After discovering that our favorite paper The Stranger was giving power-hungry ding-dongs another free opportunity to interface with the public they want to manage, we decided to pay the event a little visit.
At The Havanna Club in Capitol Hill we found ourselves assaulted by democracy-fanatics, imploring us to register to vote (so that we can vote in the city council). The earnestness and sincerity with which these democratic-insurgents tried to push their religion was utterly astounding and it took some time, once getting past them and entering the bar, to fully make out what was happening.
The hippest of democracy-lovers were drinking and occasionally fielding some questions to the candidates for the Seattle City Council. The candidates were hamming it up as usual, putting on their most disgusting grins and feigning the deepest concern. We know full well, after they are elected, these bozos will further criminalize the homeless, redesign and gentrify what is left of the nasty Seattle streets we love, and make the city a green, social-democratic paradise, all the while making over 100,000 dollars a year. We have no interest in government, and so, as anarchists, we proceeded to disrupt the event.
Our intelligence team found out the speechifying was about to start and so we rushed into our positions. In no time at all, the putrescent smell of sulfur filled the air, as did a nice cloud of smoke from a smoke bomb. The speech stopped, dozens of people left the bar covering their noses, and we disappeared as quietly as we had entered. On the way out, fliers were left explaining why we hate politicians.
This modest effort was aimed against capitalist democracy and all of the drones who mindlessly perpetuate it. We do not want a nicer city for rich people. We want to tear down the flimsy curtain hiding the people who turn a place of vibrancy and life into a sterile wasteland of consumerism and boredom. Our dream is for the city to return to a wild state, for the population to decrease, and for the city hall, Seattle Police, and every petty ruler to disappear. We don't care about progressive politics. We want NO POLITICS!!!
-Anti-Political Youth Gone Wild
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