t’s 10:36pm, and things at the 27 Social Centre are busy and anxious.
We’ve been solidly working since DABC members on the ground reported at around 2:45pm that Denver Police had started to attack the crowd at Civic Center Park who assembled to re-take the park for Occupy Denver.
The legal line has rang pretty steadily for the last several hours, as we’ve been working intake for 18 arrestees. A 19th person is hospitalized, though charges are expected to be filed once he is released from the hospital. There may be more arrestees from earlier tonight, though we think that if there are more, that number probably won’t exceed 20.
That said, in 20 minutes, Civic Center Park will officially “close” and it is unclear if DPD or other law enforcement will attempt to enforce the park curfew and further endanger and arrest those occupying the park.
Street medics affiliated with DABC reported dozens of injuries, mostly from pepper spray, pepper balls (paintballs filled with OC powder), and blunt force trauma from police batons. Several people were taken away by ambulance, and many others were treated on site in a makeshift field clinic set up by seasoned street medics.
Today’s actions, hot on the heels of the intense police repression at Occupy Oakland earlier this week, shows clearly that the ruling class isn’t taking this new movement lightly. They will order their footsoldiers from local law enforcement agencies to do what it takes to break the back of this young, yet growing and vibrant movement.
As we move forward, DABC will do everything it can to ensure that the proper support is given to Occupy Denver and the multitude of other local movements, projects, and initiatives struggling to destroy predatory social, political, and economic systems.
The only way we can do this is with your support. We’ve been able to raise over $5000 to cover bond and bail expenses for arrestees. We’ve been able to work with the National Lawyers Guild to ensure that (as of now) 73 defendants have free legal representation. We’ve been able to work with the Colorado Street Medics to help provide on the ground medical care for injured and wounded demonstrators. We’ve been able to provide meals, housing, and other needed support for our arrested and injured comrades. And we’ve only been able to do this with your amazing support.
We probably don’t need to remind people that support for Occupy Denver is not the only work that our dozen member collective is involved in. We also support many long term political prisoners held captive by the U.S. We provide self defense trainings to social movements and projects in the Denver area. We help with courtwatch and visitation for those facing deportation through the horrendous ICE system in the U.S. We help provide childcare and children’s activities to various social movement programs in the Denver metro. We work to support the struggles of prisoners organizing within state facilities in the Colorado area.
All of this work hinges on your support. And there are many needs that we have, and many ways that you can support us.
1) Donate to DABC: We are taking funds for bond support, as well as support of all of our other projects. Contact us at denverabc@rocketmail.com to throw some donations our way.
2) Volunteer for DABC: We need help staffing our legal line, observing court proceedings, picking people up from jail, and a multitude of other roles. Again, contact us to help out.
3) Attend a DABC meeting: ABC meetings are open meetings that happen every Sunday at 3:30pm at the 27 Social Centre (2727 W. 27th Ave Unit D, Denver)
4) Attend our annual fundraiser, Martyr’s Ball: On Friday November, 11, DABC is hosting on of our largest annual fundraisers, Martyr’s Ball. A costume ball where participants dress up as a political martyr, will feature food, beverages, games, music, and dancing. The event will be held at the 27 Social Centre. Bring your friends and support DABC.
4) Spread the word: Pass this on to friends, family, comrades, and others!
In solidarity and struggle,
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