giovedì 31 marzo 2011

Bologna, Italy - Incendiary device against IBM headquarters


from the daily "Il Resto del Carlino" of 27/03/2011 an article concerning what happened at an IBM premises the night before...

..The bomb was placed in a stairwell in the basement of the building housing IBM, at the level of the garage, near an electrical panel. The same complex houses the command of the Nas, but the offices are closed at night. In theory the area is only accessible to persons with keys or remote control, but the attackers may simply have taken advantage of a car leaving to enter the basement, only to disappear through a side door. The blaze started around 2.30, and the remote fire alarm went off in an operations centre in Milan. The signal was immediately sent to the supervisory institute La Patria, which sent its own patrol. The guards found the room filled with smoke and averted the fire brigade and police. When the smoke thinned, everything became clear. On one wall the attackers left the signature "Elf" with green paint. Investigators believe it is the acronym for Earth Liberation Front, a radical eco-terrorism movement known internationally, but it has not been specified whether they left any other references.
The main hypothesis is that the action falls within the campaign for the release of three anarchist prisoners in Switzerland. On April 15 it will be exactly one year since their arrest: Luca Bernasconi, Costantino Ragusa and Silvia Guerini, according to Swiss investigators, were preparing an attack at IBM and had Elf signed propaganda material. Already incendiary attacks on 6 October and 12 December against a repeater for cell phones and the Roadhouse Grill restaurant have been "dedicated" to them. These days, however, another anniversary that the anarchist galaxy recalls with particular devotion. At dawn on March 28, 1998 the squatter Edoardo Massari known as Baleno, suspected of terrorist acts against the high-speed rail, was found hanged in his cell at the prison of le Vallette. Another story of a past that always comes back.

Svizzera – Lettera-bomba presso Swissnuclear, due feriti

OLTEN – Una lettera-bomba è esplosa stamane negli uffici di Swissnuclear a Olten (SO), ferendo due persone. Lo ha indicato all’ATS un portavoce della polizia cantonale solettese.

Le due vittime sono state ricoverate all’ospedale con ferite al capo e al petto. Per ora non vi sono indicazioni sugli autori dell’attentato.

Swissnuclear è la sezione responsabile dell’energia nucleare in seno a swisselectric, che a sua volta riunisce i maggiori produttori di corrente elvetici.

L’esplosione è avvenuta mentre una trentina di manifestanti di Greenpeace dimostravano davanti alla sede dell’azienda elettrica svizzera Alpiq.

In un un comunicato l’organizzazione ecologista, che chiede il «ritiro definitivo della richiesta di autorizzare la costruzione di nuove centrali nucleari in Svizzera», ha preso le distanze dall’attentato. «Greenpeace non ha niente a che vedere con questo attacco», ha affermato Florian Kasser dell’Ong, aggiungendo che «la manifestazione è stata per ora sospesa».

Come to Cologne! - Autonomous Center evicted soon!

Come to Cologne! Autonomous Center evicted soon! - Demonstration on Saturday!

Saturday 2n of April, 18:00, Cologne, in front of the Dome of Cologne (near the central station, station Köln Hbf)

Further informations at, and

For an Autonomous Center!

Callout: For an autonomous Center! - Everything has to be done by ourselfs!

The Autonomous Center in Cologne-Kalk exists nealy since a year. During this time thousands of guests used and created this special place in more than 250 events. The first cinema of the neighbourhood was founded, in many workshops skills were being developped, the weekly unemployed-consultation helped many people in their problems with the Unemployment-agency, concerts gave tha opportunity to local bands to make free appearances, exhibitions met their public, political groups used the house for their work – everything selforganised and uncomercial, without a cent from the city. The idea of a place, where people can enjoy and create culture without depending of their walle, found many new friends.

The squatted ex-cantine of the company KHD had been left empty from the mucinipal savings bank (Sparkasse) and abandonned to its expiration. Without the squatting the result would be more years without use. The squatters were seeking from the beginning the discussion with responsible political persons. In many conversations not only the idea of the Autonomous Center was presented, but also a plan of use and financing opened the way for a cultural center in Cologne.

The mayor named Roters and the municipal savings bank are against a meaningful utilisation of Wiesbergstreet 44. Under flimsy excuses and through desinformation of the public the Autonomous Center is to be evicted and the building to be demolished, without that further plans exist. As allready with the Barmer-quarter in Deutz, the next "most-expensivve-parkingplace-Germanys" is being prepared.

We, friends of the Autnomous Center, Leftists, Syndicalists call out for the demonstration "For an autonomous center! - Everything has to be done by ourselfs" on Saturday 2nd of April 2011. The houses can be evicted, the builings can be replaced by parking-places – the idea for a selforganised life and culture can not be demolished!

Saturday 2n of April, 18:00, Cologne, in front of the Dome of Cologne (near the central station, station Köln Hbf)

Further informations at, and



About 50 gathered in solidarity, most outside the court room (they didn’t let them in claiming there were no seats).

Mostly today there were demands from the defence, concerning transport (handcuffed etc), and the masked armed cops in the court room. The cops chased some comrades down to Alexandras av. They definitely beat one comrade, it started when family members and comrades of Simos were attacked with no reason by the cops.

The trial continues on April 12th.


500 people attended the solidarity demo yesterday 29/3 for our comrade Simos, cop attendance: 2-3 riot cop units followed closely. Passing by the 3 out of the 7 banks that are accusing him the demo passed by the national bank were the robbery took place. Very strong vibe..



$hile – Protestas en conmemoración del Día del Joven Combatiente

* liberaciontotal

Protestas se regitraron en varias poblaciones de Santiago donde jovenes se enfrentaron a la policía con piedras, bombas molotov y en algunos casos con disparos

Pasadas las 21:30 horas comenzaron las primeras protestas en una nueva jornada del Día del Joven Combatiente en Santiago.

Actividad en Villa Francia

En Villa Francia, comuna de Estación Central, se realizo una actividad en homenaje a todxs lxs compañerxs caídxs en combate donde se mostraron videos y tocaron musica, también Luisa Toledo y Manuel Veragara (madre y padre de Eduardo y Rafael) hablaron respecto a la muerte de sus hijos y que en esta fecha se recuerda a todxs esxs jovenes que murieron luchando por la libertad y de lo importante que es apoyar a lxs compañerxs en prisión.
Despues más de 200 personas marcharon alzando gritos con los nombres de compañerxs caídxs (Eduardo y Rafael Veragara, Pablo Vergara, Aracely Romo, Claudia Lopez, Jonny Cariqueo, Matias Catrileo, Mauricio Morales, etc.) avanzando por la calle 5 de Abril, despues de varias cuadras, al llegar a calle 7 de Octubre, se registraron los primeros enfrentamientos, cuando Carabineros con gases lacrimógenos intento dispersar a la gente pero fueron recibidos con piedras y molotovs, también se prendieron barricadas. La prensa escondida detras de carabineros también fue apedreada. Despues continuaron los enfrentamientos en Villa Francia. (más fotos de esta actividad al final).

En otras poblaciones de Santiago

Alrededor de las 22:00 horas en Villa Colón, comuna de San Bernardo, una veintena de jóvenes comenzaron a atacar con piedras a los periodistas y sus vehículos, a lo que Carabineros reaccionó lanzando gases lacrimógenos para intentar dispersar los disturbios. En varios lugares se prendieron barricadas y jovenes se enfrentaron con carabineros. Durante las protestas se escucharon disparos.

Pasadas las 22:30 horas en la intersección de avenida Las Rejas y calle Río Quetro, Estación Central, se producen enfrentamientos entre la policía y un grupo encapuchadxs. Lugar donde se escucharon disparos.

A las 22:30 horas se comenzaron a prender barricadas en distintos sectores de la comuna de Peñalolén. Grupos además comenzaron a lanzar piedras contra Carabineros en Avenida Grecia, en las cercanías de la población Esperanza Andina. Los agentes del orden utilizaron el carro lanzaaguas y gases para dispersar a los grupos que se tomaban las calles.

En el sector de la población La Pincoya, de la comuna de Huechuraba, se prendieron barricadas en calle Recoleta y otros puntos, donde también jovenes se enfrentaron con carabineros.

En Renca se prendieron barricadas en varios sectores donde jovenes se enfrentaron con carabineros.

Además, en comunas de Pudahuel, Lo Espejo, Cerrillos, Maipú Conchalí, Cerro Navia, Quilicura, Recoleta, Independencia, La Granja y La Pintana, se registraron cortes de calles con barricadas ademas de otros desmanes.

En Concepción, sur de $hile

El primer hecho ocurrió en Avenida General Bonilla, donde desconocidxs quemaron una retroexcavadora, perteneciente a la empresa Ideco, que había estado trabajando en la reparación de la calle.
En incendio habría sido iniciado por tres personas que rociaron con combustible la máquina y le prendieron fuego, para despues huir del lugar.

