Quick translation of the suppressed news from Mexico of an explosive attack against one of the most notorious and vilified multinational corporations : Monsanto. The CARI-PGG take responsibility for attacking this biotech agribusiness giant.
Claim of sending a parcel bomb to Monsanto – CARI-PGG
Comunicado: Release:
During the week of 22 to 27 February we sent a parcel bomb to the head of Monsanto Mexico, which was made in the same way as the explosive packets which were sent to the two prison directors. We know that news of this package was merely hidden like last two and also the last one which was sent to the Embassy of Chile [for the 14 August Hungerstrikers].
But many people will wonder why Monsanto?.
Monsanto is one of the world’s most powerful companies that own most patents of genetically modified corn among other patents. Monsanto for its history of existence, dating from 1901, is dedicated to destroying the planet through different ways: pollution of rivers, oceans and ecosystems through the discharge of fertilizers and agrichemicals, destruction of native cultures and their customs, privatization of Nature, poisoning the land, making it infertile, producing transgenic corn and preventing people from planting native corn anymore or Creole. Monsanto contributed to pollution, death and illness of millions of Vietnamese during the war between Vietnam and the United States. At that time 80 million liters of herbicides (chemicals) were sprayed on Vietnam, in an area of approximately 1.5 million hectares, to clear forests and facilitate the bombing of the population. Among the products to be sprayed was Agent Orange, a powerful defoliant.
These chemicals destroy forests, rice fields, entire crops, poisoned the waters and caused serious environmental damage, plus poison people and cause diseases like cancer and birth defects.
Monsanto has hired the world’s largest mercenary company “Blackwater” to spy on activists dissatisfied with their destructive activity, saying that Blackwater and Total Intelligence could infiltrate the environmental movement if it was necessary, Monsanto paid $ 127,000 Total Intelligence in 2008 and $ 105,000 in 2009.
For these and many other reasons, we have to attack this biotech company and those who remain standing.
Against these companies that threaten nature all our actions have to be as radical and powerful as the damage they perpetrate against the planet. We know that in time (or at least that’s what is wanted), the director of Monsanto Mexico and all the individuals who support this company will not sleep easy, expecting at any given night a powerful explosion will destroy their house. Ask the agents of Monsanto who has infected livestock when they discharge their toxins in the water, just ask Monsanto who has has forced thousands of peasants to sell and consume genetically modified product and those who simply refuse stripping them through repression about terrorism, ask them about their complicit governments and their paramilitaries.
We see no moral reason why we should care about these entrepreneurs and their bourgeois families, rich and powerful, who feel they own the world and feel the right to modify and manipulate life on this planet at will, justified only by having money, having ‘manners’, having cars; – to have food every day, just to throw most of it away. They have enriched themselves at our expense and cost of our families, our loved ones and our comrades in struggle, that unfortunately come into this commercialized world of work by not having many other options or alternatives.
These companies and their families, their wealth from the exploitation of nature and animals, destroy ecosystems, poisoning rivers and oceans.
An eye for eye, tooth for tooth!!!
Capitalism is a social relationship and capitalists have names and address!!!
Autonomous Cells for the Immediate Revolution – Praxedis Gilberto Guerrero
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