Dear Comrades! Since our latest report in English had been published, there have been some occasions of social war moved by anarchists and “ordinary people”.
29.08.2011 – In St. Petersburg R.A.T.S. (Red and Anarchist Terror Section) burned road roller and bulldozer on the construction site of business-center of Gazprom – the most horrible Russian state-capitalist monster, trading oil and gas.
The same day in Moscow DIY-bomb was thrown into the police station of one of the Moscow outskirt municipality – Eastern Degunino. Two police cars, wall and windows of a building was damaged by explosion. This was the second anonymous bomb-attack on Moscow police in last days of August (the first one two days before). No group has claimed responsibility.
31.08.2011 – In Petersburg-city R.A.T.S. strikes again – police car burned and communiqué was spread: “everyone knows what hatred to police means – nowadays our country is separated on two unequal groups – those who governs and those who has to obey due to the fear of repressions (…) our action is a gift to the inauguration of a new police governor of St. Petersburg – Poltavchenko.”
03.09.2011 – Nearby city of Samara, placed in Volga-river, in the night anonymous pirate group attacked from the boat expensive yachts by Molotov cocktails.
09.09.2011 – In Moscow region administration house of Povarovo village was attacked by Molotov cocktails. No group has claimed responsibility.
12.09.2011 – In Altai territory arson of Bailiff Center took place. Serious damage of building and documentation.
13.09.2011 – In Ulianovsk anonymous fire attack took place on the office of the deputy Ruslan Seukov, member of a ruling party United Russia.
19.09.2011 – In Melitopol, Ukraine – public prosecutor’s office was arsoned. General door damaged…
Let the struggle spread and become deeper! Vivat Anarhia!
Revolutionary news and resistance from Russia + English version
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