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Dear comrades,
I want to give my little solidarity contribution to the members of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire through this piece of writing.
Federico Buono
“Revolution is existential struggle”
Panagiotis Argirou, a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
A Trajectory From Sparks to Fire…
From the darkness of social pacification a new propulsive force is
emerging, which destroys and annihilates everything -regardless of
anything else: normal daily life is being shattered and overturned like
advancing darkness that refuses the drowsiness induced by the
‘artificial’ lights of stable certitudes.
Abandoning an insignificant world and the immovable reality of a life regulated by artificial mechanisms.
There exists no quiet acquiescence towards the respect of the rules
of honour that sound human life, in a continuous repetition of mechanic
gestures, artifacts in their essence, and which stop their ‘way of
being’ in a limbo of frustrations.
Theory is put in practice and practice is put in theory without being
stopped by neither a ‘collective no’, which determines the silence
imposed in order no to lose the ‘certitudes of life’, nor by compromise.
When one’s hands and mind shake in unison in an exasperating rift of
free conscience and free will, it means that from inside our awareness a
dream bursts out, a dream transformed into real necessity to change the
air that one breathes, in a destructive fire and for the destruction of
the order which has been reigning so far – cutting off all ties.
The experience of ‘constant attack’ of the Conspiracy of Cells of
Fire –which are far away form the world of ‘bourgeois laws’ – without
any certitude, annihilates all that ‘allow’ the citizen to live an
existence of claustrophobic normality.
Concentrating oneself on the concept of normal and abnormal sounds
the way of life of those who demand from themselves and what surrounds
them a sharp and opposing refusal of a life which means ‘no life’.
Concentrating oneself on necessary destruction and carry it out
requires an effort which is bigger than one’s expectations. Expectations
determine the state of permanent immobility and reduce one’s desires of
revolt, in a mere representation of one’s daily life.
The intensity of choices that refuse all compromises and attack the
legitimate society, with its codes and values, its uniforms and cops,
sets us in conflict with our enemies, in a refusal of the imposed rules
of a civilized living together.
This is total rupture with those instances of pacification, which
want us to adapt to the current law and which always place themselves
only on a position of reactive defence.
To take back one’s life has a deep significance in the reality we
face every day: it is the experimentation of forms of attack that free
the individual from the morals inside us, by totally annihilating the
authority, which is no abstract principle but which is made of ‘flesh
and bones’. In order to destroy this authority, one must ‘renounce’ any
compliance towards what we feel belongs to us. ‘Renouncing’ breaks a
wall made of social acceptation, discipline, sacred respect for
friendship and life, for refusal of material and dialectic clash, and it
creates the basis for refusing Authority and all its acolytes!
With their revolutionary outcome of negation of dominant values, the
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, with their actions as well as communiqués,
brings about a new way of understanding the method of action, no longer
based on the difference among classes but on the opposition to the
The actions and communiqués that arrive at destination give
‘propulsive destruction’ to the world in revolt, and every time they
turn over the stillness that creates fear of reaction, and in a
perpetual movement, the reaction of ideas, in a leading abandonment of
the revolutionary aspect!
‘We have never acted within the boundaries marked by orthodox
social struggle that only speak the language of class struggle and
economic analysis, obviously ignoring the individual responsibility of
the representatives of authority. We are enemies of both the hand that
holds the whip and the back that accept it passively. That’s why we
speak of revolution in daily life, reversal of compromises and
uniqueness of the individual.’
(Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire)
It destabilizes the way with which the members of the Conspiracy of
Cells of Fire give strength to what they experienced without being
subordinated to the
assumption of democratic laws and to the respect for those who, born
poor, want to stay ‘poor’ in their lives, in a constant trajectory made
of superficiality and submissiveness: the uniformed mass-appearance is
advancing like a sea of mud, ready to sweep away all that does not
‘resists’ to it in its viscous vortex.
Albert Caraco wrote: “The world we live in is
the Inferno tempered by nothingness, where the man who refuses to
recognize himself prefers to immolate himself.”
