lunedì 31 maggio 2010


Sunday, May 30, 2010
Simos Seisidis is an anarchist arrested on May 3d by police in Athens. Simos has had a price on his head for a long time, accused of being a member of the so-called “robbers in black” (oi listes me ta maura) who were, allegedly, a group to which imprisoned anarchist Yiannis Dimitrakis also belonged to.
During his arrest on May 4th, Simos was shot in the leg by police and injured heavily; he was also beaten badly on the spot. Since that day Simos has been detained in a room-converted-cell in the KAT hospital in Athens. His conditions of detentions are horrific – as described by his family, comrades and groups such as the Network for Social and Political Rights (which has issued a statement, see in, in Greek): there is a complete ban on TV, radio and phone communication for him; the only person allowed to visit him in his room is his mother; police are constantly guarding his room, abusing him, photographing him with their mobile phones while he is bathed by the nursing staff; the list is endless.
On Friday, May 28th it was announced that his health condition worsened rapidly and that Simos had an emergency operation and had his leg amputated. He is now in a stable and relatively good (that is, non-life threatening condition); his horrific conditions of detention remain. BROTHER SIMOS YOU ARE NOT ALONE! THEY GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!

domenica 30 maggio 2010


Dear comrades

On the occasion of the European Summit, celebrated in the Spanish State due to the rotating presidency of the EU, an anticapitalist and antiauthoritarian group has decided not to remain silent in view of the provocations the power in charge of the world crisis has implemented. We are ready to denounce the hypocrisy and the falsity of those who govern and to make hear the voice of the oppressed ones by any means necessary.

During this June, leaders of different countries will come to Barcelona, among them members of the European Union or other states, such as Israel and Egypt, in order to treat topics like immigration, energy, trading, social control, tourism… This set of meetings does not have any other goal than to consolidate their power and manage the economic crisis inherent in the capitalist system to support the social peace.

From this anticapitalist group, we would like to make an international call so everybody who has the chance could come to Barcelona between May, the 29th and June, the 7th in order to fight the established powers and break the silence of the social peace.

During these days, it has been organized a set of acts, mobilizations and talks which make an anti-summit days, reflecting on immigration, social control, etc, topics appeared in the official summit but the other way round, dealing with the autonomous, libertarian and combative point of view. From this group we invite all partners to join the efforts and organize themselves against the established system.

Salute and keep on fighting!

