From its origins, the heterogeneous multitude of groups that make up
the anarchist scene have generated and disseminated millions of papers
all over the world, both to share their ideas and facilitate the
cultural development of contemporary men and women. These have been the
main reasons for its past existence and its present essential
Latin America has not escaped this process. Many thousands of books,
leaflets, magazines and newspapers have been edited on this
subcontinent, particularly intensely in the last decades of the 19th
century and the first four decades of the 20th century. Nonetheless,
there have been several worthwhile attempts, especially in Buenos Aires
(Argentina) since the 90s, that amounts to a protracted revival of
propaganda initiatives.
The Chilean region has been a part of the above revival. As a very
short summary of the history of printed libertarian literature in these
lands, besides mentioning the 50 or so newspapers that also existed, the
following valuable publishing houses were most notably active: “Lux” in
Santiago, “Adelante” in Rancagua, or “Mas Allá” in Valparaíso, among
many others. Lux, linked to the IWW, published thousands of copies of
several books between 1920 and 1927, among them, the works of some local
comrades, such as the martyr poet José Domingo Gómez Rojas, the Primary
School teacher Manuel Márquez, the IWW comrade Armando Triviño, and the
anarcha-feminist comrade Evangelia Arratia. Other Latin American
agitators were published as well, alongside classics by Emma Goldman,
Kropotkin, Fauré, Mella and Malatesta. As an example of the size of
their press, in 1922, after a campaign of voluntary donations, 4
thousand copies of “The conquest of Bread” were printed.
But as mentioned before, anarchist propaganda is also utmost about
action. Our diverse ideas, with our different tendencies, have gained
fame in the last few years. Apparently, we are in the middle of a new
daybreak. And we already have several publishing nodes, with newspapers,
fanzines and even a video-magazine. Works distributed in book-shops,
some kiosks, and above all during the actions, demonstrations and
propaganda fairs that are held everywhere.
Nonetheless, we have never had an event specially dedicated to
anarchist books and propaganda. This initiative seeks to be a
convergence space for the different nodes that create materials, so they
can get to know and mutually reinforce each other, if they like. But
above all, it seeks to offer our comrades, and whoever is interested, an
outlook of what we are doing. Our aim is to spread, to encourage
production, to get to know each other, to feedback to each other, to
share, to escape from the circuits of institutional culture, to
self-educate ourselves. For these reasons and much more, we will meet at
this 1st Anarchist Book and Propaganda Fair in Santiago.
By now, we can announce that, apart from the stands that each
collective will have, there will be space for art, music, history and
theoretical reflection. We will be graced with the presence of comrades
from other regions as well. We, therefore, invite you to first, to go
and visit it, but also more specifically, to participate in a more
active way in this fair: disseminating info about it, attending funding
activities, or creating initiatives-forums, exhibitions, expressions –
for it.
See you soon in this one, the anarchist, cultural and propagandist party.
The coordination team
Santiago, March 2012
PS. We would like to thank the comrades from riseup for providing us
with an email account in their server and those from espiv for letting
our web stay in their server
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