This morning [Saturday 30th March] the judge decided to make a favour to the Florence Digos: as he obviously couldn’t keep the comrades imprisoned, he opted for house arrest in the comrades’ towns, two in Pontassieve and one in Pistoia. It is clear how this operation aims at eliminating all ‘elements of disturbance’, that is to say those who are active in the city. As power can’t (for the moment) do whatever they like with Anarchists, they try their best to silence them, in this case through house arrest. On the contrary they did do whatever they liked with some immigrants, who were beaten to death in the police headquarters of Florence [the comrades were arrested while distributing leaflets on this event].
Solidarity with the comrades hit by repression, fire to all prisons and death to the authority!
from: anarchicipistoiesi Translated by b.porco dio!
Last Thursday 29/3 /12 the bloody Florence cops assaulted and arrested three comrades, Nicola, Filomena and Sandro and accused them of a series of bullshit such as resistance and causing bodily harm.
Florence (Italy) – Another wave of repression against anarchists Anarchist comrades’ houses searched following articles 270bis and 280
Translated from informa-azione.info Translation by b. porco dio!
We receive and transmit:
Yesterday morning, 29/03/2012, the ROS units [special carabinieri units] of Rome and Perugia searched four houses of comrades looking for evidence concerning the usual charge of conspiracy. And as usual, the watchdogs of the authority were particularly interested in electronic equipment, mobile phones and paper. Wastepaper, searches and warnings: we’ve seen more of the same many times but every time it just makes us sick.
It seems that the charges are related to articles 270bis (conspiracy to subvert the democratic order of the State) and 280 (terrorist attack) and that the anti-subversion unit of the carabinieri was involved along with the ROS. We also learn of searches in Catania and some arrests in Genoa but we don’t know if this is part of the same investigation. For the moments news are fragmentary but we’ll try to expose a more precise picture of this new repressive wave against anarchists as soon as possible.
Florence (Italy) – Arrests and expulsion orders
Translated from informa-azione.info
We receive and transmit
Yesterday some comrades were stopped by police in Florence as they were handing out leaflets (on the recent deaths in the security cells of the Duca degli Abbruzzi police barracks [in Florence]). The comrades were taken to the police headquarters. At around 3:30pm most of them were released, two were served with expulsion orders [from Florence] and three were taken to the prison of Sollicciano and accused of resistance and causing bodily harm.
The hearing to confirm the arrests will be held on Saturday. Updates will follow.
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