Sunday, August 29, 2010
This old world is struggling to stay alive. Its engine power and legacy is violence. Its most ruthless, most barbaric but at the same time its truest face is revealed with the suppression of every resistance, every threat that is bred inside of it.
Lets be done with the stupid arguments that come aside the police operations for the abolishment of -outersystematic- violence. Whoever claims so categorically that they are against violence, is simply lying to others and himself.
Violence is the basic substance of this world.
It is located in our perception for the space that is defined by the borders between our houses and neighbourhoods that form a controlled and predictable environment.
It characterizes the rhythms of everyday life by cutting up time and selling it to everyone that enjoys economic superiority.
It determines relationships, through segregation and unconditional assimilation which leads to the division of people. The most brutal result though is the rhetorical justification of the above that happens with the excuse of a liberty while in reality its our own shackles.
So we move offensively as well, violently, without letting it totally define our existence. Having knowledge of our contradictions, we aim at the hypocrisy that seems to be the only thing that keeps the balance in this social field. We know that the choices we make will define, on a great scale, the rest of our lives. That's why we don't act foolishly. The possible consequences do not discourage our action. Our choices are based on conscience and what we've lived through, they have a genuine base. By discovering people that have made the same choices as us we discover comrades. With our common desires as a starting point we demolish the authoritarian myths about criminal organizations of maniacs and we become a piece of the “international terrorist organization” that consists of insurrectional individuals.
So we decided to use our own diplomacy, torching 5 vehicles of the diplomatic force in the early hours of Saturday 28th august in Thessaloniki.
We dedicate our attack to all the Chilean comrades that since the 14th of august are being attacked by the Chilean state (at this moment 8 of them are in maximum security prisons while the other 6 have been temporarily released with conditions), as well as to the comrades that are being persecuted for the Conspiracy Cells of Fire case (on august 31st is the court of appeals to decide the continuation or not of the imprisonment of P.Masouras and H.Hadjimihelakis).
We chose this way and period of time because we wanted to define our own field of combat, outside the coincidence of T.I.E.(thessaloniki international exhibition) and the festival of oppression by the Ministry to protect the citizen in collaboration with local authorities, that will take place in the city streets.
We believe that explosions of collective spontaneity, as useful as they are, are strategically wrong to be applied in fields of combat cut to fit the oppressive mechanisms. We believe that in such mass demonstrations the bet is organization -from before and not on the spot- of defence and offence so its possible to clash in real time and with reversed -to our interest this time- terms.
Diplomatic Force of Arsonists
(For the intensification of internationalist solidarity)
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