En otro punto de la zona, un grupo desconocidxs encendió barricadas compuesta por neumáticos a la altura del Puente Perales en Talcahuano.

En ambos casos no se registraron detenidxs.

Cortes de luz

Cerca de la media noche varios sectores de Santiago se encontraban sin electricidad, producto de las cadenas arrojadas a los cables electricos. En el sector de Villa Francia en Estación Central, en sectores de Renca, también en Peñalolen, Huechuraba y San Bernardo.

Ataques a buses del Transantiago

En la comuna de Renca cerca de 10 encapuchadxs amenazaron con una pistola al conductor para que bajara de la maquina. Luego le rociaron bencina y prendieron fuego dentro del bus. El bus, del tipo oruga, correspondia al recorrido 408 y resulto totalmente quemado.

Un segundo bus del Transantiago fue atacado con fuego en la intersección de Infante con Las Torres, en la comuna de Peñalolén. En el lugar desconocidxs arrojaron un colchon en llamas contra el bus lo que produjo algunos daños sin que la maquina fuera completamente destruida.

Los buses del Transantiago fueron atacados con gran frecuancia, mayoritariamente con piedras, rompiendo sus cristales, durante las protestas de anoche.


El gobierno como medida de prevenir las protestas de este año había dispuesto adicionalmente 2.000 policias para contener sectores donde frecuentemente ocurren disturbios para el Día del Joven Combatiente.

Como resultado de todas las protestas en Santiago 97 personas fueron detenidas, acusadas desde desordenes, desordenes graves, porte de material incendiario y porte de armas. Todxs lxs detenidxs pasaron la noche en comisarias y pasaron, hoy 30 de marzo, a control de detención en el “Centro de Justicia” de Santiago donde el juez dictara algun castigo.

Dentro del total de detenidxs, dos personas son acusadas de portar bombas molotov. Una en la comuna de Renca y otra en Villa Francia, comuna de Estación Central.

Segun carabineros despues del ataque incendiario al bus del Transantiago en Renca, cerca del lugar se detuvieron a dos personas, un adulto de 25 años y un menor de 16 años, quienes segun los agentes “tenían un fuerte olor a combustible” y “fueron reconocidos por el chofer del bus” algo raro puesto que las personas que incendiaron la maquina estaban encapuchadas.

También 4 personas fueron detenidas en regiones.

Durante toda la noche helicopteros y carros policiales (tanquetas, lanza gases y agua, micros, etc.) recorrieron los sectores donde se realizaban protestas. Las protestas se extendieron durante las horas en la madrugada.


Mientras tanto el gobierno a través de Rodrigo Hinzpeter (ministro del interior), reafirmado por la prensa, se jacto de que este 29 de Marzo es uno de los más tranquilos que se han registrado en años, agradeciendo el trabajo de las policías. ¿Pero cuanta información ocultan? ¿cuantas barricadas y enfrentamientos que no son mencionados? ¿cuantos carros policiales con daños producto de los enfrentamientos? ó ¿cuantos verdugos heridos son los que esconden? Porque nadie cree que ningun policía fuera alcanzado por las piedras o el fuego, policias que no alcanzan a correr y quedan atras del grupo policial cayendo en las manos (golpes) de jovenes manifestantes.
Lo importante y trasendente para la lucha, no es lo que dice la prensa o el Poder, sino que despues de 26 años del asesinato de Eduardo y Rafael Vergara (y tantxs otrxs compas caídxs) la lucha sigue y no da pie atrás.

Desde la prensa…

Report from Lampedusa, Europe’s mediterranean prison island for migrants (Italy)

First hand accounts from Lampedusa, Europe’s island of shame, as more and more refugees arrive from Tunisia and elsewhere in North Africa to be held in an open air prison — if they make it at all.

Lampedusa is the very first place where many migrants land after their difficult journey from North Africa. From here they are sent to several detention centers in Italy. Recently many migrants from Africa arriving in Italian waters were shipped to concentration camps in the Libyan desert under the Berlusconi-Gaddafi migration deal (*1). At least for the moment that arrangement seems on hold, while the numbers are further swelled by refugees fleeing the new conflict zones. It seems that up to now about 8000 migrants have arrived from Tunisia to the island. A new detention centre is about to be opened in Mineo, close to Catania (Sicily), in a former NATO barracks. At the moment there are several thousand migrants being held in the Lampedusa detention center: there is barely space for 800.

* * * * * Thursday March 10th * * * * *

We arrived in Lampedusa yesterday (March 9) but it feels like we have already been here for weeks.

On the ferry boat, as well as some residents of Lampedusa, some journalists and photographers, there were at least a dozen policemen and “carabinieri”. Since they were staring at me all the time, I tried to be polite and greet them. We were approaching the island when I overheard a policeman saying something in Arabic to one of his colleagues. I asked about his Arabic skills and we started chatting. He told us that he had been in Lampedusa many times, his language abilities are very useful. He was there, he said, in 2009 when the migrants set the detention centre. When we asked him if he could help us get to see the centre he gave us his phone number. He also told us that many of his colleagues wanted to beat the migrants but he always stopped them.

It is a small beautiful island. We quickly found a place for the night, had a shower and went out to explore. The village is quite small, about 5,500 people living here, but as their economy is mainly based on tourism there are many hotels and empty holiday homes. We saw lots of police and Carabinieri driving around in cars and vans, and a few Tunisians walking around, apparently without any problem. They are not supposed to leave the detention centre under a mayoral injunction, but there are so many that the police can’t enforce it, so they easily climb the small fences to have a taste of freedom. Besides, the island is so far away from the rest of Europe that these short term escapes are tolerated.

We soon found our way to the detention centre, about a 15 minute walk from the village. Unfortunately we were blocked at a police check point. They told us that we could not pass. We asked “Why not?” They answered: “because you cannot pass!” With that clear explanation we went back and started thinking how to find an alternative route through the countryside.

On the way back we soon met two Tunisian guys. They were going back to the center after buying some food in the village. We warned them about the police checkpoint but they weren’t bothered, and indeed the police let them pass after a quick look at their shopping bags.

A few meters on a man stopped his car and offered us a lift to the village. We accepted. He told us he works in the detention center as a cook. For more than a thousand prisoners there are usually only four cooks and a few helpers. One day last week there were three thousands Tunisians and even then the four of them had to do the whole job. He said he’d been a fisherman for 40 years but had to get another job as fishing can’t support everyone in Lampedusa.

The old man dropped us close to a bar in the village. We stopped there for a coffee and a couple of Cannoli (the best sicilian sweets which also, according to some activists, bring good luck when consumed in holy Cannoli rituals). The bar was full of journalists all busy talking to each other or on their mobiles.

We went for another walk about. Close to the harbour we spotted lots of abandoned boats with names written in Arabic, some of them quite small and old, being used as a background by a photographer taking some pictures of some Tunisians. The Tunisians were surprised to hear my bad Arabic and were happy to tell us more about them. They all came from Gerba: a group of about 40 friends bought a boat together paying about 2000 euros each. They had spent 2 days in the sea before being rescued. They landed in Lampedusa on monday.

While we were talking a car approached us. A man asked the Tunisians if anyone could speak Italian. I asked who they were working for. They said “Mediaset” (Italian TV empire of Berlusconi). I said “Ah! Berlusconi!”…

We spent some more time with a couple of the guys from Gerba. They got very excited when close to a boat they found a Tunisian coin. One of them told us how, before Ben Ali was chased out of Tunisia, he was working as a cook. His salary was just enough to eat and he could not even pay his bills. But now the tourists have gone and he has no job at all. He wants to reach his relatives in France and find a job to earn some money to send to his family back home.

In the evening we went to a local pub. A man from Lampedusa claimed that many Tunisian boats have very new Italian engines and really good GPS systems which usually disappear after the boat get rescued. He said that Lampedusans would like to help the migrants but are worried because the migration problem is losing them lots of money. Tourists are canceling their bookings because the media give the impression that the island is full of migrants and so unsafe.

Later on we met the policeman who had agreed to help us visit the detention centre. He told us we should call an office in Agrigento (Sicily). He tried to convince us of his theory that most of the migrants are escaping from jails so “that’s why they don’t have passports and don’t want to be identified.” He used his high level Italian police psychology arguing that “when they are in the courtyards of the detention center they spend all the time pacing back and forth just as they do in prison!”

This morning we found the way through the fields to get closer to the detention center, maybe 100 meters away from the fences. Some policemen were surrounding the centre to prevent migrants form running away. As soon as we arrived we saw the policeman that we had met on the boat, throwing a stone at a migrant who had managed to run away from the detention center. When he noticed us he came and told us that we were not supposed to be there and we could not film. When he realised that we had filmed him throwing the stone he tried to get us to erase it. I think we have definitely spoiled our friendship. What a pity! I wanted to use him to get more information, maybe also about Frontex (European Union joint border police agency).

