Anonymous hacking current operation is called #OPCHILE and up to now they have successfully defaced Chile’s National Society of Agriculture page with a statement in support of the student protesters in Chile. According to local media (La Tercera, El Mercurio), they are also attacking the websites of the Caribineros and the Ministry of Education.
The message issued by the group is:
Citizens of Chile and the World
Greetings, We are Anonymous. We have been watching with great interest and worry the recent events that have taken place in Chile. As Anonymous we defend the right for every human being to acces to knowledge and education.
[What does this even mean?]
We invite the chilean citizens to stay on the streets and continuing letting your government know what you want for your children and youngest citizens, in education matter. Through more than 3 months of protests we have watched your people union and commitment to defend your ideas and freedom. This last six days we have created #OpChile in support to your protests and we have seen a great response not just from Chilean Anonymous but from the Whole World.
Chile is not alone in they’re fight, We, Anonymous, are fighting by your side.
Government of Chile:
We won’t let you keep stepping over the laws you designed to protect your citizens. Freedom to express stipulated on article 19, has been violated and opresion against this freedom is been put on your citizens by you. How do you expect your citizens to obey your laws if you don’t? We are in total desagreement with the actions that had been taken by you against your citizens manifestations, they have the right to demand, because you where choosen by them to represent them.
Knowledge is free.
Education is a right.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us!
Countries participating in #OpChile Anonymous: Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Turkey, Belarus, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Iran, Syria, Ecuador, Canada, France, Uruguay, Venezuela, Bolivia and more.
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