His tormenters taunted him after failed attempts at freedom, calling him Houdini.
Monkey 44D was one of 10 in another barbaric experiment at the University of Florida. By shining a laser into an eye to temporarily invoke the higher pressure with heat, they then measured the eye’s recovery over time. It eventually blinded little 44D and caused cataracts. After almost a decade of painful laser injuries to his eyes, 44D was then murdered and his eyes were extracted for further study.
Monkey 44D was tortured daily. Shortly after his arrival from a Puerto Rican “monkey mill,” his left leg and right side of his head were shaved for easy access for injections and eye exams. For one of several studies 44D was used for, his daily routine consisted of being compressed in his tiny cage, injected with Ketamine and transported to another UF building. Sometimes the 3 pound primate was just “knocked down” with the Ketamine before having his eye sockets forced open with clamps for study. Many other times he was intubated for anesthesia and put on a respirator. His day may also include being catheterized (penis/urethra) just to avoid messy urine getting in the way. Prior to examinations, 44D endured humiliating rectal swabbing.
Then the experiment begins with a laser beam in his eye. After an hour of constantly measuring 44D’s eye to see how long it took to return to “normal”, he was left to recover on the table before transporting back to his box sized cage.
The veterinary records show an inconceivable amount of Ketamine was given to this fragile little being. Its recorded that during each examination 44D was re-dosed with more Ketamine “as needed.” As noted in his records, 44D received a total of more than 2.5 GALLONS of Ketamine in his fourth year of one experiment.
44D wanted a life free of torture and pain. Free of herpes lesions, chronic diarrhea, amputated fingers, broken toes and countless other painful injuries recorded in his records. He risked escape twice by unlocking his own cage and once bit Gary The Tech. Finally, in his seventh year of being used, 44D was pronounced clinically blind with cataracts and lived on another 3 years suffering through random exams, before his death and eye extractions.
Monkey 44D veterinary records:
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