Anyway, it seems that tomorrow 100 soldiers will arrive to properly surround the center. That means that the migrants won’t have many chances to go for their little excursions in the village.

Today, in the early afternoon another boat was rescued. There were 26 people including one woman. The boat was spotted in the morning by a Frontex plane. It seems Frontex is providing a plane and two ships to help Lampedusa face the emergency.(*2) When they landed the Red Cross and UNHCR met them and offered first aid. Then they put them on a bus to the detention centre.

This evening we went to have a beer. After a bit a group of young Tunisians arrived and ordered a beer. There seems to be an mayoral injunction against that as well, so they only got coffees. But they sat close to us so we could let them drink some beer while nobody was watching.

In a few days Marie Le Pen, leader of the french Front National, and Mario Borghezio, member of the Lega Nord, ultra racist Italian party, are coming to visit Lampedusa.

I have not been able to make contact with any solidarity organisations here up to now. It seems like there is an invasion of journalists and photographers but no activists at all. Or at least none on our side. Today I read an article where they speak about “the activism of tourist operators, hotel owners and young people to try and raise the institutions’ awareness of the negative consequences of the immigration emergency on the economy of the island”.(*3)

The Tunisian guys we were drinking beer with said that there is someone inside the centre giving legal advice. Yet they seem very confused about their legal rights and what to expect next. They told me that the police had taken their finger prints, and asked me why. I tried to explain to them that according to European law they have to claim asylum in the first safe country they arrive in. Most of them want to go to France but I imagine that won’t be so easy.

The only banners that I have seen up to now are against the media and carry the message that what is happening on the island puts their economy a risk.

* * * * * Saturday March 19th * * * * *

Lampedusa is being used as an open air prison. In the detention centre now there are more than 3000 Tunisians. It is meant to hold only 800. (*4)

There some women amongst them, and many minors. They sleep everywhere: two in every beds, more under the beds, others outside, in any space available, so that there is no space even to walk. They do not have blankets. There is no water to shower. They are given a bottle of water to wash themselves.

There is not much food. They have to queue up for hours and sometimes the food finishes before they get to the end of the queue. When they eat it they immediately want to sleep.

A few days ago Marine Le Pen and Borghezio (Italian Lega nord) came to talk shit inside the centre. (*5) We organised a demonstration of about 30 people to say they were not welcome.

A couple of days ago Stefania Craxi (Vice-Secretary of the minister of foreign affairs) also came to pay a visit. When Ben Ali fled Tunisia she wanted Italy to welcome him. In fact she owed him a favor since Ben Ali had harboured her own father Bettino Craxi when he run away from his trials for corruption. Obviously though she doesn’t think Italy should welcome all Tunisians!

Meanwhile the boats continue to arrive. But some don’t make it. On the 14th a boat sank near the island with about 40 people on board. Five of them were found and saved by another boat. A couple of days ago two corpses were found. (*6)

Today some Tunisians told me that 20 corpses were found recently in Tunisia and that three boats had disappeared.

Yesterday, Lampedusa residents took direct action against the migrants and occupied the harbour to prevent an Italian Coast Guard boat carrying more than 100 people from mooring. They eventually landed late in the evening. The new arrivals are probably sleeping rough.

Today some Tunisians were eventually transferred to other detention centres in Italy after about 10 days of waiting.

The government has found a new solution: tomorrow they will bring a huge boat to moor off the island where they will keep about 1000 migrants. It seems they won’t be transferred anywhere else, just held here until, perhaps by a miracle, some places in other detention centres in the rest of Italy will appear, or maybe the Red Cross will build some tents to shelter the migrants.

* * * * * Monday March 21st * * * * *

Yesterday we were woken up around seven by someone shouting on a megaphone. It was a car telling people to go and occupy the port again, this time to stop the arrival of Red Cross tents probably for at least 10000 people.

The woman at the megaphone is one of the locals who want to save Lampedusa’s tourist economy from the migrants, and are demanding that the Tunisians be transferred elsewhere. We went to the port to check what was happening. The Lampedusans tried to explain to the migrants that they are not against them, they just want them to be transferred quickly anywhere else in Italy. They were asking the Tunisians to join in their demonstration, but most were too scared to get in trouble. Eventually they had to let them unload the tents because otherwise the ferry boat would not leave with the island’s fish.

I met some Tunisians guys who were sleeping at the port and they gave me a tour. There are about 1000 people sleeping there, inside the port there is not even space to walk. Some of them didn’t find space inside and were sleeping outside. No one had been given proper blankets. They had wet clothes when they arrived but were not given a change. Since they arrived (about 4 days ago) they have had almost no food. One guy told me that they had been given one litre of milk to share amongst five men. Some of them were suffering from painful legs or headaches because of the cold. They say doctors go there but don’t do much. I’ll go there now and bring some aspirin. I don’t know what else I can do.

We have already given aspirin in the past days to guys that we know since many of them tell us they are getting sick.

Arrivals continued yesterday as well. During the day, some arrived totally wet because it rained a lot while they were landing. Of course it took a while to find them something to cover themselves. The police (there were many at the port because of the demonstration) gave them their uniforms and their lunches.

A whole family with a small kid, some minors and some very young women arrived. They brought the women and the minors into a council building. I saw them arriving, many barefoot and half naked.

In all this catastrophe, one positive thing. For a couple of days three solicitors who specialise in immigration law were around, so we called a meeting to give some legal advice. I spread the word to many of the Tunisians but just a few of them, maybe about ten, came to the meeting. Many of them just want to go to their families in France and think that once they get there their families will help them.

Save The Children and the UNHCR operators don’t tell them the facts: that they have a right to claim asylum, and that if they don’t claim asylum and say they have just come to find work they will lose their chance to stay in Europe.

The guys that came to the information meeting all had very strong asylum cases. They had all been at the anti-government demonstrations where they had been beaten, and they had had political problems before that. They said that even though Ben Ali has formally resigned his friends and relatives are still in control. It is very sad to hear how the “Jasmin Revolution” has ended for them on a boat towards Europe.

Unfortunately the solicitors will leave soon, but they told us that they’ll try to get other solicitors to come from other Italian cities. Free legal advice is not easy to find in Italy.

In the evening we tried to get inside the detention centre but were spotted by the soldiers on patrol. They saw we weren’t Tunisians and escorted us back to the fences.

Lampedusa Migrant Solidarity


(1) Gaddafi’s role as Europe’s outsourced border policeman since the 2008 Berlusconi deal is one of the worst reported aspects of the recent love-in between the Libyan tyrant and European states. One recent article:

Human Rights Watch Report:






Final report and recommendations of Project Group “Measure 6″


from: BE delegation
to: JHA Counsellors / COSI Support Group

In the context of the 29 measures for reinforcing the protection of external borders and combating illegal immigration (6975/10), the Project Group on Measure 6 has produced its final report. The objective of this Project Group “Measure 6″ is: “To improve the collection, processing and systematic exchange of relevant information between FRONTEX, other EU Agencies and Member States”. (pdf at

Symbolic occupation for the Chilean comrades on hunger strike( athens greece)

Symbolic occupation for the Chilean comrades
on hunger strike
The Chilean consultancy in Athens has been symbolically
occupied as a token of solidarity to the imprisoned fighters who are on hunger strike since the 21st of February in Chile, accused in the “Caso Bombas”

Our thoughts are with comrades

Andrea Urzúa, Camilo Pérez, Carlos Riveros,
Felipe Guerra, Francisco Solar, Mónica Caballero,
Rodolfo Retamales, Vinicio Aguilera, Omar Hermosilla.

We do not forget their struggle. With our fist raised high we send them greetings and wish them strength and courage until freedom.



from the occupied consultancy

mercoledì 30 marzo 2011

Solidaridad desde Brasil

Solidariedade axs presxs políticxs no Chile desde São Paulo/Brasil
A data é uma referência a morte dos estudantes e irmãos Rafael e Eduardo Vergara Toledo que lutaram na linha de frete dos movimentos populares contra o regime totalitário do general Augusto Pinochet (1973 – 1990), foram assassinados em 29 de Março de 1985. Desde então, todos os anos, no bairro de Villa Francia, na zona oeste de Santiago, onde os irmãos Toledo moravam, os jovens saem às ruas, principalmente durante a noite, encapuzados, fechando as avenidas principais com barricadas e entoando palavras de ordem.
Ontem, véspera do dia do Jovem Combatente, fizemos uma intervenção ao redor do Consulado Geral do Chile – SP. Com as colagens denunciamos a questão do abuso de poder do governo reacionário Sebastián Piñera, que em nome do “bem-estar e ordem social”, utiliza a Lei antiterrorista para invadir ocupações e casa de mlitantes libertários. Em 14 de Agosto de 2010, 14 militantes foram presos sob a acusações de ataques armados, com explosivos e objetos incendiários, que aconteceram nos últimos 3 anos, contra alvos do Estado e do capital no país. Porém a única prova concreta é que esses militantes faziam e fazem parte de movimentos sociais e atividades de luta contra a farsa democrática. Atualmente são 10 pres@s políticos. E dos índios Mapuches, que desde a colonização são símbolo de resistência, pois não se rendiam a aculturação espanhola, resistência que se mantém firme até os dias atuais. Hoje, brigam pelas terras de Araucanía, região sul do Estado chileno. Os conflitos com o Estado para ter posse das terras vem séculos gerando confrontos e prisões, mas se acentuou em Janeiro de 2008, com a morte do estudante de ascendência mapuche Matias Catrileo, 22 anos, por um segurança privado de um fazendeiro. Os mapuches reinvidicam a posse das terras da região de Araucaní, além da liberdade d@s pres@s políticos que defendem a causa indígena.

