On the 23 January 2010 the Chilean Embassy in Mexico received two explosive letter devices which were immediately noticed by Embassy civil servants, who then alerted the Secretariat of Mexican Public Security. The building was evacuated and 24 hours later Mexican police confirmed that the packets contained explosives and threats against the ambassador of Chile in Mexico – Germán Guerrero Pavez. The devices were neutralized.
Autonomous Cells of the Immediate Revolution – Praxedis G. Guerrerro took responsibility for this latest attack against the Chilean State through an internet message.
This incident has been ‘quietened down’ by the Chilean and Mexican governments, international media plus European authorities, who are not willing to give the “oxygen of publicity” to this latest attack on the global media-stage, during the precarious trial of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, after the December letter-bombs against various States, which hit international media headlines, prompting the Italian Informal Anarchist Federation to respond with two explosive parcels for the Chilean and Swiss embassies in Rome. Growing insurrectional tendancies will not be censored out of the media, nor will the attacks end. Anarchism will only spread, become more developed and will overcome the institutions of hierarchy and finance.
The action was dedicated to the prisoners of the Chilean State who are fighting for their dignity and freedom, the indigenous people of the Mapuche, who are fighting for their land and self-determination, as well as dedicated to the Revolutionary Organisations Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Revolutionary Struggle in Greece. Anarchist prisoner Gabriel Pombo da Silva also gets a mention, with a quote from him ending the final section: “Siempre con l@s rebeldes!!!!”
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