venerdì 28 maggio 2010

RABIA Y ACCION - Sull'evasione di Diego Alonso

Abbiamo ricevuto l'eccellente notizia dell'evasione di Diego Alonso con un gran sorriso. Siamo molto contenti nel sapere che il compagno abbia approfittato della più piccola possibilità per evadere dagli arresti domiciliari, di nuovo prendendo in giro l'autorità ed i sostenitori della stessa.
La fuga, come strumento rivoluzionario degli anarchici più vecchi e combattenti, adesso è presente nella vita di combattimento da guerriero insorto per la liberazione totale Diego Alonso; così com'è avvenuto nella vita di altri anarchici nella storia.
In prima istanza ricordiamo le evasioni dei magonisti prima e durante la rivoluzione (impossibilitata) del 1910 in Messico attraverso sommosse selvagge o con l'intervento di altri guerriglieri magonisti che liberavano dal carcere i propri compagni di lotta.
Gli anarchici che sono evasi dal carcere di Punta Carretas, Uruguay, il 18 marzo 1931 sono un altro esempio di una evasione insorgente e fantastica; in quei giorni 3 prigionieri libertari e 5 prigionieri comuni evasero attraverso un tunnel scavato da una casa posta di fronte al carcere, azione pianificata soprattuto dal celebre anarchico espropriatore Miguel Arcángel Roscigna.
La fuga ha anche occupato la vita di Gabriel Pombo Da Silva. Ricordiamo che nell'ottobre del 2003 Gabriel evase da una galera spagnola ed in un comunicato che egli stesso diffuse nel febbraio 2004 disse: "E' finita! Sono finiti l'ingerenza in fatti altrui, la farsa, il silenzio, le umiliazioni, le torture: adesso sono LIBERO."
La sua vita da combattente l'ha condotto di nuovo a scontrarsi direttamente con i guardiani del capitale. Il 28 giugno 2004, nella città di Aachen (Germania), Gabriel assieme ad altre 4 persone ha cercato di fuggire da un posto di blocco. Nell'azione ci sono stati ostaggi ed una fitta sparatoria. Infine Da Silva viene catturato assieme agli altri e condotto in tribunale con l'accusa di tentato omicidio, presa di ostaggi, rapina a mano armata e pianificazione di un assalto. Gabriel continua ad essere uno dei prigionieri più contestatari fino ad ora.
Claudio Lavazza, uno degli anarchici più insorgenti, ha anch'egli deciso di aiutare l'evasione dei suoi affini, quando con un gruppo assaltò il carcere di Udine, nel nord dell'Italia. Nell'assalto venne ammazzato il comandante incaricato degli agenti di custodia e due prigionieri furono liberati. Claudio è di nazionalità italiana, ma è molto conosciuto in Spagna e s'è distinto come una delle persone con idee anarchiche più ribelli e insorte dentro e fuori le carceri. Lo hanno accusato di una infinità di reati, tra i quali: banda armata, associazione sovversiva, omicidio di un gioielliere, del capo dei secondini e di due poliziotte durante una rapina ad una banca (Claudio le ha mitragliate per difendersi), sommossa, porto illegale di armi da fuoco, fabbricazione di ordigni incendiari ed esplosivi, ecc. Claudio Lavazza affermò durante il processo che l'ha condannato per l'omicidio delle poliziotte: "Per quanto voi, signori, cerchiate di chiudere gli occhi, questa è una guerra, GUERRA SOCIALE, e ogni parte piange i suoi caduti. Noi è da tanto che piangiamo i nostri."
Un altro degli anarchici che s'è preso gioco della reclusione è stato l'italiano Horst Fantazzini, meglio noto come il ladro gentiluomo, il cavaliere o il bandito in bicicletta. Fantazzini si rivendicò anarchico da piccolo, in seguito si considerò un anarco-individualista e partecipò ad un numero infinito di rapine in banca, che effettuava sempre con una pistola giocattolo. Giunse persino a suscitare delle simpatie tra gli impiegati di banca che rapinava per le sue buone maniere ed il carattere sempre amabile. "Buon giorno, mantenga la calma e mi dia il denaro, grazie" erano le sue uniche parole prima uscire dalla banca e scappare con la sua bicicletta. Nel 1973, Fantazzini cercò di scappare dalla prigione di Fossano, nel Piemonte, dopo che l'avevano rinchiuso in seguito ad una rapina. La situazione degenerò e prese degli ostaggi, stavolta con una pistola vera minacciava i poliziotti. I franco-tiratori aprirono il fuoco e lo ferirono gravemente. Tutti credettero che fosse morto, crivellato dai colpi; ma un anarchico così temerario non sarebbe potuto morire così. Sorprendendo tutti continuò a vivere, dopo esser uscito dal carcere tornò alle rapine. Fino al 19 dicembre 2001, quando la polizia lo arrestò assieme ad un complice dopo aver rapinato una banca ed esser fuggito con la sua bicicletta.
L'anarchico greco Vassilis Paleokostas ed il suo compagno di fuga, l'albanese Alketou Rizaj, sono stati i protagonisti di una delle evasioni più spettacolari dal carcere di massima sicurezza di Atene, il 22 febbraio dello scorso anno. In quell'occasione i compagni di Vassilis sequestrarono un elicottero, lo fecero volare sopra il carcere e lanciarono una corda dalla quale i due riuscirono ad evadere, tra gli spari dei secondini.
Questi sono solo dei piccoli esempi di combattenti anarchici che si son burlati del potere e delle sue celle di punizione attraverso delle evasioni da carceri, alcune di massima sicurezza, di tutto il mondo.
Con il presente comunicato inviamo un saluto combattente al compagno Diego Alonso in qualunque posto si trovi. Che la fiamma dell'ecologismo rivoluzionario non si spenga mai nelle tue idee abolizioniste, con la fronte sempre in alto per la distruzione di tutte le carceri e le gabbie. Il sistema potrà catalogarci come folli, estremisti o vandali, ma noi sappiamo veramente quel che siamo.
Diego chingale bien, córrele chingonzon! (in messicano: Dai Diego, scappa! - ndt).
Che la clandestinità e l'oscurità della natura selvaggia ti accompagnino nel tuo percorso verso la meravigliosa libertà!
Forza Diego Alonso e per il tuo omonimo Diego Ríos del Cile, i due liberi e schivando l'autorità!
Libertà immediata per gli anarco-vegani Abraham López e Adrian Magdaleno!
Libertà immediata per gli antiautoritari Víctor Herrera, Emmanuel Hernández e Socorro Molinero!
Fuoco alla civilizzazione ed alla società carceraria che mantiene il suo sistema di dominazione fisica, mentale politica e culturale!
Per la liberazione animale e della terra!
Rabia y Acción

