On the 1st march 2011 (migrants’ strike day), activist in Bologna showed their solidarity to the people in Via Mattei’s detention centre. Immediately their was a reaction from inside. The people started with protests and burned matresses and tryed to get out.
The activists from TPO social center manage to reach the Identification and Expulsion Center (CIE) in Via Mattei. They cross the first enclosure using a scale. They call the “LaRepubblica” redaction and inform about the invasion “we’ve invaded the via mattei detention center asking for the liberation of all detained migrants”.
The detained migrants react, putting fire to the matresses. According to the police, the activists have been blocked before crossing the first enclosure According to the activists, they’ve been blocked in the second enclosure. As time passes they become more (150 activists).
The activists ask to enter in the detention center. Not all of them, but a delegation. With them, they are also two council member (from Prc and Sel-Verdi). They’re waiting for the approval to enter in the infrastructure while inside the situation becomes even more tensed. Around 15:00 a delegation (two council members, 2 lawyers, 1 representative of an association for migrants’ rights) enter.
The migrants have immediately reacted to the demonstration of the activists, putting fire to the matresses and trying to get out. They’ve been blocked by the police forces. The activists contact them through a cell phone “If you leave now, we’re afraid we’ll be hit by the police”.
Some days before a tunisian detained for 10days has sewed his lips. On the 27th of February a group of anarchists protested outside Via Mattei’s detention center, which is ran by Misericordia Association and many migrants thew from the windows of the center their matresse. The day before the demonstration, 4 persons have tried to escape climbing on a net and reaching the roof.
Short summary from italian reports in english, sent by email.
Source: http://no-racism.net/article/3711/
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