France - New business in the suburbs of Grenoble sbirresche repressive and echoes
(AP) - PARIS, 4 Aug - Large police operation in
Villeneuve district of Grenoble, scene of recent clashes
Armed police and banlieue kids.
Arrested four boys, including 2 children (one and 'was then
released), as part of investigations carried out on robbery
goal 'in July in a mess' by Karim Boudouda, killed by
police during a chase. And the death of
robber has provoked the anger of young people causing 3
days of riotIn France, President Sarkozy is trying to climb the precipice of the vote - after the scandals of the UMP party funding - relying on a vague but bombastic reactionary and xenophobic campaign.
The proposals:
First remove the citizenship to foreigners machine serious crimes - especially attacks on police. Sarkozy used the term "attempted murder", as in France in recent riots began after shots of a firearm the second side of the fence. Given the basis of the first processes to be charged with "attempted murder" of a policeman during a riot in the suburbs do not need much more than any other faction witness. Addressing the issue may still be useful to remember that the only dead in the suburbs, from the 2005 to today, have only ever been young people of foreign origin were killed by the police.
"The French nationality withdrawn shall be to all people of foreign origin who have voluntarily attempt on the life of a policeman or anyone else representing the public authority."
A proposal is made public in very specific occasion: the presentation of the new prefect of Isère, Grenoble, where recently there have been clashes between police and young people in a suburb, after the agents had killed a young robber .
When needed, the paper banlieues is always ready to play.
The suburbs must be in turmoil for legitimate authority, must be the threat to the small and middle class, which state that the state protects and fights.
Recall that the banlieues are ghettos, hives, satellite cities were built on existing urban areas sometimes likened to the slums. And like in the ghettos, the mark of infamy is already produced from above. The banlieues are a social program, another of the capitalist civilization of the landfill where the surpluses are accumulated human, in the French case in particular waste of the colonial past. And like all ghettos are an intermediate stage in an urban area and a place of custody.
Followed by two short excerpts from a statement released a few months ago by French comrades in view of the process towards two of these young people of foreign origin which, in addition to imprisonment, citizenship could be revoked.
"The power projects on this site all its anxieties and fears securitarian, more than anything else, that employment of police districts is contrasted with riots organized people against which projectiles were fired for months flashball [steel and rubber], begin to put the cops in their sights. "
"This is not the feeling of living on the margins of society, but in the laboratory of the future. If in the near future, fears the risk of popular uprisings, certainly the power is training to be handled here "
"Anyone who does a lap after five o'clock of course, watching the" robocops "patrolling the Gaza-style, that the state is trying to restore order where disorder reigns, but to unleash chaos at the right time to show before the election, as the entity that restores order. "
Sarkozy also said that the acquisition of nationality for children born in France of foreign parents, once reached 18 years, should no longer be a right, if you commit crimes.
We speak of children born in France, whose only difference from other young French people is represented only by the origins of the parents.
This set of proposals are part of a wider program of propaganda that goes to target and criminalize a wider range of individuals on ethnic grounds.
And then the illegal immigrants, guilty of having "too many rights"
"I hope that we assess the rights and benefits available to them illegal aliens. An irregular situation may not confer more rights than a regular situation and legal, "a vague and woolly rhetoric style alloy north. The President has not even clear what rights he was referring. The illegal immigrants in France have, in fact very little access to services including health care.
The president also reiterated a hard line against the nomads: "We must stop the development of wild Roma camps. Are areas outside of law that can not be tolerated. " By September, the president added, "will be dismantled fields that have already been the subject of a court order. For fields where there was still a decision of the judges, we will ensure that action is taken soon. Within three months, I want at least half of these camps disappear from French territory. "
All positions drawn entirely from the program of far-right parties as the Front National in The Penn.
Moreover, the use of threat, whether internal (migrants, Roma, radical movements) or external (terrorism, rogue states, etc. ..) are classics of the repertoire of Western democracies in situations of economic difficulty or loss of consensus.
But in France in recent days there was another face of repression, always connected to the riots in the suburbs of Grenoble ...
Two Internet sites targeted by French Interior Minister
Although the French Interior Minister refused to specify names, "so as not to make their advertising," the two websites would be finished in his viewfinder jura freedom [http://juralibertaire.over-blog.com] and Indymedia Grenoble [http://grenoble.indymedia.org] guilty of being openly hostile to the police and his work.
"Public insults and defamation against the police," "campaigns that have shocked me and I can not let go", these words of the minister, indignant especially for some expressions used to describe the police "gang of murderers "for the police and" armed band of criminals "against the BAC [Crime Brigade], and in this way," attacking the honor of the police. "
The focus of the interior minister Brice Hortefeux, already known for the recent proposal of an electronic bracelet for migrants who appeal against the deportation order and sentenced in recent weeks for racist abuse against a young member of his party, it is This case focused on these websites over the efforts to legitimize and promote the recent work of repressive forces in the suburbs of Grenoble. The site Jura freedom and in addition has long accused of supporting the so-called anarcho-autonomous movement [of the nine Tarnac, sabotage against targets and other high speed]
Informa Azione.info - "looking like a prison burning"
s and death threats to police
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