A solidariedade não reconhece fronteiras…
Basta de Lei antiterrorista!
Liberdade a tod@s os/as pres@s políticos!

Santiago de $hile – 30 detenidos y un bus quemado durante conmemoración del Día del Joven Combatiente

30 personas han sido detenidas en el curso de esta noche, en el marco de los disturbios registrados en diversos puntos de la capital, con motivo de la conmemoración del Día del Joven Combatiente.

De acuerdo a los antecedentes recabados, 27 sujetos fueron aprehendidos por Carabineros por su implicancia en los desórdenes y alteración del orden público, de los cuales 6 fueron detenidos en el sector de Villa Francia, comuna de Estación Central.

En tanto, en Renca, fueron arrestados dos jóvenes sorprendidos lanzando bombas incendiarias del tipo “molotov”. En su poder se habrían encontrado además armas de fuego hechizas. En la misma comuna fue detenido un sujeto por porte de arma de fuego.

En la zona oriente de Santiago, específicamente en el sector de Infante con Las Torres, un grupo de desconocidos prendió fuego a un bus del Transantiago. Carabineros informó que fueron cerca de 10 menores de edad los que intimidaron al conductor del bus, haciéndolo bajar de la máquina para luego prenderle fuego.

Esta noche, y tal como ha ocurrido en años anteriores, el panorama ha estado marcado por las barricadas que han obligado a la interrupción del tránsito en algunos puntos de la periferia de la ciudad.

En las comunas de Estación Central, Pudahuel, Cerro Navia, Quilicura, Renca, Peñalolén, Lo Espejo, Cerrillos, Conchalí, Maipú y San Bernardo, se ha reportado que desconocidos lanzan cadenas al tendido eléctrico.

fuente: prensa $hilena, 30.03.11

Letter from prisoners for Simos Seisidis

When the brave and unbreakable uniqueness of each comrade is captured in the hands of the enemy, we have an obligation to stand not only in solidarity but next to him as brothers. And our solidarity should be merciless towards the enemies of freedom. Comrade Simos we are next to you against anything that represses us without retreating before anyone. Also we express our unlimited solidarity to the fugitives, with a bounty on their heads by the pigs of the state, comrades, G.Tsironis and M.Seisidis who are a source of inspiration and strenth.


Ilias Karadouman Damiano Bolano (member of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire), prisoners of closed prisons of Domokos 28/3/2011


Saturday 19/3/11, 60-70 of us gathered outside the prisons in Stavraki in Ioannina as a token of solidarity to comrade Rami Syrianos. The people remained at the point for just over one hour, slogans were chanted while from the soundsystem that was set up .
the following text was read,
with which we wanted to make it clear to the administration of the hellhole in question, that the specific regime of political censorship that prevails there for three weeks now, will not pass this easy. For three weeks roughly the comrade receives a small part of the material that is mailed to him (political texts, leaflets, newspapers of the a/a movement, pamphlets, reports from indymedia but also other news sites, books) while the total of this printed material is kept each time from 2-3 days to one week for inspection.


We are here today in solidarity to our anarchist comrade Rami Syrianos.
For three weeks roughly Rami does not have access to the printed material of “revolutionary content” that is mailed to him. This attitude of this administration is nothing but a known tactic of punishment and cutting off of the imprisoned fighters from their political space. We on our part clarify so much to the director as well as the group of warders that no comrade is alone. For each action that functions against anarchist Rami Syrianos you will find us all opposite you. The thought and the conscience of fighters cannot be jailed or gagged. No type and no treaty of restriction, as is prison, is possible to stop the bonds and the solidarity between us. Each battle that is given inside or outside the walls contributes to our common struggle to
Therefore as long as the administration continues to censor the written subversive word in the interior of the prison, we will answer dynamically inside and outside the walls. If you consider that your job is to take decisions against dignity and freedom of thought of our comrade, then our job, remember, is fed by devotion, insistence, friendship companionship and values that cannot be stained and constitute a weapon in our hands, in the war that is happening.
and we remind him that no wall can separate us, we keep alive our moments, laughters, our disappointments, the joys and distresses that we were shared. They will accompany us and will fill us with strength.
Freedom to all, until the destruction of the last prison.

Europol Chief Sees New Roles for Agency


THE HAGUE, the Netherlands—The director of Europol, the agency coordinating the work of police forces across Europe, says that the European Union needs to address weaknesses in the way it tracks terrorist finances—and that his agency is well placed to address them.

Rob Wainwright, who since April 2009 has run the agency leading the EU’s serious-crime-fighting effort, says organized crime is increasingly an international enterprise that demands an international response. This translates into “an increased market opportunity” for Europol to play a coordination role between national police authorities.

In an interview at Europol’s headquarters in the Netherlands, Mr. Wainwright says his agency, which employs 700 people, is uniquely situated to host a new European agency on terrorist financing and a separate cyber-crime center.

Organized crime is changing, he says. Criminal groupings are becoming smaller, more dynamic, more mobile and connected by the Internet. “You still have very powerful individuals with an awful lot of money, but they aren’t sitting at the top of a 500-strong army of violent criminals,” he says. Only in Italy do traditional mafia structures hold sway.

Mr. Wainwright says Europol is distinguished from Interpol, its global cousin, by its development of an “intelligence architecture” about “every serious criminal and terrorist activity” in Europe. The information is drawn from every police agency in the EU’s 27 nations and from some security-intelligence agencies.

The data, stored securely, are analyzed by more than 100 personnel, using advanced software, to identify new criminal patterns. He says Europol analysts were able to identify a criminal child-trafficking network based mainly in Romania, after London police arrested boys and girls aged mostly between 12 and 14 for pick-pocketing and cellphone thefts.

Europol’s “intelligence” functions are a touchy issue with some in Brussels. Before the agency was created in 1999, one German member of the European Parliament described it as a secret police force outside democratic control and with extensive snooping powers.

Mr. Wainwright’s own background—he was with Britain’s security service MI5 where he was a counterterrorism specialist for 10 years—makes him sensitive to criticism that the agency invades personal privacy.

“We are unique in the EU as an agency in the ability to collect so much personal data about the private lives of so many citizens in Europe,” he says. This “exceptional responsibility” has never been compromised in the history of the organization. In terms of protecting personal data, “it’s the most robust regime I’ve ever been associated with,” he says.

He points out that, while Europol increasingly goes on arrest operations—it coordinates 12,000 of them a year—the agency can’t take executive decisions, which remain with member states. “We don’t have arrest operations; we don’t even have surveillance operations. We don’t run our own informants,” he says. Terrorism is another area in which Europol is increasingly involved. Europol has moved into what the Europol director calls “frontline counterterrorist work” with a new EU-U.S. agreement that gives the agency responsibility to verify that U.S. requests for financial data from the SWIFT banking network satisfy legal conditions.

But the agreement has exposed the fact that Europe’s own system to track terrorist financing is underdeveloped. “At the moment we rely on having a by-product of the American system, which I think is not enough, given that we have a legitimate security interest in the threat as well in the EU,” he says. He says he expects EU interior ministers to adopt a European system to track terrorist financing—and task Europol with the role of managing it.

He also sees a lack in Europe of an institution to effectively coordinate the EU’s national cyber-crime centers. Governments have already agreed in principle to a new EU cyber-crime center, and a feasibility study is under way about where it should be located. “I expect that to conclude with a decision to establish the center here,” he says.

He says payment-card criminals in Europe have been using America’s low-tech card market to cash in on their criminal activity. Europe has largely abandoned using payment cards with magnetic strips because of the ease with which the information contained on them can be copied and replicated. European cards use a microchip and a unique identification number, sharply reducing payment-card fraud inside Europe.

