17 January - Early in the morning the atmosphere in Korydallos was asphyxiating .. police everywhere and very few comrades. Around 11 am people gathered on the pavement outside the prison/court to get in. They had to give their ID card and full personal information. The courtroom was full of plainclothes cops. A few people made it to get in. Then the court was stopped and it was stated that nobody would be allowed in without ID and the card would be kept for the duration of the trial. That is illegal since the police only have the right to keep your identity card if you are a witness, or expert witness (according to the procedure). Since, however, it is assumed that the case is not yet closed, they are trying to find more to culprits. Fortunately, the accused comrades refused to speak and left the courtroom..
SO the trial was adjourned again for the reasons mentioned above. After over an hour, it restarted to hear again the same demands as those made by the lawyers, but from the accused themselves:
1. NO personal data to be recorded from identity cards, which are not to be withheld at the entrance by the security cops.
2. Up until then there was absolutely nothing on record for obvious reasons. There is apparently no need for the proceedings to be recorded (to have the possibility of perverting what has been said for public opinion and those not present at the trial).
3. Demands that the plainclothes cops leave the courtroom and let the people outside occupy the seats, because outside the cops guarding the prison had closed the road, prohibiting not only entry to the prison, but also the approach road for the following obvious reasons "we have orders not to let anyone pass and even if we let them in, the court is full." Bullshit Indeed, after the first interruption, most plainclothes cops fucked off - one was almost attacked but they managed to conceal him. That had the effect of freeing around 40 places.
After we sent one of our lawyers to inform those at the entrance that there was room to go in, but anyway the scum did not let anyone pass. So 1 / 3 of the courtroom was empty and the other 1 / 3 was composed of cops (plainclothes or not). The comrade prisoners stated that if the demands were not accepted they would not participate in the trial. Of course the president of the court didn't give a shit, which angered many people and the imprisoned comrades left the court again to the accompaniment of slogans.
Finally, the culmination of the whole matter was this: The President ruled that despite the "generous" and "honest" efforts by the Court, there are not the logistics for the trial to be tape-recorded! Still, she still wanted to continue, of course. She also agreed that the registration of personal information of those present, such as the photocopying of identity documents, is illegal and banned, but the ID cards of those entering the courtroom would be held until they left the prison! Looking us straight in the face. On the other hand, we were "assured" all the same, that the list of records would be destroyed, while no written statement to that effect was produced ... (Why?) She said that the proceedings are public and open to everyone to attend WITHOUT EXCEPTION, provided the attendees did not exceed the number of seats (accentuating the "without exception", meaning of course that the public can also mean plainclothes cops!) Finally, the possibility of the "removal" of the case to the Court, was examined. It depends on whether it is possible for it to be fitted with the necessary logistics for recording (the latter will certainly be decided at the next hearing in the courtroom of Korydallos)
The accused comrades were well - as well as it is possible to be, namely, dynamic and determined.
Outraged by the developments they left the courtroom. When leaving, those present in the court shouted slogans such as "cops, judges SS” and “the passion for freedom is stronger than the prison”.
The trial will resume on Monday 24 / 1, 9.00 am
As anarchists in solidarity we are proud of the dignified position of the accused comrades in this parody of a trial today.
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