giovedì 27 maggio 2010

mercoledì 26 maggio 2010

17 to 20 JUNE 2010 EUROPEN SQUAT MEETING in Barcelona

Under the motto of "Present, Past and...Future??? os Squatting in Europe"
Some Squat Collectives of Barcelona organize a meeting the 17,18,19,20 of june to
debate about historical, political and legal aspects of this movement in a european

lunedì 24 maggio 2010

SOME BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES: From the Solidarity Initiative in Athens March 2010

Alfredo Maria Bonnano was born in 1937 in Catania, Sicily. In October 1972 he was arrested, convicted and imprisoned in Catania prison for subversive action, because of some articles that were published in Sinistra Libertaria, a publication that was born out of an assembly of people from struggles that were happening in many different cities in Italy. During that period and the years that followed, he participated with thousands of other fighters in the multiform and widespread insurrectional wave, the storming of the heavens that was to sweep through the Italian peninsula with a unique, for European postwar standards, density and intensity. In 1977 his book La goia armata (Armed Joy) is circulated, a publication for which he is convicted to 18 months in jail and which was censored for a long time. In March 1980, based on the testimony of the repentant Enrico Paghera, Bonnano along with five more comrades are accused of being members of Azione Rivoluzionaria. They are released a few months later and cleared of the charges in April 1981. Azione Rivolutionaria was one of the armed groups of the movement who from 1976 until the early 80s was to make a series of attacks against targets and persons that represented the State, capital and media. The reasoning expressed through its texts and communiques, in contrast to those of the other armed groups, had clear anarchist and situationist references, stood critically opposite the ideas of marxism and the revolutionary left, opposite the the formations of the armed party, for the seeking of the revolutionary subject and propagated with its action the extension and multiform aspect of the struggle. After two trials in 1982 and 1983 (in Florence and Milan) dozens of comrades will be convicted to heavy sentences as members of A.R.In June 1984, in a period of heavy oppression and intense ideological terrorism where the laws about "repentance" and "segregation" were accepted by many members of the armed groups and the political front of the majority of the movement was "amnesty" and "let's free the 70s" Alfredo publishes an article in the Anarchismo magazine under the memorable title "And we will always be ready to storm the heavens once again", subtitled "Against amnesty". Alfredo's work at the level of analysis and theory is rich and varied. From the middle of the 70s onwards, Anarchismo editions and the pages of Anarchismo magazine and later through the anarchist papers Provocatione and Canenero (Black Dog), examine organisational matters, bringing back terms such as infinity groups [gruppi di affinita] and selforganised stuctures, something that will make him in the target of the oppressive mechanisms), he published numerous books about the history of the anarchist movement, he analyzed the stuctures of the technological/scientific complex of the state and capital maintaining that the fragile and vulnerable point of the state in the post industrialist age is located in the widespread social field (to dispute the redbrigade position about the "heart of the state"), he, through an insurrectional prism, put under critique the anarchosyndicalist position (expressed mainly through the Federazione Anarchica Italiana [Italian Anarchist Federation] considering it absurd and innefectual for the inversion of the existing situation of things, he often speaks about prisons and the prisoners' struggle, from early on he talks with particular acuteness about the changes that will occur on a psychological and material level as the "digital era" enters. In 1988 and during the anti-militarist congress in the town of Forli, Bonnano and other comrades of the insurrectional tendency of the anarchist movement are kicked out of the congress by the majority of the anarchosyndicalist tendency of F.A.I. In 1989 he will be accused and arrested for the robbery of a jewellery shop in Bergamo. At the begining of 1993 he arrives in Greece to attend a series of discussions and events organized by the Anarchist Initiative in Athens, Thessaloniki, and Patras and presents an intruduction entitled "the new transformation of capitalism on a world level".6 years later, in July 1999 he testifies as a witness for anarchist Nikos Maziotis, accused of placing a bomb at the ministry of industry and development, an action for which he took responsibility. In September 1996 the Italian state unleashes a repressive pogrom against the insurrectional part of the anarchist movement. The repressive methods began 2 years earlier with the arrest of 5 comrades (Antonio