Yet, because the cards are used by travelers to the U.S., they still carry a magnetic strip that can be read by criminals, who replicate them and use them to withdraw cash and buy goods in the U.S. Because of this so-called “payments migration fraud,” he says, the EU is putting pressure where it can on the U.S. government to change the technology, which so far hasn’t been adopted, in part for cost reasons.

Michael Rauschenbach, head of Europol’s money-forgery department, says magnetic tape is considered completely outmoded these days for storing music but seems still to be regarded as appropriate in the U.S. for storing sensitive personal financial information.

Mr. Wainwright says political decisions can often have economic benefits—but also help criminals. He cites the Schengen area, allowing free movement of people over national borders, and high-denomination euro bills. Large volumes of €200 and €500 ($282 and $704) bills—a boon to money launderers—return to Europe after having been shipped by drug traffickers to Colombia and laundered via the U.S., he says.


Bologna, Italy - Three bombs explode outside Eni offices


(ANSA) – Bologna, MARCH 29 – Three crude bombs exploded last night outside the offices of Eni in Bologna. A fourth bomb failed to explode. Three windows were destroyed and two electrical boxes were burnt. According to initial police findings, the bombers used five litre jerry cans of petrol with large firecrackers tied to packages of matches attached to a fuse. A claim of responsibility was not found.

Keratea, southeast of Athens, Greece - Firebombs and rocks against riot police around landfill site


30/03/2011 - Tension peaked near Keratea, southeast of Athens, on Tuesday as hundreds of residents clashed with riot police deployed to oversee the removal of a large pile of rubble from a major road linking the nearby port of Lavrio to the capital.
The residents, who have been violently protesting the planned construction of a landfill in their area for the past three months, had piled the rubble on the road on Monday. According to sources, the move had been a reaction to news that authorities were planning to send in bulldozers to start work on building the landfill. There is also speculation that comments by Interior Minister Yiannis Ragousis in an interview with Kathimerini over the weekend - expressing the government’s resolve to push ahead with the landfill project - might have triggered the residents’ vehement reaction.
Tuesday’s clashes began early on Tuesday when protesters set fire to a bulldozer sent to clear the road of rubble. At around 3 p.m., the town’s church bells rang out and residents used megaphones to call on locals to join the protest.
Hundreds of demonstrators of all ages fought police around Lavriou Avenue and in fields around the landfill site and on the outskirts of the town and hurled firebombs and rocks at riot officers. The force sent six riot police buses to the site to fortify an already strong police presence. They said that four officers were injured in the clashes though it remained unclear how many protesters had been hurt.

Disciplinary sentence to Bolano

On Thursday 23/03 comrade D.Bolano was called by the public prosecutor in the prisons of Domokos, regarding the beating of murderer cop Korkoneas. The only statement that he made (denying it is written in the proceedings since he did not want to apologize) is that as an anarchist rebel he had a duty to smash the face of the murderer of a comrade.The disciplinary sentence that was imposed on him is one year without pay days.
It should be mentioned that in the room was also Korkoneas in order to testify guarded by 3 screws. During the procedure there was intensit y since the comrade constantly attacked him phrasally.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Nowhere to hide - Killer cop Korkoneas gets a small taste of what he deserves
A few days ago, D.M., one of the comrades arrested and charged with belonging to CCF gave Korkoneas, the cop murderer of Alexis Grigoropoulos - that was in the same wing in Domokos prison - a small part of what he deserves.
The screws apparently fell on them to divide them and save the murderer and eventually took him to another wing.

Good strength comrade.
Struggle inside and out of the prisons

Vandals who slashed tires on two Pierce County sheriff’s vehicles sought.

Pierce County sheriff’s investigators are trying to figure out who slashed the tires of two patrol cars early Wednesday.

The marked SUVs were parked outside the Mountain Detachment station on Eatonville Cutoff Road East when vandals slashed four tires on a Chevrolet Tahoe and two tires on a Ford Expedition.

The damage is believed to have occurred between 12:03-12:53 a.m.

Anyone with information about the vandalism or suspicious people in the area are asked to call Tacoma-Pierce County Crime Stoppers at (1-800 ima-snitch).

Tipsters providing information that leads to an arrest and charges may receive up to $1,000.

reposted from:

Portland: Flashmob Attacks Bank in Solidarity with Seattle and Olympia

On the evening of 03-20-2011 a group of well over a dozen anti-authoritarians converged onto the Hollywood district Key Bank in North East Portland. Rocks and bricks were thrown through its windows, the banks ATM machine was destroyed, and anti-police graffiti was painted across the buildings facade. It should also be noted that this attack was carried out as a police cruiser rolled into the banks parking lot and stood-by unwilling to engage the hostile crowd. The group then dispersed into the surrounding area without any arrests.

These acts of sabotage not only allow us to lash out at the symbols of domination in our lives, but also serve as a means to forge bonds of trust and experience acting with one another.

This was done as a collective act of solidarity with the recent
anti-police resistance in Seattle and against the recent police repression targeting anarchists in the Pugetsound.

-some anarchists on the grey coast

reposted from:

Seneffe-be: Eight Trucks Go Up In Flames

SENEFFE - During the night, fire destroyed a hangar and eight trucks in the industrial zoning of Seneffe.


gent-be: A car of PM Smashed

GENT - At the entrance of the house of Flemish PM Johan Deckmyn (of the fascist party), his car was smashed during the night. The PM denounces also two other acts against him: during the elections, his promotion panels were destroyed while later on, a Christian cross was thrown through the windows of his front door.



Desde la carcel de Angol, los militantes Mapuche de la CAM detallan los antecedentes reunidos para cuestionar la injusta sentencia de Cañete y a la vez dan a conocer las razones donde exigen: “Juicio justo con un Tribunal independiente, competente e imparcial y sin la aplicación de la Ley Anti-terrorista. Fin al doble procesamiento y ratificación de la sentencia absolutoria que dictó el Tribunal Militar de Valdivia. Reconocimiento de nuestra calidad de Presos Políticos Mapuche y condiciones carcelarias dignas“. Los Presos Políticos Mapuche en huelga de hambre desde el martes 15 de marzo, señalan que esta nueva movilización es “hasta las últimas consecuencias” de no existir soluciones a sus demandas.

* * *


Los Presos Políticos Mapuche (PPM) recluidos en la cárcel de Angol, en huelga de hambre liquida desde el Martes 15 de Marzo, damos conocer las razones de esta drástica determinación, que viene a tomar el carácter de denuncia y que exige un trato justo de parte de las instancias judiciales, las cuales estan obligadas a respetar los derechos fundamentales que garantizan un debido proceso.

En la medida que se conocen los detalles y pormenores del proceso judicial se desprende el carácter político que este tuvo desde el primer momento.

En este escenario participan diversos actores que tienen mucha relevancia al momento de asumir responsabilidades. Dependiendo de la dirección que este proceso vaya tomando hacia la solución de nuestras demandas influirá en las variaciones que pueda tomar esta huelga de hambre.

Aquí las razones de esta movilización:


La Ley Anti-terrorista o ley 18.314 fue usada durante todo el proceso judicial por parte del Ministerio Público, los querellantes y con la complicidad del gobierno. Esto ha quedado en evidencia y de forma explícita en las audiencias del Juicio Oral en donde el Tribunal de Cañete validó el uso de la figura del testigo secreto contemplada en dicha ley, e incluso este tribunal adicionó más seguridad a este secretismo; permitiendo que declararan en una sala contigua y a través de circuito cerrado de Televisión lo que imposibilitó que nuestra defensas tuvieran la posibilidad de contrainterrogar de forma directa y se diera el principio de inmediatez que debe regir en todo juicio oral y en un sistema judicial garantista.

Pues es así como ingresaron una a una las declaraciones de los testigos secretos y producto de ello dos de tres jueces que condenaron; los señores Carlos Muñoz y Jorge Díaz se formaron la convicción de nuestra supuesta participación en los hechos investigados y juzgados.

Esto ha quedado mucho más claro con la lectura del Veredicto Condenatorio en donde los argumentos principales de nuestra condena está basada en las declaraciones de dos testigos secretos, número 26 y número 8.

En concreto, si bien en la sentencia no se aplicó la Ley Anti-terrorista, para la tipificación de los delitos si se consideraron las declaraciones de los testigos secretos, figura que solo la cuestionada Ley Anti-terrorista permite como medio de prueba.

Misma situación en la que ya ha sido condenado el Estado chileno por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos por el uso de la Ley Anti-terrorista y los testigos secretos en causas Mapuche.

Es más, el Gobierno de Chile, en un acuerdo firmado, se comprometió a no utilizar la Ley Anti-terrorista, pero lo que pasó en el juicio fue algo totalmente diferente ya que el abogado en representación del Gobierno chileno en todo momento se allanó a la utilización de los testigos secretos que como ya dijimos, únicamente los permiten la Ley – Anti-terrorista.

En resumen; El Gobierno chileno sigue aplicando la Ley Anti-terrorista en causas Mapuche.


