They’ve been paving the way for quite some time now. The Nation is in danger; an array of incomprehensible fictitious capital and speculative economics posses a very tangible threat to the livelihoods of the people. A pressing need for people to cease resisting the onslaught of capital and to line up behind whatever national saviour comes their way. A pressing need for a return so some sort of normality, anything resembling social peace, a pressing need to return to order.
In the words of a poet, “order smells of human flesh” — and, according to the anarchist slogan that tweaked those words years later, national unity has that distinctive smell, too. A serious-looking banker asks for consent and for people to bear whatever sacrifices come their way. Whoever said bankers lack a sense of humour? Even at the time of his demotion from vice-president of the European Central Bank to prime-minister of the Greek section, this humanoid finds the strength to joke about. And this, in face of one of the deepest crises capital has faced on this continent’s soil for so many years: at this exact time, sovereignty has swiftly and unhesitatingly lifted the veil of representational democracy, the veil of any democratic procedure whatsoever. What’s to surprise us? “Sovereign is he who decides on the state of exception.”
And so, they’ve decided. They’ve taken something enough of us were burbling for years and thrown it out into the open. If this isn’t fear, what is? If this isn’t our best opportunity in a lifetime to expose the democratic regime for the shambles that it is, when would it possibly be?
Upper caption: "single-party government of national salvation". Lower caption: "multiple-party government of national salvation." From the blog Antistachef, http://antistachef.wordpress.com
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