Expressions of support for Bristol anarchist Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk have been growing since he published an open letter online last week, some 2 months after he went underground. The letter first appeared on an international solidarity website and has since been linked to numerous other sites, before being front paged on the Bristol Indymedia site on 22 October (and also therefore showing on the UK Indymedia newswire). At the London Bookfair last Saturday, stalls from Bristol received numerous enquiries and words of support in relation to Badger’s struggle, and there was also a lot of interest in the Stokes Croft Defendants and the possible eviction of The Factory (info on evicters). Elsewhere at the Bookfair, some anarchists had transferred Badger’s text into a flyer which was widely distributed.
In his letter, Badger explains how he became aware the cops were looking for him, why he has gone into hiding, and why he has chosen to fight back against the system in the way he has.
Here is an intro to Badger’s communication, from here:
“During the massive UK riots in August there was a window smashing action against offices of a right-wing newspaper in Bristol, for which the cops seek a suspect from reported DNA evidence. This resulted in a local squat being raided. The cops didn’t find who they were looking for, Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk, but made a political investigation, and seized computers, phones, papers. The newspaper, which naturally had their journalists present at the raid, tried to play a key part in the local repressive operations of the police, exactly like every other newspaper in the country. They all justified the police murder of Mark Duggan and excused the daily brutality and disgusting behaviour of the police, printing suspects photographs and spreading hatred and vengeance etc. The newspaper, known as the ‘Evening Post’ is a very typical daily newspaper owned by Northcliffe Media (formerly Northcliffe Newspapers Group), it is a large regional newspaper publisher in the UK and Central and Eastern Europe, owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust. In UK, it operates from over 30 publishing centres, and also has 18 daily titles.“
Read Badger’s letter in full here – 1st communication October 2011: An open letter to whoever wants to be concerned
Now the authorities, not least the Evening Post and police, attempt to imply that the attack on the Evening Post was a random attack by a bunch of anti-social nutters, yet the original communication after the attack made clear the reasons for it. Whoever took part in the action, nicknamed by some as ‘The Evening Post Smashers’, had clearly chosen their target carefully, and this was not some random anti-social behaviour. It was also, it has to be said, a much applauded action!
Over the last 5 years Badger has been a very active participant in Bristol’s anarchist movements. Acknowledged by many to be a gentle, sensitive and caring man, he was also highly principled, politically clear and deeply committed to the ideas and causes he supported – veganism, no borders, climate change, anti-fascism, the Bristol anarchist bookfair, squatted & permanent social centres and spaces, against patriachy, freecycling, defendant & prisoner solidarity & support, screenprinting, and of course countless benefit gigs and fundraising cafes. Alongside these causes, his love of and deep involvement in the DIY punk scene brouht him into contact with thousands of other musicians & radicals in the UK and abroad, gaining him respect and friendships in most European countries. Just as his door was always open to travelling bands and visitors, wherever he may be he can be sure of a warm welcome. We await with interest our comrade’s next communication from freedom.
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