Brief notices of a few mid-January attacks in France in translation:
In Meaux, CCTV cameras have been vandalized with a small weapon
In Suresnes, a school was completely destroyed by a well-coordinated double arson attack
In Aiguillon, offices in the town hall were ransacked and had things stolen and destroyed
Meaux (Seine-et-Marne): Four CCTV cameras vandalized in Meaux
January 12, 2012
from cette semaine, translated by war on society
Four CCTV cameras were vandalized in Meaux at night from Sunday to Monday in district A of Beauval.
The cameras were shot out by a small weapon. One was taken down. It was replaced on Monday. An action which was repeated. Last week, two cameras on Auvergne adjacent to the building were destroyed.
According to the municipality of Meaux, these attacks are proof of the effectiveness of the apparatus which deters the surveilled from committing offenses and crimes. The City has also announced plans to strengthen the surveillance system. Currently, 139 cameras allow city police to keep watch day and night in Meaux.
Suresnes: School destroyed by arson
January 17, 2012
from cette semaine, translated by war on society
A preschool school was destroyed by an arson attack this morning in Suresnes (Hauts-de-Seine). Around 4 o’clock, someone sets fire to a building of the building. The blaze was quickly put out by firefighters. In the process, they are called to another fire in Puteaux, but it was a false alarm.
During this time, the arsonist returns to the school in the Republic, setting three bins and overhangs of a bay window on fire. This time the damage is considerable.
In total, fifty firefighters where called. According to the town hall, the nursery school will not reopen its doors before the start of September. In the meantime, children are relocated into a recreation center near the Mont Valerian.
Aiguillon (Lot-et-Garonne): The social service at the town hall vandalized
January 13, 2012
from cette semaine, translated by war on society
On Tuesday morning, staff from the Municipal Social Welfare Centre had an unpleasant surprise to find their premises turned upside down. Staff discovered the destroyed offices, where computer equipment was stolen, furniture overturned, cabinets emptied, files thrown on the ground, many documents were ruined … a sad spectacle. The people got into the building by breaking a glass door. A complaint was filed with the Aiguillon gendarmerie.
--links in francaise
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