325 receives and transmits. Castellano version aqui. Courage, respect and warm fire of rebellion to the anarchist-nihilist comrades in Barcelona, Cardem la Bofia…
March 6 – Barcelona metropolitan area
We belatedly claim responsibility for the arson of 15 trash bins as well as of 6 vehicles.
- At 2:49 AM, 3 bins were set alight on Floridablanca St.
- At 3:00 AM on Asia St, 5 bins and 3 vehicles were set alight, 2 of these belonging to the business Acsa and one luxury car.
- At 3:02 AM on Av. Marques de Santmori, 4 bins were set alight, and 2 luxury cars and a security company car.
- At 3:17 AM on the save avenue, 3 bins were burned.
On Mare St in Due de Lorda:
- On April 10 an ATM was burned with a molotov cocktail in a La Ciaxa bank branch.
April 10 – Montcada and Reixac
At 3:30 AM, the windows of 6 fashion stores were damaged and attack with heavy objects, breaking all their glass.
April 11 – Torrassa
- The windows of a Caixa Penedes bank branch were struck with blunt objects at 2:50 AM, then, the street was blocked off.
- At 4:50 AM, an ATM of a Caixa Bank was burned and only the next wall “Social War” was painted.
April 12 – Mercat Nou
At about 11:40 PM, a luxury car next to a Caixa Sabadell branch was burned. Minutes later, the bank branch was attacked with cobblestones.
April 13 – Sant Andreu
Between 11:50 PM and 2:40 AM, 8 fashion stores were destroyed, the (reinforced) windows struck with stones pulled from the ground and paint bombs thrown in once the windows had broken.
April 14 – Bon Pastor
At 2:10 AM, 2 excavators were damaged in a construction site. Afterwards, a telephone booth was destroyed with stones and “SOCIAL WAR” was painted on a nearby wall. At 3:12 AM, 2 trash bins were set alight.
April 15 – Carrer d’Aragó
At 2:20 AM, two molotov cocktails were thrown at a car dealership, but due to bad timing the fires did not climax as was hoped. At 3:20, paint bombs were thrown at the same dealership and the windows were broken with blunt objects.
April 16 – Raval
- At 2:30 AM, the de la Cera street was blocked off with burning trash bins and cabinets.
- At 4:50 AM, a 1 series BMW was set on fire.
April 17 – La Sagrera
At 3:52 AM, an employment office was hit with its windows broken, then paint bombs were thrown in and some combustible was thrown in although there was not time to set fire to the office.
April 18 – Santa Coloma de Gramenet
At 4:40 Am, a church was attacked, paint bombs thrown at its exterior, as well as the windows attacked with stones taken from the ground and then a statue of the Virgin Maria in the outside garden was destroyed by hammer.
April 19 – La Mina
At 4:40 PM Tessalia St was blocked off with 4 burning trash bins and with the traffic signal destroyed in order to block the traffic. At 10:40 PM, the windows of a nearby bank branch were struck and the ATM was set on fire with a small molotov cocktail.
April 20 – Glòries
At 1:20 AM, 8 smoke bombs made in plastic bottles were thrown into a police station of the Catalan police, causing a considerable amount of smoke. Then, a street two blocks away was blocked off with a cabinet that was found there, set fire with gasoline.
April 21 – Santviçent dels Horts
- At 2:30 AM, two vans of a construction company were burned with molotov cocktails.
- At 4:20 AM, outside of a security company, a Mercedes and an Audi were set on fire, both luxury cars, whose fire caused a trash bin and a dumpster to burn as well.
April 22 – Avenida Maresme
At 4:40 PM, the Avenue was quickly blocked with 4 burning tires.
April 22 – Raval
At 4:20 AM, a bank branch near Aurora St was attacked with two molotov cocktails.
April 23 – Camp de l’Arpa
At 11:30 PM an employment office was attack with stones from the ground and once the windows were broken, paint bombs were thrown on the exterior. Then, the street was blocked off.
April 23 – Salt
At 6 AM during the time when the lamps turn off, in the dark there was a threat, outside of a local police station, two luxury cars were set on fire and then several dumpsters were overturned to then be set on fire, blocking off the street.
April 24 – Verneda
At 12:40 AM a religious school was attacked with paint bombs on the exterior, the locks sealed and the windows were blown out. Destroyer schoolchildren.

From religion, modern art, social relations, so-called “national culture”, traditions, to historic architecture, buildings, values and bourgeois morality, to the way we talk and connect with others, to the working day which is based on the Gregorian calender -in a bid to extract the highest productivity of labour-, to the chronological composition of popular festivals (victories of ruling class history), we understand that everything is influenced by the capitalist order, every corner of this is evident in the lack of ideals in this gray and dead society, from the largely evident submission (at gunpoint) of capitalist society. The impossibility of any socially cohesive mass uprising by the majority of the hegemonic system is established in sleeping consciousness, and it seems paramount to destroy authoritarian relationships and dismantle their values. You cannot physically escape the clutches of Capital and the State, as well as their police and slave society (because nothing is white or black, we don’t see only an evil system, but also the consent to it). The leftist alleged opposition schemes reproduce the values imposed from above and makes the wheel feeding back its failure of “praxis”. Sexual liberation is the sponsorship of multinational corporations and an alternative you find sold in large fashion chains.