Un hecho público y notorio que se dio, tanto en los casi dos años de investigación, como en el ejercicio del juicio fue la violación de garantías constitucionales que a continuación pasamos a detallar:

a) Dos de los tres jueces del Tribunal Oral de Cañete acogieron como prueba condenatoria el testimonio de oídas de un alto oficial de la PDI: Don Alfredo Espinoza, quién en su declaración ante el Tribunal dijo haber escuchado una declaración de un comunero imputado. Pues bien, en el contra-interrogatorio hecho por la defensa no solo quedo claro que parte de lo que el oficial reprodujo en el Tribunal, en realidad no estaba en las declaraciones que él había escuchado, específicamente la parte donde el comunero se auto-inculpaba e inculpaba a otros comuneros, además el propio Sr. Espinoza al responder las preguntas de la defensa deja de manifiesto que durante todo el proceso de detención y posterior al interrogatorio al comunero co-imputado se habían violado garantías constitucionales fundamentales. Si bien el oficial no reconoció las acusaciones de tortura que se le atribuían a él y a su equipo de detectives compuesto demás, por el Sr. José Luis Gallegos, Sergio Ogueda y José López Leiva, los dos últimos supuestas víctimas del hecho investigado, acusaciones puesta por el comunero y su defensa, si reconoció que:

• Las dos declaraciones atribuidas al comunero se habían firmado luego de 17 y 20 horas de detención respectivamente.

• No existía registro de que él y los oficiales, que aparecen tomando la declaración, hayan leído sus derechos al comunero co-imputado.

• Que esas declaraciones se tomaron sin un abogado defensor como exige la ley.

• Que en la declaración policial estaban presentes el Sr. López y el Sr. Ogueda, quienes por ser víctimas del hecho en cuestión deberían estar inhabilitados para realizar diligencias de la investigación.

Cabe mencionar que éste comunero denunció estos hechos e incluso su familia, interpuso una querella por apremios ilegítimos en la ciudad de Temuco, en contra de la PDI. Dicha querella debería hacerse extensiva a la PDI de Concepción, específicamente, a los oficiales mencionados anteriormente, pero en un hecho sin precedentes la Fiscalía de Temuco decidió no perseverar la querella, archivando la causa, y no investigando los graves hechos de Tortura denunciados por el comunero Mapuche.

b) Otra situación que tiene el carácter de violacion, es que durante las audiencias del juicio, específicamente cuando declaró el testigo Nº 26 y al momento del contra-interrogatorio practicado por la defensa, quedó en evidencia que al momento de prestar su primera declaración estaba detenido, el testigo aparece reconociendo y confesando ser “él quién disparó” en contra de la caravana que la noche del 16 de octubre transitaba por Puerto Choque. Lo insólito es que a pesar de reconocer su autoría en los hechos, la Fiscalía lo presenta como testigo secreto. A esto también hay que agregar que este testigo secreto fue utilizado en la causa llevada en nuestra contra por la segunda Fiscalía Militar de Concepción, quienes en su sentencia argumentaron que dicho testigo no portaba información suficiente ni contundente para dictar una sentencia condenatoria, aún así en el Tribunal Oral de Cañete el testimonio de este testigo fue la prueba principal pasa fundamentar nuestra condena.

c) Punto aparte merece también la falta de objetividad de la investigación y que queda de manifiesto con la declaración de varios de los oficiales de la PDI de Concepción, quienes desfilaron en el estrado, exponiendo el rol que a cada uno le había tocado realizar en la investigación y los cuales al preguntarles quién dirigía sus diligencias, no dudaron en contestar que: “el que ordenaba y monitoreaba estas diligencias era el jefe de la BIPE de Concepción Don José Luis López Leiva y don Sergio Agueda”. Estos dos oficiales mencionados, otrora victimas del hecho en cuestión y quienes en su declaración en el Tribunal dijeron que luego de ocurrido el hecho ellos se habían marginado de la investigación y que no habían realizado ninguna diligencia atribuible a ella, lo que se contrapone totalmente con la versión entregada por la mayoría de sus subalternos.

Es más, las propias normas internas de la PDI inhabilitaban a estos oficiales para dirigir la investigación del hecho en el cual figuraban como víctimas. Pero no lo hicieron. Entonces ¿Existió una investigación objetiva y sin prevaricación en nuestra contra…?

d) Con los tres puntos expuestos queda en evidencia las infracciones a las garantías constitucionales que se cometieron durante todo el desarrollo tanto de la investigación como en el trascurso del juicio oral llevando en nuestra contra, en el primer caso. Incluso violándose los derechos humanos de un comunero, hechos denunciados como tortura y los cuales el Tribunal de Cañete dejó en la completa impunidad. Dando credibilidad a un testigo de oídas que era un oficial de la Policía de Investigaciones de Concepción y que actualmente está ascendido en Santiago. Entonces si se infringieron todos estas garantías ¿Existió un debido proceso y un juicio justo como lo “garantiza” la Constitución… ?


De la sentencia Nº 47 del Tercer Juzgar Militar de Valdivia causa Rol Nº 890-2008 13 de diciembre de 2010, proceso en Contra de Ramón Llanquileo Pilquiman, Jonathan Huillical Méndez, José Huenuche Raimán y Héctor Llaitul Carrillanca y Luis Menares Chanilao, por los hechos del 16 de octubre del 2008, investigada por la Segunda Fiscalía Militar Letrado de Concepción, por la comisión EVENTUAL del delito de maltrato de obra a Carabinero en ejercicio de sus funciones con resultado de lesiones menos graves y leves y delito de daño a vehículo policiales. A dicha investigación iniciada se acompañaron diversos documentos y diligencias (partes policiales, set fotográfico, informes médicos, informes periciales, entre otros) con lo que el Ministerio Público Militar sometió a proceso a los cinco Mapuche antes nombrados. Luego de reunidos los diversos elementos de convicción se determinaron los hechos, se revisaron las declaraciones de los procesados y declaraciones de dos testigos con reserva de Identidad (Nº 1 y Nº 9) (mismos utilizados por la fiscalía en el Juicio Oral de Cañete) tras esto se consideró que los medios de prueba incorporados al proceso “no reúnen la fuerza probatoria suficiente para configurar participación de los procesados en dichos sucesos, y la sola declaración, por si sola, del testigo con reserva de identidad Nº 1 (El mismo que en el juicio oral de Cañete fue presentado como testigo Decreto Nº 26), no basta para dictar sentencia condenatoria”.

Finalmente el Tercer Juzgado Militar de Valdivia ABSOLVIO de los cargos a los cinco procesados, cuatro de los cuales hemos sido condenados por el Tribunal Oral de Cañete, en una resolución contrapuesta de una cosa ya juzgada.

Sin embargo, esta causa no alcanzó a ser ratificada, posteriormente, por la Corte Marcial y tras la modificación del código de Justicia Militar, fue traspasada a Tribunales Civiles, radicada hoy, en la Corte de Apelaciones de Concepción, no quedando claro cual será su siguiente tramitación.

Es un hecho preocupante que si la causa no fuera ratificada y tuviera un retroceso, es decir, volviera a procesar a cada uno de nosotros usando las declaraciones del Testigo Secreto Nº 1 y Nº 26, que recordamos “solo lo permite la Ley Anti-terrorista”, se generaria de este modo, nuevamente, un DOBLE JUZGAMIENTO “NON BIS IN DIEM” ya que este mismo hecho fue visto, juzgado y condenado, en el Tribunal de Cañete y antes fue juzgado y absuelto por la Justicia Militar.

Por consiguiente, consideramos que debe respetarse el principio de la cosa juzgada y debe ratificarse la ABSOLUCIÓN ya dictada y ejecutoriada, por el Juzgado Militar de Valdivia.


Consideramos que dado el carácter del Juicio y nuestra condición de miembros de un pueblo originario ancestral y de acuerdo a los diversos tratados y pactos que reconocen y amparan la condición de indígenas, condición que el Estado Chileno a ratificado oficialmente con la ratificacion Convenio 169 de la OIT, seamos tratados como Prisioneros Políticos miembros del Pueblo Mapuche, que aspiran al pleno reconocimiento de sus derechos, territorio y autonomía.

Por tanto, exigimos condiciones carcelarias dignas que permitan el desarrollo de actividades culturales y religiosas propias de nuestro Pueblo Nación y que el hecho de permanecer privado de libertad no limite el ejercicio de los derechos elementales como Mapuche.

Con todos esto antecedentes reunidos es que encontramos totalmente justificadas las razones de esta Huelga de Hambre Líquida, que llevaremos hasta las últimas consecuencias.

