by Daniel Mason
The European Union should combat the increased violence of animal rights extremists by renewing a dialogue so that their views can be aired in a democratic way, a conference of law enforcement agencies has concluded.
Fifty-eight experts from the EU agencies Europol and Eurojust, meeting in The Hague last week, recommended that EU member states cooperate more closely to tackle the violence, which increasingly includes the use of improvised explosive devices and improvised incendiary devices.
Forensic evidence reveals similarities in the methods and devices used by campaigners in different countries – indicating that operations are organised on an international level. The conference heard that more than ever, single issue activists, for example targeting the fur or pharmaceutical industries, are working together, including with anarchist groups, to achieve maximum impact. Methods include threatening phone calls and emails, the intimidation of families of targets by attacking their property, and releasing animals from captivity.
Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol, said in a statement: “We are concerned by the increasing levels of violence used by animal rights extremists and their tendency to collaborate with other extremists in society. Europol is committed to helping law enforcement authorities in the EU and partners in industry to prevent the further spread of this activity. The conference at Europol’s new headquarters was an important milestone in these efforts.”
In its recommendations the conference said that a new dialogue on animal welfare, to give protesters a forum for their opinions, should be led by the EU, more technical information should be shared internationally and a common strategy should be developed with the corporate security community. It was also emphasised that the peaceful defence of animal welfare is legitimate and fully supported by the EU.
Source: http://www.publicserviceeurope.com/article/632/call-for-dialogue-as-animal-rights-violence-rises#comment
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