The mandarins of social harmony speak of self-perfection, seeking to put every person in their place in this rotten world, to understand, tolerate and humanize a political-economic organization consistently violent, as is the State, using war for re- economic organization… and who waive these basic pillars of civilization, is sociologically defeated and locked in prisons.
Given all this, we have emerged spontaneously bringing biopolitical emancipatory expectations, poor youth today, because we are the main victims of this dystopia, because we have nothing to lose. We have been deceived by the authoritarian and contradictory social project of capitalism, which promised a little stability, plastic happiness, fame, wealth, and gave us instead, neglect, deprivation, misery, boredom and social misery. This has meant that in recent decades, young people without security, uncontrolled and subversive have been the protagonists and instigators of riots demonstrating that during the current twist of capitalism, this is the proper objective analysis to advocate the destruction of the system. For us, the key figure in the revolution is the destructive amorality of the young vandal. For us, our comrades are the ones that that instead of occupying their schools and spouting reformist proclamations, decide to destroy the classrooms and burn the books. For us, our comrades are young offenders, youth gangs and criminal groups in a psychological exercise acquiring a position of social war against the totalitarian system. Hooded-up struggling against authority, trying to burn it. Our comrades are those revolutionary anarchists, those who hate authority, whose friendship has no limits. We have nothing to lose, do not have dreams, so we are dangerous.
The tension and conflict on our streets has continued to increase, the revolutionary struggle and power, with its criminal code, tries to fight back.
Sabotage is judged as futile terrorism and its perpetrators are accused of belonging to armed groups. They are trying to extinguish the flame and scare comrades away… Efforts have been stepped up in the form of waves of attacks, it stands up to their repression and shows we’ll not abide by their authority. … These days every day, young vandals, we answer your fear with the radicalization of our practice, to raise an opposition in the streets … all this to lead to more radical conditions, with the participation of all the comrades, this involves a revolutionary civil war between the police state and young fighters. The welfare state is dead, the fighting has resumed and this time, the “admired fighters in balaclavas and military clothing, weapons experts and equipped with Kalashnikovs” are not acting, so, not like protagonist-organizations like ETA, GRAPO or FARC, the protagonists are these young savages, problematic, uprooted, these young people from ethnic minorities and lower social classes, in a nihilistic-revolutionary cry who began to open their eyes.
No sophisticated weapons, but with the character of spontaneity and related informal relationships… and that’s what really scares the powerful, the fear that was given to Sarkozy in the riots of the suburbs of Paris, like the fear Karamanlis was given in the riots in Exarchia and like the fear given to Cameron, the British Prime Minister, from the powerful young people of Tottenham. And so, we appeal to all the young people in the poorer classes, to join us with stones in their hands and smelling of gasoline, to make the streets, squares and parks, a place of cohesion , correlation of attack and emancipation of our concerns.
The Catalan government and the central government talk about the disappearance of all the people who fight back, they make laws to wipe us off the map and that only makes the voltage rise: they force us to organize ourselves better and become more effective. These idiots will receive a political defeat in their “war against the violent.” Rubber bullets, tear gas, the invention of shit martial-law, tortures at the police station in Les Corts, creation of a police state, closed borders, whilst their workers are protected and hide their identities… See their reaction when children ages 13, 14, 15 & 16 years burn their homes, their offices, their possessions.
We are not the resistance, we have nothing to preserve, nothing to resist the neoliberal onslaught, economic conditions automatically and systematically enslaved us, therefore we have nothing to safeguard as resistance, however, we anarchists-nihilists attack this as urban guerrillas. There are no images of the future, do not know the future which does not exist, neither remember the past, because we hate it… we reject it all.
We join with all elements of struggle, to meet the young criminals who acquire positions of conflict against the system, focusing their anger against the bourgeois structures, with the children of immigrants constantly disobeying authority of the Western world. We seek to create incendiary meetings, informal and uncontrolled, who conspire against the world of the rich. In all, we want to organize the rage in suburbs and neighborhoods and have the ability to spread revolutionary action.
As an anarchist praxis, we focus our project on the social threat and revolutionary nihilism.
To the horror, the censorship, as amended, its repression, we respond to the stress of the attacks.
Mutual solidarity:
These actions are dedicated to all those in the [general] strike on March 29 who were attacked, arrested, imprisoned, judged and beaten. And this is also dedicated to all the fighters who struggle internationally in the war for freedom. Returning the warm greeting we sent and received with honor, to the brothers-comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Christos Tsakalos and Damiano Bolano. To the bosses, wooden-headed-pigs, bankers, journalists, fascists: This is for you.
Convert the old world into flames.
For suburban revolt.
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