Text by Stella Antoniou, arrested on 04.12.2010 (Case of 6), accused of involvement in an unknown terrorist organization, ... and of committing vague terrorist acts.
On 4/12/1910 I was arrested outside my house in Platonos Street in Kalithea, in which I was living with my partner Kostas Sakkas. They kept me for 3 days in detention without telling me why, did not allow a lawyer to me or to my co-defendants, we were kept 6 days in the cells of the 12th floor of the Athens police headquarters, with the light lit 24 hours a day, without windows, which negates the sense of time. When I refused to give fingerprints and a sample of DNA, I was stripped by force and my T-shirt stolen, apparently to get it.
Finally, on 10/12 detained in women's prison of Korydallos, Athens, as a member of an organization whose name and action neither I nor the prosecutors know. First, I would like to clarify that I do not recognize the term ''terrorist organization'' as assigned by the state to revolt. But I do clearly recognize a criminal organization, which in contrast to the “organization'' which they accuse me of, is named (DAEEB)(Response Directorate of Special Crimes of Violence ) and address (173 Alexandras Avenue), which knows very well that there can be no armed organization between 6 people who do not meet (as they even agree in the constructed file), let alone 6 people that do not know each other. I belong to the anarchist movement, and I'm proud of my participation and my action in it.
The state is making the imprisonment of anarchists a phenomenon of our time, whether they have enough, incomplete or no evidence, which is of no importance because I believe that no fighter should be imprisoned. But we are now being faced with constructed files and cases from the police, in cooperation with the Media and those who play the role of cops, talk about specific organizations that do not exist, etc. They baptize my house ''giafka Kallithea'' (Kallithea hideout) in the sense that when there is something ''illegal'' in a room, that space becomes a giafka. They talked about the dismantling of such and such an organization, which is related to another organization, and eventually, unfortunately for them, the weapons are ''clean'' and the organization has no name. They publish my personal letters, present various false physionomy profiles, giving me my role in this alleged organization. With grotesque titles like ''she paid for her love'' or ''love'' in the lair, they present an alleged personal drama, hoping to sell their gossip scandalmongering pages. They chose to highlight specific pieces of my statement ... adding words that I did not say ... without mentioning any trace of the political stigma that I gave to the questioning.
But the story does not end there. Then I had to face the false testimony of a female police officer from Kallithea police station, which reached me two weeks after being put on remand.The witness said that one or two days before arresting me ... I walked into the police stationKallithea, went to the department that leads to where the guns are stored (!), with the apparent aim of checking out the area, with an eye to a future theft of the weapons ... And here come the questions:
-Why did they allow me to penetrate a police station so easily?
-On what grounds did I decide to go with my face uncovered into a section of it and look for guns?!
-Don't police stations have cameras outside the building? Where is the recording from the camera showing me entering the police station?
Is this fact also a plan of the criminal organization DAEEB? (Response Directorate of Special Crimes of Violence )
I think that my prosecution, as well as that of other social fighters, amid socio-political instability which is now, given the economic crisis, part of state planning aiming to create a climate of fear and REAL TERRORISM. And this seems little compared to the long sustained action of the criminal clique that I mentioned: Turning their guns on 15 year old children, at people that don't stop at roadblocks, shooting fugitive comrades in the back, murdering militant fighters in cold blood.
At a time when the world's patience is exhausted and various parts of society have begun to act, power is ceasing to make even rudimentary excuses, culminating in imprisoning an anarchist comrade with the only ''aggravating'' evidence her mention that all these anarchists in prison are political prisoners! Thus depriving all of us of even the right to defend the most important part of our being, our political identity. They are trying to eliminate the most radical part of this society by constantly taking fighters hostage, believing that they can deny us what nobody can take from us:
Stella Antoniou
Korydallos Women's Prison
B-wing, cell 35
translate by actforfreedomnow!
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