Downtown Thessaloniki
Friday, 13.15pm
Divided into different groups of comrades, we moved synchronously in
order to disrupt, even in a symbolic way, the city’s normality during
rush hour, when the metropolitan factory’s machines are working nonstop.
We smashed and took 3 ATMs out of service, thus sabotaging the
Capital’s smooth flow.
With this action we stand on the side of anarchist Rami Syrianos, who
is facing trial on Monday, May 21st, for the expropriation of ODDY’s
auction and today (18/5) he is on his 4th day of hunger strike,
demanding his exit from the solitary confinement and his transfer from
Nigrita–Serres prisons.
The comrade has been in solitary confinement inside Nigrita prisons
for almost two months, paying the price of dignity and combative stance,
the highest of offenses for the correctional system.
Of course, we neither forget comrade Olga Ekonomidou, member of
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who is also being held in solitary
confinement in Diavata women’s prisons for almost two weeks now, due to
her dignified stance inside the prison society.
Solidaritarians with vandalistic tendencies
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