Budini, Jean Weir, Carlo Tesseri, Evaggelia Tzoutzia and Christos Stratigopoulos) who are accused of the robbery of a savings bank in Serravalle in Trento and afterwards will be accused of two more unsolved robberies. On 16/11/95 while their trial was coming to an end the special department of the carabinieri R.O.S. raid many houses of anarchists (as well as the cells of imprisoned comrades) based on accusations for constitution of a subversive organisation and armed gang, robberies, kidnappings, gun possession, murders e.t.c. The maestro of these cleansing operations will be the then public prosecutor Antonio Marini, who uses the fake witness Nametschi Mojdeh. Based on the Marini theory, on 17/9/96, 60 anarchists are accused of being part of an illegal hierarchically structured armed organisation, which the persecutory mechanisms will baptise O.R.A.I. [Insurrectional Anarchist Revolutionary Organisation], a name which was never used in a responsibility claim for any action. For 29 of them their will be arrest warrants. Through the Marini theory the houses of comrades and the squats are baptised "dens", pamflets were transformed into tools of internal use of the "armed gang", personal relations were presented as contacts of its members. At the same time the media create the profile of the "bad anarchists" that have been kicked out of the "good anarchists" of the F.A.I. In this orchestrated fabrication, the persecutory mechanisms will reserve for Alfredo Bonnano the role of leader and theoretical instructor of the insurrectional tendency of the anarchist movement. After three degrees of trials and many years of comrades being held hostage, the show with prosecutor Marini as the director was completed on 20/4/2004. The main accusation of forming and being part of an armed group collapses, but 7 comrades are convicted in the end for individual offences to sentences that range from 6 years to life in jail. Among them, Bonnano is sentenced to 6 years in jail and fined 2000 euro for subversive propaganda. He will serve part of his sentence in Trieste prison and the rest on home arrest. Three months after the end of the Marini trial parody the Italian State unleashes a new repressive operation, baptised "Cervantes". About 40 raids and searches in anarchists' houses and squats are made in several cities in the country and 4 comrades are arrested. The main charge is, as well constitution and participation in the "subversive organisation with terrorist intetions" Federazione Anarchica Informale, which from the end of 2003 had claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on structures of the state. Ten months later it will be proven that operation "cervantes" was a preface of a generalized oppressive pogrom. Between 12 and 26/5/2005 the special forces of police and carabinieri with orders from the prosecutors of Lecce, Cagliari, Rome and Bologna will make 190 raids on houses and squats of comrades and arrest 22 of them. The charges are various (planting explosive devices, sending letter bombs, attacks with paint and destruction of shops, incitment in immigrant prisoners revolt, subversive propaganda etc). But the most serious charges based on articles 270 and 270 bis are those of "constitution and participation in a subversive organisation with terrorist intentions for the inverse of democratic order" and concern the F.A.I. The official charges follow religiously, although with different methodology, the recipe of the Marini theory, according to which the anarchist insurrectional movement is organised at two levels: the obvious one that acts through demonstrations, squatting, postering etc., and the secret one which is organised in "affinity groups" [which constitutes the F.A.I.] and make the "terrorist" attacks. In this theory which juridicially has not been completed, the persecuting mechanisms and mass media will name once more Alfredo Bonnano as the theoretical leader of the insurrectional tendency of the anarchist movement. In March 2009 Alfredo returns to Greece, invited by the Free Institute of Social Research because of a publication of a collection of his articles entitled "Domination and insurrection in the postindustrialist era: included and excluded" and will speak in public events in many cities in Greece. On the first of October 2009 he is arrested along with Christos Stratigopoulos, accused of robbing a bank in Trikala. Christos takes responsibility for the action while Alfredo denies the charges. Since then the two comrades are prisoners of the Greek state. Until now there have been 2 applications for the release of Afredo and 1 for Christos. Especially for A.Bonnano, the prosecutor says "he leans towards illegal actions and his temperament is photographed in his writings" proving the vengeful attitude of the judicial authorities that are continuing to ignore the serious health problems that the 73 yearold comrade has. The next hearing for release is on the 26/3/10 [*this was rejected as well*]...boubourAs translations...


