lunedì 2 maggio 2011

Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching edited by Dave Foreman and Bill Haywood

Edward Abbey on Ecodefense:

I am happy to endorse the publication of Ecodefense. Never was such a book so needed, by so many, for such good reason, as here and now. Tomorrow might well be too late. This is a book that will fit handily in any saddlebag, in any creel, in any backpack, in any river runner's ammo can-and in any picnicker's picnic baskey. No good American should ever go into the woods again without this book and, for example, a hammer and a few pounds of 60-penny nails. Spike a few trees now and then whenever you enter an area condemned to chainsaw massacre by Louisiana Pacific and its affiliated subsidiary the U.S. Forest Service. You won't hurt the trees; they'll be gratefull for the protection; and you may save the forest. My Aunt Emma back in West Virginia has been enjoying this pleasant exercise for years. She swears by it. It's good for the earth, and it's good for the human soul. Spread the word - and carry on!

Download at: Ecodefense_A_Field_Guide_to_Monkeywrenching.pdf (9 mb)

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