List of political prisoners in the Chilean state (late September 2011 update)
The following is a list of revolutionary prisoners currently locked up in the Chilean state’s prisons. This list is being constantly updated due to transfers and the different circumstances experienced by the prisoners.
Let’s also remember the situation of various fugitive comrades, among whom are Carlos Gutiérrez (charged in the Security Case), Diego Ríos, and Gabriela Curilem. We hope they never have to be added to this list and never have to set foot in prison.
Send all contributions and updates to liberaciontotal [at] riseup [dot] net.
Felipe Vittori
Santiago 1 Private Prison, Block ?
On August 25, 2011, Vittori was taking part in the protests and confrontations going on front of the Metropolitan University of Technology (UTEM) when police arrested him on suspicion of throwing a Molotov cocktail at a Special Forces unit. They also linked him to a backpack containing another Molotov. He was formally charged under the weapons control law for possession of a firebomb.
He is currently in custody awaiting trial.
Francisco Moreno
Santiago 1 Private Prison, Block 35
On July 14, 2011, Moreno was arrested during a mass student march and accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail at the Brazilian embassy, injuring one riot cop and leaving another with serious burns.
Moreno was recognized by undercover police, who supposedly identified him by his clothes as well as a photo in which he is masked up. He was ultimately charged with felony assault, attempted homicide, and weapons possession (a Molotov cocktail).
He is currently in custody awaiting trial.
Patricio Gallardo
Alejandro Rodríguez
Santiago 1 Private Prison, Security Wing
Gallardo and Rodríguez were arrested on August 30, 2010 and charged with attacking a Prosegur armored car in September 2009. Both were MAPU Lautaro militants and political prisoners in the 1990s. Their arrests and the proceedings against them were an attempt to link them to the Bombings Case as financiers, but the maneuver came to nothing.
They are currently in custody awaiting trial.
Cristobal “Mono” Bravo
High Security Prison, Special High Security Wing, 4th Floor
During the September 11, 2011 demonstration marking the anniversary of the military coup and its democratic continuation, a police officer was severely beaten. Bravo was identified as one of the attackers. Over the course of the next few days, he was found and arrested by Carabineros Intelligence Bureau (DIPOLCAR) and ultimately locked up on September 22.
Comrade Bravo is a vegan antiauthoritarian and well-known within the prisoner solidarity, animal liberation, and politically active squatting milieus.
He is currently in custody awaiting trial, charged with felony assault on a police officer.
Marcelo Villarroel
High Security Prison, Special High Security Wing, H Block North
Villarroel was a MAPU Lautaro member and political prisoner in the 1990s. He is charged with taking part in the September 2007 Banco Santander robbery in Valparaíso and the October 2007 Banco Security robbery in Santiago during which repressive agent Luis Moyano died in a shootout while the perpetrators were making their escape.
After a period as a fugitive, Villarroel was arrested on March 15, 2008 together with Freddy Fuentevilla in Neuquen, Argentina. They were then deported to Chile on December 15, 2009.
He is currently in custody awaiting trial.
Juan Aliste Vega
High Security Prison, Special High Security Wing, J Block
Aliste Vega was a MAPU Lautaro member and political prisoner in the 1990s. He is charged with taking part in the September 2007 Banco Santander robbery in Valparaíso and the October 2007 Banco Security robbery in Santiago during which repressive agent Luis Moyano died in a shootout while the perpetrators were making their escape.
Aliste Vega was arrested on July 9, 2010 in Argentina and later deported to Chile on July 22, 2010. He is specifically charged with shooting at the police during the Banco Security escape.
He is currently in custody awaiting trial.
Freddy Fuentevilla
High Security Prison, Special High Security Wing, H Block North
Fuentevilla is a former member of the MIR (Leftist Revolutionary Movement). He is charged with taking part in the September 2007 Banco Santander robbery in Valparaíso and the October 2007 Banco Security robbery in Santiago during which repressive agent Luis Moyano died in a shootout while the perpetrators were making their escape.
After a period as a fugitive, Fuentevilla was arrested on March 15, 2008 together with Marcelo Villarroel in Neuquen, Argentina. They were then deported to Chile on December 15, 2009. Fuentevilla is accused of driving the motorcycle from which shots were fired at the police.
He is currently in custody awaiting trial.
Esteban Huiniguir
High Security Prison, Special High Security Wing, J Block
Huiniguir is a former MAPU Lautaro member. After his home was raided on March 29, 2008 (Young Combatant’s Day), he and other residents were arrested on charges of possession of Molotov cocktails.
Out of a blatantly absurd desire to lock him up, he was sentenced to three years and one day in prison for growing marijuana, plus another 541 days for misdemeanor drug trafficking, even though only a few plants were found at his home.
He is currently serving out his sentence.
SOUTH SANTIAGO PRISON (Former Penitentiary):
Alberto Olivares Fuenzalida
South Santiago Prison (Former Penitentiary), A Block
Olivares Fuenzalida was an FPMR (Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front) member and political prisoner during the 1990s. At the moment, he is locked up on charges stemming from a number of expropriations. In prison, he has participated in hunger strikes and protests while writing and fomenting rebellion as a member of the January 22 Collective.
He is currently serving out his sentence.
Rodolfo Retamales
Cristián Cancino
Candelaria Cortez Monroy
Felipe Guerra
Mónica Caballero
Francisco Solar
Carlos Riveros
Camilo Pérez
Andrea Urzúa
Diego Morales
Vinicio Aguilera
Pablo Morales
The defendants are charged with belonging to a fantasy criminal organization. Among them are anarchists, antiauthoritarians, people who have been active in occupied social centers, and former members of armed groups. They were all arrested on August 14, 2010, mixed up in the so-called Bombings Case, and charged as members of a terrorist cell responsible for carrying out 29 bombings.
None of them are currently in prison, but all are awaiting trial, either on probation (having to regularly sign in at their local police station) or under house arrest. The most frequently updated sites with information about their case are solidaridadporlxspresxs.blogspot.com and libertadalos14a.blogspot.com.
Their situations and the list are continually being updated here.
by This Is Our Job
From Liberación Total
(spanish version)
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