[de] [es] [it] [fr] [tr]
a-films is an autonomous anarchist media collective.
it does video workshops in the middle east & europe and publishes articles, short films and audio reports.


domenica 23 maggio 2010

Italy - TECHNOLOGY SURVEILLANCE: GPS Transmitter found under the van of NUNATAK editor

May 17, under the van of an editor of Nunatak, we found a finde abbiamo trovato un bel transmitter with a SIM Vodaphone chip and 4 torch batteries, of 3,6 volts each, in series. All placed with a magnet behind a back wheel of the vehicle. This time, just not to boast, it should be said that it didn´t take much to notice that "someone" had placed a device to spy on our movements. Moreover, for some time now, unfortunately, it is as well to take into consideration forms of technological control that is increasingly invasive and capillary. In fact, among all the manoeuvres and repressive attacks that the State puts into effect against those who still have the courage to raise their heads, this is just the latest sign that the review Nunatak has become object of attention of who knows which Procurator or investigative body. Monitoring, home visits and a whole series of other more or less concealed pressures have been gravitating for some time around the review and whoever collaborates with it with the intention of burning the earth around it and preparing an eventual repressive intervention in the near future. It seems pointless to us to stree once again that their "attention" will not make us take one step back from our projects, but we can only admit that, for as long as uniforms and authority are concerned about our presence , of our way of thinking and acting, we have confirmation that we are moving in the right direction. Nunatak - magazine of history, culture, struggles of the mountain.

sabato 22 maggio 2010

12.05.2010 Torino-Italy. 4 Squats Searched, 3 People Arrested and other ho house arrest

Turin – 4 occupations searched, 3 people arrested and others to house arrest.
Waiting for news, we communicate that, around 6am of the mourning, the Digos (political police) has searched many occupations (Asilo, Barocchio, Mezcal, Askatasuna) and houses, arresting three people, notifing some house arrests (it seems they’re 4 people) and to others, the requirement to sign in at the local police station. The repressive operation it’s a revenge for the riots occurred on the first eviction of L’Ostile, the restricted measures are emaned by PM Rinaudo. …
/For live updates listen to [also in streaming] Radio Blackout, 105.250FM in Turin./
_Statement from Asilo Squat:_
At six of the mourning digos and forces of police came in front of Asilo Squat: “It’s for a notification” they said to the occupant, that came after police intent to brake down the front door. In fact is not a simple notification, it’s a search with arrest of one of the occupant, and we actually don’t know why they arrest him, with what charges and
without knowing if and when he will be released.
Police and Digos have broken down many doors with hammers and metal bars, insulted and jostled the occupants, guilty of reluctance to open the door to the police.
Same searches are happening in Barocchio and Mezcal Squat, other two occupied places in Grugliasco and Collegno, and in private houses.
The hypothesis is that all the matter is about riots occurred at half December in Turin, followed the eviction of the occupated place L’Ostile.
While we write, the police is going out from Asilo, and in the meantime they’re searching in Barocchio and Mezcal Squat.
_Statement spread by
_Turin, 12^nd May 2010_
This morning, at first light, the Digos of Turin police headquarters have searched the occupated houses Asilo, Barocchio and Mezcal, the social centre Askatasuna and private houses. The scene is about the eviction of the occupated space L’Ostile in Corso Vercelli, happened the 10^th December 2009.
The restrictive measures beats 16 friends: 3 arrested people, one lives at Asilo. 4 with the house arrest, of whom a boy and a girl living at Asilo Squat. 9 with the requirement to sign in at the local police station daily.


