* directaction.info
translation of anonymous communique (photos: Le Progrès.fr):
January 21, 2011 – France
“One night, our team of 6, 2 lookouts, 4 actors, placed 2 incendiary devices (gas canisters) in the administration building at BIOMATECH (vivisectors).
5 stakeouts were necessary for this action in honor of Costa, Billy and Silvia.
BIOMATECH, based in France, kill thousands of dogs, rabbits, sheep, pigs, ponies…
We will not let them commit their crimes or allow the proposed expansion of this torture center.
“Une nuit, notre team de 6, 2 sentinelles, 4 exécutants, a placé 2 dispositifs incendiaries (bouteilles de gaz) dans le department exécutif de BIOMATECH (vivisecteurs).
5 repérages furent nécessaries pour cette action en honneur à Costa, Billy et Silvia.
BIOMATECH, basé en France, massacre des milliers de chiens, lapins, moutons, cochons, poneys…
Nous n’allons pas les laisser perpétrer leurs crimes et laisser faire le projet d’extension de ce centre de torture.
The newspaper Le Progrès reported that the fire, which occurred early on December 12, destroyed two floors of the administration building. Biomatech’s administration building is separate from the laboratory facility.
Biomatech is partially owned by NAMSA (North American Science Associates). In the U.S., NAMSA reported using over 17,000 guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, dogs, sheep and pigs in research and testing in 2009.
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