When we face the reality we live in, we have to cope with main obstacles that are more complex than we think.
Each one makes choices with their free will made of obstacles to pull down or compromises to accept.
Without being stopped by any ‘social container’ whatsoever, the
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire break and destabilize the existent of
reactionary calmness.
And they do so also in so called anarchist movement everywhere,
showing the ‘way’ but not teaching anything, because they ‘do not want
In this way a new form of antisocial and nihilist guerrilla bursts
out, which does not accept to be inscribed in a stereotype of fake
revolutionary feeling by the pedantic university professors of official
anarchism and by the enthusiasts of the militancy for militancy’s sake. A
guerrilla that determines its propulsive destruction in the
revolutionary field, and which destroys any social concept.
Informality transforms its ‘being’ into a nihilist attack refusing
all universal values that sound the surrounding world, and it overturns
the logic of the
mass-stereotype that justifies the law.
“The law is the spirit of society. If society has a will, this is the law: society only exists thanks to the law.”
Max Stirner
In this, the enemy facing you has the same appearance: be it the
policeman who has a right to arrest you or the democratic citizen who
wants to report you (as he has such a right), they give the guerrilla a
‘right’ to hit the enemy, denying any requisite or class belonging.
While the courts of the constituted order attack and carry away
without flinching, the members of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire
experiment their action and totality, their ‘I want’, and overturn the
concept of authority.
This concept creates regression because it uniforms all that was
lived, and immobilizes any ‘individual’ in a penetrating way, the
individual who had grown in a critical way by interiorizing his
Like corrosive acid authority ‘dissolves’ all solidarity, and puts everyone on the side of ‘imposed knowledge’.
The essential element increasing the gap between those who impose
themselves and those who are inflicted imposition is a refusal of
‘personal responsibility’ by the dominated individual.
If you don’t take your own responsibilities because you want to get
quiet sleep, you go back to a vision of sterile defence. Thinking
subjects become silent subjects. They realize they are not acting and
assimilate their thoughts to those of people with more experience,
vitality, character (but according to some kind of hierarchy), thus
determining their line of conduct with rules that suit them.
On the contrary the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire determine
themselves and overturn the role of specialization and leadership
because “Power belongs to man, the world belongs to man, I belong to man.” (Max Stirner)
The unbridled action against the universe made of forced relations
without a spark of free will is the base on which all the values of a
mankind of ‘sleepwalkers’ must be destroyed.
It is imperative not to give in those who believe in the order of
dominion, to knock down the barriers of common morals, which see the
‘exploited’ as a thinking subject who changes his values into their
negation, and then, in mass-dominion society, he accepts and executes
the imposed precepts as if they were part of his life.
If you don’t exasperate the contradictions you live in, you create asphyxiating normality.
Then this affects your choices, and slowly but inevitably it degrades
to a sterile defence of your social space, and at the first sign of
repression you just intensify this defence.
Dominant normality penetrates deeply in the choices and positions
that are taken for the most part. Mental and material borders are
created, which reproduce what dominion imposes and circumscribes in
reality as official culture.
These ‘borders’ come out in repressive situations, where reality sink
in a sort of empty memory of a trajectory totally opposed with what is
normality. Radicalism abates and you feel like you are the master of
your ‘little space’, which you protect with formal ‘fences’ in order to
carry on your social life. Your ‘life’ made of experiences is
annihilated in favour of uniformity of ideas, which creates a vicious
In these conditions everything becomes a ‘justification’. The need to
adapt to what the historical period requires comes out slowly, and
there is no longer a clear perspective of this ‘justification’.
As we choose a trajectory of vehement radicalism we establish who our real enemies are.
If you say to me ‘you are vanguard’ because I choose action and
refuse to die slowly in an inanition of desires, you are not saying
Those who express their free will in a destructive act decide for
themselves, and when they ‘fall’ they go ahead with their head held
‘We are not enrolled soldiers whose duty is revolution. We are
warriors of satisfaction and we see the link between rebellion and life
as a requirement for action. We don’t believe in any ‘right line’ to be
(Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from “The Sun Still Rises”)
Another aspect that emerges in opposition to the world surrounding us
(and to what surrounds the anarchist movement) is the refusal to
support the authority not only through ‘silence’ (which should be part
of the DNA of all anarchists and revolutionaries) but also through the
refusal of being filed or photographed.