En evidencia quedó para quienes presenciaron el juicio, como para la opinión publica internacional, representada por importantes observadores todas dichas irregularidades y violaciones al debido proceso de este el juicio emblemático de la lucha Mapuche.
Por lo tanto nuestras exigencias son:

1.- Un juicio justo con un Tribunal independiente, competente e imparcial y sin la aplicación de la Ley 18.314 o Ley Anti-terrorista.

2.- Fin al doble procesamiento y ratificación de la sentencia absolutoria que dictó el Tribunal Militar de Valdivia.

3.- Reconocimiento de nuestra calidad de Presos Políticos Mapuche y condiciones carcelarias dignas.

Presos Políticos Mapuche:
Ramón Llanquileo Pilquiman
José Huenuche Reiman
Jonathan Huillical Méndez
Héctor Llaitul Carrillanca

Marzo 25 de 2011

martedì 29 marzo 2011

Bologna-it attentato incendiario a uffici Eni nella notte

E’ successo nella notte davanti alle vetrate dell’ingresso degli uffici di via San Donato: sul posto nessuna scritta; la Digos ha trovato “materiale utile alle indagini” in ambienti anarchici

Un attentato incendiario e’ stato realizzato nella notte ai danni degli uffici commerciali dell’Eni in via San Donato, alla periferia di Bologna. Secondo gli inquirenti della Digos non ci sarebbero dubbi sulla natura anarchica del gesto. Molti elementi sono coincidenti con l’attentato ai danni della Ibm di via Martin Luter King nella notte di sabato scorso rivendicato con la sigla Elf, ‘Earth liberation front‘.

Stanotte verso l’una sono stati fatti esplodere tre ordigni artigianali composti da una tanica di plastica da 5 litri contenente liquido infiammabile, due grossi petardi e un mazzetto di cerini a cui era legata la miccia per l’innesco. Un quarto ordigno e’ invece rimasto integro ed e’ stato sequestrato dalla polizia. Infine sono state date alle fiamme due cabine elettriche che si trovano dietro il palazzo. Le deflagrazioni hanno danneggiato tre vetrate.

Sono stati alcuni residenti, svegliati dai rumori, a chiamare il 115 e il 113. Alcuni testimoni hanno detto di aver visto gente incappucciata che scappava subito dopo gli attentati. Al momento non sarebbero stati trovati volantini o sigle di rivendicazione. Non e’ la prima volta che l’Eni finisce nel mirino della galassia anarchica. Circa una ventina di giorni fa un presidio era stato inscenato davanti all’Eni Store di via Amendola, nei pressi della stazione ferroviaria di Bologna.

Leuven-belgium: Two Cars On Fire On University

LEUVEN - During the night, two cars were completely destroyed by fire. The cars were parked on the universitary campus of the Catholic University of Leuven.


Brussels - Small riots during anti-austerity demos

BRUSSELS - 20 000 people responded to the call of the syndicats to protest in the margins of the eurosummit against the austerity measures. The demonstrations came from four different spots in the city, converging in the centre. More or less all trafic was blocked.

Incidents occured in the street of the ministries and offices. For two hours, masked and unmasked demonstrators, threw stones, bottles and fireworks to the cops. Cops used the water cannon and teargas to disperse the crowd, which failed. Two persons were arrested, one for rebellion and another one for trying to take a photograph material from the cops. The windows of some ministries and an office were smashed.

Gent-belgium A comrade convicted for fireworks against prison

GENT - A judge convicted an anarchist comrade to 6 months conditional for having participated in a gathering on New Years Eve in front of the prison of Gent. During the gathering, some fireworks were thrown to the cops, one of them got fireworks "into his ears" which could cause permanent hearing damage. The defendant of the police spoke about an "attempted homicide".


Gand - Vitres d'un McDo brisés

GAND - Des inconnus ont cassé plusieurs vitres du restaurant de fast food McDonalds au centre ville. Le gérant du resto a declaré que ce n'était pas la première fois.


GENT - During the night, several windows of a Mc Donald's in the city centre were broken. The commercial director declared this was not the first time.


Bombazo contra concesionaria de autos de lujo en México es/it

por Frente de Liberación de la Tierra


Por medio de este comunicado nos hacemos responsables directxs del atentado con bomba que sufrió una concesionaria de autos de varias marcas entre ellas Dodge, Jeep y Chrysler en el municipio de Coacalco en el Estado de México alrededor de las 10 de la noche el 27 de marzo.

Nuestro artefacto estaba compuesto de dos latas de gas butano, dos botellas de gasolina, petardos y un niple galvanizado relleno de dinamita junto con una mecha lenta. No nos importo que a una calle de tal inmueble estuviera una camioneta policial con sus sirenas prendidas resguardando la seguridad de las masas encuadradas, pues traíamos con que defendernos de estxs bastardxs si nos intentaban detener.

Después de unos minutos de huir del lugar, una fuerte detonación se escucho en las calles ya vacías de pedazos de metal rodantes e idiotas cuerpos de carne y hueso sin mentalidad propia.

Los daños: Ventanales rotos y una gran columna de fuego ennegreciendo la pared y amenazando los autos que se encontraban dentro. La reacción policiaca fue inmediata, municipales y estatales nos buscaban sin saber que nos paseábamos frente a sus caras.

Que significa todo esto? Habremos golpeado fuerte al sistema volando una concesionaria? NO!
Esto solo significa una cosa, y es continuidad, una continuidad que no da un paso atrás, la continua venganza, como seres racionales vemos la venganza o el desquite como un impulso natural, del que elx humanx primitivx hacia parte suya cuando alguien mas lx violentaba. Como seres no salvajes y domesticadxs que somos (por ahora) demostramos aquí que nuestros instintos e impulsos naturales son aun vigentes en nuestras vidas, a cada momento.

Después de varios años de acciones directas en México nos hemos dado cuenta y hemos llegado a la conclusión que no hay golpes verdaderamente fuertes contra el sistema que den lxs anti sistema, por ahora hay un muy reducido grupo de personas que se posicionan con una postura verdaderamente radical en el mundo y que no están dispuestxs a soportar mas el presente de dominación que nos impone la civilización y declaran la guerra. Lo que queremos decir con esto es que nosotrxs no andaremos perdiendo el tiempo mas, la continuidad debe seguir, tomamos nuestras vidas en nuestras manos, tratamos de vivir lo mas alejado del consumo que se puede y tratamos de respetar en lo absoluto a la naturaleza que queda, pero no nos quedaremos hasta ahí; la fabricación de artefactos que dañen, ridiculicen y destruyan los símbolos de la civilización seguirán siendo manufacturados por el FLT. No con la inútil idea de que con estos actos colapsaremos a la civilización o que esto trascienda, porque dentro de la civilización no hay nada trascendente, pensamos que lo único y verdaderamente importante es la Libertad y la Autonomía Individual, no pensando en esto soltaremos la toalla, porque no lo queremos hacer, seguiremos adelante sin importar las consecuencias!

El estado mexicano amenaza ahora a lxs compañerxs presxs (precisamente al compañero Adrian) y siempre lo ha hecho, pero tenemos algunas jugadas más para lxs que piensan que nos hemos rendido o que con sus tácticas policiales nos cagaremos del miedo, veremos quien se caga primero de coraje y furia. El tiempo nos dará la razón como nos lo ha dado durante estos años de inminente guerra social.

La bomba de este 27 de marzo es solo el recordatorio para las autoridades municipales, estales y federales, seguimos aquí, planeando el próximo atentado cada vez mas violento. Seguimos destruyendo las modernas fachadas de lxs destructores de la Tierra. Asqueadxs de uno de los comercios más lucrativos, el del automóvil que cada día consume frenéticamente millones litros de combustible extraído del petróleo y ahora de “fuentes naturales” como el biodiesel, es sin mas uno de los tantos objetivos claros para lxs guerrerxs anticivilización.

La tecnología esta arrasando todo el mundo, el sistema tecno industrial cada vez se apodera mas de todo lo que amamos y nos hace felices, como puede haber personas que se digan “anti autoritarias” y defenderla sin ver las catástrofes que ha causado? El ejemplo en tiempo y espacio preciso es el de Japón, país altamente industrializado, ejemplo del progreso tecnológico y sobre poblado al límite. El terremoto y el tsunami del 11 son solo pequeñas puntualizaciones que nos indican que el ser humano es el responsable de lo que pasa en el mundo y debe pagar. Las fallas en los cuatro reactores nucleares de Fukushima son precisamente lo que decimos, la civilización será consumida y destruida por le tecnología misma. Como misántropxs nos alegramos que en este evento natural haya habido miles de muertxs, que los mares hayan arrasado todo a su paso, carreteras, autos, edificios, comercios y puertos. Preferimos eso, preferimos un acontecimiento de mayor magnitud mundialmente hablando, que destruya todo y a todxs nosotrxs, antes de que esto avance cada vez mas…

Frente de Liberación de la Tierra

* testo originale: liberaciontotal

Con il presente comunicato ci assumiamo la responsabilità dell’attentato esplosivo che ha colpito una concessionaria di diverse marche di auto, tra esse Dodge, Jeep e Chrysler nel municipio di Coacalco, Estado de México, verso le 22 del 27 marzo.

