"If we don't rebel now against the modern dictatorship of market,
capital and State, if we don't throw off the yoke of slavery now, if we
do not today raise our head high, there will be no future for us and
we will have condemned future generations to live in the darkest
social and economic conditions of human history.
The only solution at hand to get out of this dead end is social
revolution." E.A.
The organization E.A. (Revolutionary Struggle) has been active in
Greece since 2003 with attacks against the State and capital such as
against the stock exchange, the American embassy and on the forces
of oppression.
On March 10, 2010, the social fighter Lambros Fountas falls
dead, shot in the back by police. A month later there are six arrests.
Six anarchist anti-authoritarian comrades are led to police
headquarters under charges of participation in the organization E.A.
The State and media's game begins, staging a whole spectacle of
eradicating a terrorist organization; and the festivities have no end,
since a garden reed fence is capable of turning a house into a "safehouse,"
a newspaper can be considered "evidence" and a morning
rendezvous in a peopled place is suspect and conspiratorial.
In the meantime the bankrupt Greek State imposes anti-social
measures and a large part of society reacts and takes to the streets
again in outrage, two years after the uprising of December 2008
caused by the murder of 15 year old Alexis Grigoropoulos by the
bullets of the officer Korkonea.
On April 29 three of the arrested fighters, N. Maziotis, P.
Roupa and K. Gournas take political responsibility for the
revolutionary organization E.A., at the same time stating that the
may never again be social and class divisions, or rich and poor, or
the exploitation of people by people. That there may not be
organized authority, the State, lack and suppression of freedom. Our
struggle is a struggle for economic equality and political freedom for
all. May it be nothing less than radical subversion, social
The other three arrested, S. Nikitopoulos., B. Stathopoulos and
X. Kortesis, remain detained solely on the grounds of their social
relationships and years of upsetting the authorities with their social
struggles. They are imprisoned and refuse the false charges.
"After the arrest of the 'bloodthirsty terrorists' the Greek people will
of course realize that nothing has changed in their living conditions.
If before the people fed from the crumbs left over from the lavish
meals of the likes of the capitalists, they will understand very
quickly that now they are not even given those crumbs... I won't refer
to the charges at all because innocence and guilt are interchanged in
accordance with which side you have chosen to be on." X. Kortesis,
Korinthos prisons.
"It is the settled policy of authority, with it's ally the mass media, to
slander and criminalize social struggles and the personal
relationships of fighters... In any case, my statement to the inquisitor
that I do not renounce any form of struggle against authority and the
State is the only reason that I am detained." V. Stathopoulos, Trikala
"From the first moment I refused the charges and likewise my
participation in the organization E.A. That which I do not deny and
which is essentially what has led me to the awful position I am in
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