The strength emerging from the letters of the members captured and
now in the hands of the enemy is something that bursts out in magma of
indescribable sensations: the Conspiracy members refuse to go back one
millimetre as for their individuality, and this is no formal refusal.
Once again there’s no intention to give in to the respect for the
imposed rules and turn one’s refusal and unfortunate ‘fall’ into
material for victimising, which would only help dominion to establish
what is ‘right’ and what ‘wrong’ in a relation of submission.
Coherent with their existence and without any authoritarian scheme,
the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire issued the
pamphlet ‘The Sun Still Rises’:
“We love what we did because it contains our whole essence, so the ‘Conspiracy’ is not only all of us but also each one of us.”
The second phase of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire begins:
The instruments of knowledge are put in action, instruments that refuse
vertically structures organizations and turn to the free choice to take
one’s responsibilities at the time of action and of a possible ‘fall’ in
the hands of the enemy.
Informality stays there and develops itself through theoretical basis without imposition or formal setting.
The destructive and propulsive force against any democratic instance
also emerges in the second phase of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.
So any group or individual, in the wake of the first phase of the
Conspiracy, can use the name thus stopping the assumptions of any
authoritative seed.
Instruments are put at everyone’s disposal, without any kind of
professionalism or moral dictatorship: any cell or individual can use
the ‘passion’ unleashed by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, take in its
revolutionary ‘experience’ and attack!
Attack in all its forms can be expressed with stones or explosive in a flowing up of events!
‘For us, the revolutionary subject is the one who liberates
himself from the obligations of the present, put the status quo into
question and takes part in the criminal search for freedom.’
(Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire, from ‘The Sun Still Rises’)
To liberate oneself from the obsession of ‘keeping’ something and to
live the present and to pursue and carry on a trajectory that ‘attacks’
and does not totter, in front of a life consumed and made of empty
existence, all this gives effective value to the destructive attacks
carried out by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.
S.G. Necaev wrote: ‘The ruthless logic of those
who really work for the cause must not stop in front of any fact that
leads to the success of this very cause, and especially in front of the
facts that are such that they save it and avoid its ruin.’
‘Not to stop’ in front of vague certitudes, not to establish the
attenuation of one’s experience, refuse to play the role of victim of
the ‘system’.
Here the members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire bring their experience.
The field of ‘if’ and ‘but’ is swept away by destructive acts carried
out by revolutionary strength that make any logic of social adaptation
The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire emerges, bursts in, attacks and show
its ‘way of being’ to those who liberate themselves from the chains of
normal and stereotyped life and choose the field of action and urban
Each one with their ways and methods but with a base of informal and existential peculiarity.
‘It’s a wonderful moment when the attack on order is being
carried out. Even at the beginning – when we knew it was rather
imperceptible – we knew that very soon nothing would be as before, no
matter what was to happen. It’s a force that begins slowly, speeds up
its rhythm, goes beyond the no return point and inevitably causes what
seems impregnable to explode – so firm and protected but already prone
to fall down, demolished by conflict and disorder.’
(Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, ‘The Sun Still Rises’)
A post-scriptum must be written so that everyone makes their
evaluations on what making choices means in a revolutionary and
solidarity context.
As I’m writing this, I want to say that I am the direct responsible
of what I am writing, and I take my responsibilities so that any
individual can be free of agreeing or not, developing its content and
make it their own.
This piece of writing talks about the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
because in their choices, attacks and communiqués they set a new way of
understanding the ‘guerrilla’. But I want to remember hundreds of
informal groups and single individuals which destroy the ‘certitude’ of
the bourgeois thought and that of social pacification!
Revolutionary solidarity with the members of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire!
Federico Buono
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