Il nostro ordigno era composto di 2 bombole di gas butano, due bottiglie di benzina, petardi ed un tubo zincato pieno di dinamite ed una miccia a lenta combustione. Non ci siamo interessati al fatto che ad una traversa da quell’edificio c’era una pattuglia della polizia con i lampeggianti accesi a tutelare la sicurezza delle masse inquadrate, dal momento che avevamo con noi da che difenderci da questi bastardi se avessero cercato di fermarci.

Dopo pochi minuti dalla nostra fuga da quel posto, una forte detonazione s’è sentita nelle strade già vuote da pezzi di metallo ruotanti e da idioti corpi di carne ed ossa senza una propria mentalità.

I danni: vetrate rotte ed una grande colonna di fumo che ha annerito la parete, minacciando le auto che erano all’interno. La reazione della polizia è stata immediata. Agenti municipali e statali ci cercavano senza sapere che stavamo camminando di fronte ad essi.

Cosa significa tutto ciò? Che abbiamo colpito in maniera forte il sistema facendo saltare in aria una concessionaria? NO!

Significa una sola cosa ed è la continuità, una continuità che non fa un passo indietro, la continua vendetta, come esseri razionali vediamo la vendetta o la rappresaglia come degli impulsi naturali, ai quali l’uomo primitivo faceva ricorso quando qualcuno usava violenza contro di lui. Come esseri selvaggi e non addomesticati che siamo (per ora) dimostriamo qui che i nostri istinti ed i nostri impulsi naturali sono ancora vigenti nelle nostre esistenze, in ogni momento.

Dopo diversi anni di azioni dirette in Messico, ci siamo resi conto e siamo giunti alla conclusione che non ci sono colpi veramente forti contro il sistema sferrati da parte di coloro che lo avversano, per ora siamo un piccolo gruppo di persone che abbiamo una posizione veramente radicale nel mondo e che non siamo disposti a sopportare oltre il presente di dominazione che ci impone la civilizzazione e per questo le dichiariamo guerra. Quel che vogliamo dire con ciò è che non perderemo altro tempo, la continuità deve proseguire, mettiamo le nostre esistenze nelle nostre mani, cerchiamo di vivere il più lontano possibile dal consumo e cerchiamo di rispettare in assoluto la natura che resta, ma non ci fermeremo lì. La costruzione di ordigni che danneggino, ridicolizzino e distruggano i simboli della civilizzazione continuerà ad esser effettuata da parte del FLT. Non con l’inutile idea che con questi atti faremo collassare la civilizzazione o che queste azioni trascendano, perché all’interno della civilizzazione non c’è nulla di trascendente. Noi pensiamo che gli unici aspetti veramente importanti siano la Libertà e l’Autonomia Individuale; senza pensare a ciò è come se gettassimo la spugna, cosa che non vogliamo fare e per questo continueremo ad andare avanti senza interessarci delle conseguenze!

Lo stato messicano adesso minaccia i compagni prigionieri, come ha sempre fatto, ma abbiamo alcune sorprese per quelli che pensano che ci siamo arresi o che ci caghiamo addosso con le loro tattiche sbirresche, vedremo chi si cagherà addosso per prima di coraggio e di furia. Il tempo ci darà la ragione, come l’ha fatto durante questi anni di imminente guerra sociale.

La bomba di questo 27 marzo è solo per ricordare alle autorità municipali, statali, e federali che siamo qui, pianificando il prossimo attentato sempre più violento. Continuiamo a distruggere le moderne facciate dei distruttori della Terra. Schifati da uno degli affari più lucrosi, quello delle auto che ogni giorno consumano freneticamente milioni di litri di combustibile estratto dal petrolio e adesso da “fonti naturali” come il biodiesel. Questo è senza dubbio uno dei tanti obiettivi sicuri per i guerrieri anticivilizzazione.

La tecnologia sta distruggendo tutto il mondo, il sistema tecno-industriale si appropria sempre più d’ogni cosa che amiamo e ci rende felici. Come possono esserci persone che si dicono “anti autoritarie” che difendono senza vedere le catastrofi causate da tale sistema? L’esempio nel tempo e nello spazio più calzante è quello del Giappone, paese altamente industrializzato, esempio del progresso tecnologico e sovrappopolato. Il terremoto e lo tsunami dell’11 sono solo piccole puntualizzazioni che ci indicano che l’essere umano è il responsabile di quel che accade nel mondo e che deve pagare. Il disastro avvenuto ai 4 reattori nucleari di Fukushima è proprio quelle che stiamo dicendo, la civilizzazione sarà consumata e distrutta dalla stessa tecnologia. Come misantropi ci rallegriamo che in questo evento naturale ci siano stati migliaia di morti, che i mari abbiano distrutto tutto al loro passaggio: strade, auto, edifici, industrie e porti. Preferiamo questo, preferiamo un evento di magnitudine maggiore a livello mondiale, che distrugga tutto e tutti noi, prima che tutto ciò avanzi sempre più…

Frente de Liberación de la Tierra

Police Station attacked in Nottingham (UK) en/it

28 March 2011

“Last night just after midnight police station on Wollaton Road, Nottingham was attacked with glass jars filled with black paint. We send this loving kiss to Jock Palfreeman and all those who represented for the eternal struggle against domination on the streets of London this weekend.

We chose our target to emphasise the fragility and weakness of the state. If their first line of defence can be hurt with such ease then cracks in the status quo will grow and begin to bleed. We view the cops as the security guards of capitalists, protecting property, reinforcing white supremacy and state control. With this action we show their inability to protect themselves.

As things get worse, as the divisions between the capitalists and the rest become deeper and more entrenched the fascism inherent in any police force will become ever more clear. As this become the case it will be important for us to know in our angry little hoodlum hearts that we can strike back whenever we choose to.

In doing this we did not forever alter the state of things, but we did forever alter the strength and resolve within ourselves as we prepare for all out social war.

The love in our hearts is offered up with this action to Jock Palfreeman imprisoned by the Bulgarian arm of state power for refusing to cower in the face of racism and fascism. Also to the 14 Chilean anarchists currently on hunger strike, physically captured by the industrial prison complex, but still free in their hearts and strong in their resistance. We won’t let them be forgotten.

Finally to those who rebelled against state control on the streets of London, those black clad lovers and fighters who strove to liberate themselves. Solidarity to those who were arrested on Saturday.

Not because they’re innocent.

Not because they’re peaceful.

But because they’re comrades.”

Petty Vandals

Nottingham – Attaccata stazione di polizia

# cenere

La scorsa notte poco dopo la mezzanotte la stazione di polizia in Wollaton Road, Nottingham, è stata attaccata con recipienti di vetro pieno di vernice nera. Abbiamo mandato questo bacio d’amore a Jock Palfreeman e a tutti quelli che hanno preso parte alla eterna lotta contro il dominio per le strade di Londra in questo weekend.

Abbiamo scelto il nostro obiettivo per sottolineare la fragilità e la debolezza dello stato. Se la loro prima linea di difesa può essere colpita con tanta facilità allora potranno svilupparsi delle crepe nello status quo che inizierà a sanguinare. Consideriamo i poliziotti come guardie di sicurezza dei capitalisti, protettori della proprietà, i quali rafforzano la supremazia bianca e il controllo statale. Con questa azione mostriamo la loro incapacità di proteggersi.

Le cose peggiorano, così come le divisioni tra i capitalisti e il resto diventano più profonde e più trincerate mentre il fascismo insito in ogni forza di polizia diventerà sempre più evidente. Sarà dunque il caso che diventi molto importante per noi sapere nei nostri piccoli e arrabbiati cuori di ribelli che possiamo colpire ogni volta che scegliamo di farlo.

Nel fare ciò non abbiamo mai alterato lo stato di cose, ma non abbiamo mai alterato la forza e la decisione con la quali ci prepariamo per la guerra sociale.

L’amore nei nostri cuori è offerto con questa azione a Jock Palfreeman imprigionato dallo stato bulgaro per essersi rifiutato di tirarsi indietro dinnanzi al razzismo e al fascismo. Inoltre ai 14 anarchici cileni al momento in sciopero della fame, catturati fisicamente dal complesso industriale carcerario, ma ancora liberi nei loro cuori e forti nella loro resistenza. Non lasceremo che vengano dimenticati.

Infine a quelli che si sono ribellati contro il controllo statale per le vie di Londra, gli amanti dei vestiti neri e i combattenti che si adoperano per liberarsi. Solidarietà agli arrestati di sabato.

Non perché sono innocenti.

Non perché sono pacifici.

Ma perché sono compagni.

Petty Vandals