The hacker group known as LulzSec appears to be back after many months of lying low, saying it has obtained email addresses and other information about nearly 171,000 users of MilitarySingles.com, a commercial dating site.
The group, which in 2011 went after government agencies and companies including the FBI, CIA, Sony and even PBS, said many of the email addresses include us.army.mil and other addresses reserved for the military.
MilitarySingles.com bills itself as “the dating site for single soldiers and those interested in meeting them.”
The Pentagon could not be reached for comment.
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//Laughing at your security since 2011!
//#LulzSecReborn <- IRC Chan @ irc.anonops.com
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The website http://www.militarysingles.com/ was recently closed day ago or so, so we dumped email db
There are emails such as @us.army.mil ; @carney.navy.mil ; @greatlakes.cnet.navy.mil ; @microsoft.com ; etc..
Total Dump 170937 Accounts.
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