Information from the 3 members of Revolutionary Struggle for comrades from
Europe who responded to the call.
Comrades, our trial for Revolutionary Struggle which began on October 5
is a political stage to defend armed struggle as an inseparable part
of the struggle for the subversion of capitalism and the State, the
struggle for social revolution.
Our strategy in the trial is therefore to attack the existing criminal
economic social and political regime with political arguments, not
accepting the role of the defendant but on the contrary becoming the
accusers against everything that this court represents and serves. On
October 5, when we presented ourselves in court for the first time while
we were still being held in prison, comrade Paula Roupa made a political
declaration to the journalists outside the special court of Koridallos on
behalf of Revolutionary Struggle where she said that it is not
Revolutionary Struggle that is on trial in this case but our
persecutors, the very criminal regime that imprisoned us.
On October 24, at the second session of the trial, after the official
charges were read out we took a position concerning the charges, when the
judges asked us why we were making political statements. We said that this
trial is a political trial, that this court is a Special Court which was
put together based on special antiterrorist laws with which political
enemies of the regime are tried, that this court is criminal and serves a
criminal regime that exploits and oppresses people, that in the dock of
the accused should be sitting and pleading guilty members of political
authority, members of the government, the prime minister, ministers and
MPs, members of the previous government, members of the economic elite,
businessmen, capitalists, members of international financial organisations
such as the managers of the IMF, the ECB, the European Union, which have
imposed on the people the dictatorship of the transnational economic elite
as well as those who protect the criminal regime: cops and the repressive
forces of the State.
In the sessions of the trial that followed on the 1st and 9th of November
objections were raised concerning the vagueness of the official charges,
the downgrading of publicity about the trial because the law consents
journalistic coverage of the trial, the transfer of the trial from the
prison Court to try actions with political motives in a court consisting
of citizen jurors. Although it was expected that these objections would be
denied by the court it was a good chance for us to turn them into
political statements, to show the political nature and action of the
organisation, the political motives behind the actions of the
organisation, the hypocrisy of the State and the regime, since the
vagueness of the charges were not backed up with any real evidence. We
are accused, and it is expected that we will be condemned, for all the
actions of the organisation based on the dogma of collective
responsibility and on the arbitrary claim in the charges that the
organisation is a hierarchical structure, as well as behind the
downgrading of the publicity concerning the trial as we are being tried as
common (penal) criminals.
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