of the transnational network :
Maison des Jeunes Menzah 6, Tunis.
1 – For the free circulation of people : migrations
Maison de la culture de Hammam Lif.
2- Beyond the political economy of precarity, debt and unemployment :
A – Precariousness, unemployment, debt.
Faculté Campus El Manar
B – From within, against and beyond contemporay biocapitalism
Faculté Campus El Manar
C – State apparatus and repression
Faculté des sciences juridiques, politiques et sociales de Tunis
3- Knowledge and culture :
A – For the free circulation of knowledge : free knowledge for everyone
Faculté des Sciences Humaines 9 Avril
B – Critical philosophy at the time of revolution.
Faculté des Sciences Humaines 9 Avril
C – Crisis of contemporary art and its overcoming
Institut Supérieur des Beaux-arts de Tunis
Ecole des arts dramatiques de Tunis.
D – For an insurrectional urbanism : to rethink the city.
Ecole nationale d’architecture et d’urbanisme
E – For a social medecine.
Faculté de médecine de Tunis
4- New forms of organization and collective intelligence
A – Construction of autonomous networks and media.
Institut de presse et des sciences de l’information (IPSI) – Sousse
B – Self-organization : Case study.
Maison de jeunes, Regueb
Besides workshops :
- Practical ateliers (proposed by participants)
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Closing :
Maison des Jeunes Menzah 6, Tunis.
- Presentation of the decisions emerged during the workshops
- final declaration
Related Link: http://www.edu-factory.org/wp/
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