lunedì 16 maggio 2011

21 May Anarchist Bookfair Sheffield uk

We live in a time of crisis. An economic crisis, an environmental crisis and, if the government gets its way, an impending social crisis. When the only thing that is on the political agenda is cuts, cuts and more cuts it is all the more important to explore the alternatives. And there is an alternative - anarchism.

Anarchists argue we need a society ruled not by profit and greed but organised on the basis of social solidarity and human dignity. If you’re a hardened political activist or just a bit “anarcho-curious” we welcome you to our second annual anarchist book fair. Events like this have run for years in cities from San Francisco to Zagreb. They’re a great starting point into the ideas, activism, ethics, creativity and history of the contemporary anarchist movement, with publishers comix, zines, film, art, food and fun stuff.

It's that time again! Just over a month until Sheffield's second annual anarchist book fair. This year the event will be held Saturday 21st May from 10:00 - 18:00 @ Bank Street Arts, 32-40 Bank Street (A much brighter venue than last year!). There will be meetings and presentations throughout the day as well as some film screenings (a new feature for this year). We will also be holding a social/fund raiser in the evening if people are able to stick around (details will follow shortly). Rates for stalls are £15 for groups/campaigns and £20 for book stalls/distro's (half price on your second table). Please contact us in good time to reserve your stall. We also welcome proposals for meetings, workshops or presentations from groups and individuals. If you have a proposal please email - sheffield(at) We aim to facilitate as many as possible but, as was also the case last year, space will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Sheffield Anarchist Book Fair Collective

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