martedì 1 novembre 2011

Manolis Anagnostakis: “are you in favour, or against?”

A timely poem by the poet Manolis Anagnostakis (1925-2005).

The decision

Are you in favour, or against?
At least respond with a yes or a no.
You have mulled over the issue
I believe it has troubled you
Everything troubles us in life
Kids women insects
Poisonous plants, wasted hours
Hard passions and rotten teeth
Average films. And this, surely, has troubled you.
So speak responsibly. Even if only with a yes or a no.
The decision belongs to you.
We are not asking you to cease
Your habits, to interrupt your life
Your dear newspapers; your conversations
At the barber-shop; your Sundays at the sports grounds.
One word only. Go ahead then:
Are you in favour, or against?
Think over it well. I shall wait.

(The poem follows in Greek)

Ἡ ἀπόφαση

Εἶστε ὑπὲρ ἢ κατά;
Ἔστω ἀπαντεῖστε μ᾿ ἕνα ναὶ ἢ μ᾿ ἕνα ὄχι.
Τὸ ἔχετε τὸ πρόβλημα σκεφτεῖ
Πιστεύω ἀσφαλῶς πὼς σᾶς βασάνισε
Τὰ πάντα βασανίζουν στὴ ζωὴ
Παιδιὰ γυναῖκες ἔντομα
Βλαβερὰ φυτὰ χαμένες ὦρες
Δύσκολα πάθη χαλασμένα δόντια
Μέτρια φίλμς. Κι αὐτὸ σᾶς βασάνισε ἀσφαλῶς.
Μιλᾶτε ὑπεύθυνα λοιπόν. Ἔστω μὲ ναὶ ἢ ὄχι.
Σὲ σᾶς ἀνήκει ἡ ἀπόφαση.
Δὲ σᾶς ζητοῦμε πιὰ νὰ πάψετε
Τὶς ἀσχολίες σας νὰ διακόψετε τὴ ζωή σας
Τὶς προσφιλεῖς ἐφημερίδες σας· τὶς συζητήσεις
Στὸ κουρεῖο· τὶς Κυριακές σας στὰ γήπεδα.
Μιὰ λέξη μόνο. Ἐμπρὸς λοιπόν:
Εἶστε ὑπὲρ ἢ κατά;
Σκεφθεῖτε το καλά. Θὰ περιμένω.

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