Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services, or what used to be known as the
plain Social Work Department, have seriously compromised their
professional integrity by defending a member of staff who deliberately
told lies in a report to the Parole Boards in an attempt to sabotage my
chances of release from prison. Behaving like corrupt policemen instead
of traditional social workers seems now to be acceptable practice at
Edinburgh Social Services.
In an official report for the Parole Board, written on 29/2/2012 Brendan
Barnett, who works for Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services, made the
following incredible claims about my original case in 1980:
“Secondary motives for using violence described by the trial judge and
acknowledged by Bowden himself suggest a pattern of behaviour that
allowed for the predatory targeting of vulnerable human beings on the
margins of society defined by race or sexuality.”
“Bowden has suggested that his victims were easily discriminated against on the basis of race and sexuality.”
“There has been no investigation of the values and beliefs that informed
Bowden’s targeting of individuals, i.e. what particular characteristics
deemed a person worthy of attack: ethnic background, deviant
There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support Barnett’s bizarre
claims, and in fact I was convicted in 1982, alongside two other men, of
the murder of a white Caucasian heterosexual male during a drunken
party in South London. If ethnicity was any sort of factor in the case,
it was the actually represented in the defendants, two of whom were
Irish and the third second-generation Irish; the victim was a native
white South Londoner. Neither the police who investigated the case or
the prosecution authorities, or indeed the judge, had ever claimed that
either racism or homophobia had played any part in the case; Barnett’s
claims are a total lie, as he well knew.
Naively, I imagined that by officially complaining to Barnett’s
superiors, his lies would be exposed and the record put straight as far
as his report to the Parole Board was concerned. Instead I was about to
enter a sort of Kafkaesque nightmare.
On 2/4/2012, I was interviewed by Jackie Peters, Manager for “Risk
Management Services” and Barnett’s immediate boss, and Sheila Ritchie, a
“sex and Violent Offender Liaison Officer” and also a colleague of
Barnett’s. Both made it absolutely clear that they intended to defend
and support their colleague no matter what, even if it required some
twisting of the facts and a total disregard for the truth. Throughout
the interview I was treated with obvious contempt and at one point I was
actually asked if any of my victims (I was convicted of one murder)
were black or homosexual. Despite my constant protestations that neither
race nor sexual orientation played any part whatsoever in my
conviction, as the official files make clear, they steadfastly remained
determined to somehow defend and justify Barnett’s lies. I eventually
realised that the interview was meaningless and that their intention was
simply to defend their colleague, so I told them that I would pursue my
complaint beyond them and do whatever it took to expose Barnett’s lies.
In their subsequent report they would describe this as a “threat”
against Barnett. They also alleged I had been “angry and aggressive”
towards them and tried to shift the focus from Barnett’s lies onto my
behaviour during the interview, which they insinuated suggested a
potential risk to both themselves and the wider community. The issue of
Barnett’s lies was glossed over in their report and my complaint
rejected. It’s important to remember here that we’re not dealing with
some minor factual inaccuracy or a biased interpretation of established
fact, a fairly common phenomenon in social work reports on prisoners;
Barnett wrote blatant lies in his report, claims that had absolutely no
basis in fact or reality, lies that are easily disproved by reference to
the mass of information in my prison and social work file. Yet, those
supposedly responsible for investigating my complaint decided that
Barnett had done absolutely no wrong and that his report was completely
acceptable. Protected by an occupational culture that views and treats
“offenders” as things to be monitored, supervised and policed,
authoritarian characters like Barnett believe they have total power over
those under their supervision and with it the absolute right to
increase their demonisation and dehumanisation, even by writing blatant
lies about them.
Those who employ Barnett and those who work alongside him in the
Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services must ultimately take responsibility
for his behaviour, because by defending and supporting him they have
seriously compromised their own integrity and are complicit in his
dishonesty and his abuse of power. A more senior social worker, Stephen
Laird, signed off Barnett’s report, and therefore gave the official seal
of approval to his lies, which is whythose supposedly investigating my
complaint, Peters and Ritchie, felt an even greater predisposition to
support Barnett, even if his lies regarding my original offence were
obvious and indefensible. This is how corruption spreads within
institutions like the police and social services; defending and
supporting colleagues who have abused their power, especially over
people considered something less than human and utterly powerless,
creates complicity and a general culture of abuse. The prison system and
police are riddled with this culture, which is why the abuse and death
of people in custody is widespread and why those responsible are rarely
identified and prosecuted. It would seem that the “Criminal Justice
Services” generally, including social workers and probation officers,
are also contaminated by this culture of lying and treating “offenders”
as people stripped of all basic rights; my experience with Barnett and
his colleagues certainly illustrates this.
Undoubtedly, at my next parole hearing, Barnett will claim that by
challenging the lies in his report, I have also challenged his authority
over me and that I therefore represent a “High Risk of Re-offending”
because of my adversity to being supervised by Barnett in the community.
As always, Public Protection will be cited and used as a justification
for my continued imprisonment, when in reality I shall probably remain
in jail simply because I challenged Barnett’s lies.
I have now complained to Peter Gabbitas, Director of Health and Social
Department in Edinburgh, who has overall responsibility for Barnett and
his colleagues, and he has yet to even acknowledge my letter, which
suggests a disinclination on his part to recognise either my existence
or that of my complaint. Incredibly, it would seem that a pathological
liar like Barnett has the absolute freedom to describe someone in an
official report as a “racist and homophobic” seral killer without a
shred of evidence, and absolutely no one in his entire department has
the integrity or moral courage to criticise or expose him, and that
apparently includes even the department’s Director. The complete absence
of any basic integrity among those at Edinburgh Criminal Justice
Services is both scandalous and deeply worrying for those under its
The response of Barnett and Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services to my
exposing lies has been to ask the Scottish Prison Service to engineer my
removal back to the English prison system, and on the 4th May Sharron
Di Ciacca, Legal Service Manager of the Scottish Prison Service, wrote
to me informing me that such a transfer would take place soon. Moving
the “problem” on is of course a classic method of controlling and
punishing “difficult” prisoners.
Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services should not be allowed to suppress or
simply get rid of “offenders” who complain about and expose individuals
like Brendan Barnett, and I ask all groups and individuals concerned
about the treatment of prisoners and ex-prisoners at the hands of a
corrupt social work department like Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services
to write letters or e-mails of complaint to the following addresses:
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, 4 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7NS.
Social Work Advice and Complaints Service, Waverley Court, Level 1/7, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG.
Michelle Miller, Chief Social Worker, Grindlay Court Social Work
Centre, Criminal Justice Services, 2-4 Grindlay Court, Edinburgh, EH3
Peter Gabbitas, Director, Health and Social Care Department, Waverly Court, Level 1/8, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8DG.
John Bowden
You can also write to John at the following address:
John Bowden 6729 HMP Shotts Cantrell Road ShottsScotland ML7 4LE.
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