Stop Deportation, along with other groups in Europe, are proposing a European Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine, with a focus on joint European mass deportation flights and Frontex. The proposed date is the first week of June 2010, 1st-6th.
The idea is that groups and campaigns throughout Europe organise their own direct actions, demos and marches against forcible deportations from European countries, which are increasingly carried out through joint coordinated 'operations' involving private contractors and shadowy agencies like Frontex and the IOM. Protests will inevitably take a variety of shapes but a series of coordinated, decentralised actions and protests would make the message clearer and louder. A week, rather than a day, of action would allow groups more flexibility to do what they want to do.
By trying to widen the scope and diversity of the groups involved, we also want to draw attention to the fact that anti-deportation is not a 'single issue campaign'. People choose or are forced to migrate for a variety or reasons, from wars and armed conflicts fuelled by the arms trade and western interests, through poverty, exploitation, discrimination, gender oppression, domestic and state violence, to climate change.
If your group/campaign would like to get involved, whether through helping coordinate or publicise the week of action or by organising your own action or protest in your local area, please get in touch (needless to say, if you're planning an unaccountable/arrestable action, you probably wouldn't want to get in touch!). The machine is growing and getting stronger, and so must the resistance against it!

venerdì 21 maggio 2010

[] Throughout Europe, the data of millions of people is stored in information systems operated and checked by the police and and intelligence services as a matter of course. The various national systems are supplemented by centralized databases such as the Schengen Information System (SIS) and databases operated by Europol. In addition, the Treaty of Prüm and the "Swedish Initiative" has led to increasing automation and facilitate rapid data exchange between national systems.

We are no longer talking only about persons convicted for criminal offences. Immigrants are regularly entered in these databases – for having committed the “crime” trying to enter in a European country without obtaining prior permission, for wishing to make use of their right of asylum, or even for simply being a guest for a longer period in a European Union member state. But it is not just immigrants either. EU citizens are finding themselves entered in data retention systems for something as simple as, for example, being caught up in an ID check at a political demonstration or as a result of being ordered by the police to vacate a premises.

Facing a total “flood of information”, the interior ministers of several European countries are calling for the police authorities to be given even more powers and the technical capabilities necessary to make use and explore this “data tsunami”. “Data mining” software should simplify data analysis and provide “decision support”. Data on persons, objects and their relations is processed to be able to identify “risks” and “predict” crime and unrest even before it happens. Naturally, the relevant software is developed by the security industry, its source code and therefore its functionality kept secret.

The creation of a cross-border information network, which should “extend as far as the USA”, together with the development of technical platforms for real-time cooperation between the police authorities is one of the top priorities for European interior ministers. With the "Stockholm Programme", due to be passed by the European Council in December 2009, these plans will officially become the rule for EU domestic policy over the next five years. Critics are warning of a “database society”.

As it becomes increasingly easy to exchange police data within the Single European Market, those who are actually affected generally have neither knowledge of nor control on the collection, processing and circulation of the data. Data protection does not figure highly in European police cooperation; a set of common standards is kept to a minimum. Issues of proportionality or prescribed data storage periods are generally ignored. Basically, what goes is what the respective national law lets you get away with. Even where a European watchdog exists, the interior ministers and police authorities have the last word. The people concerned might even find themselves having to enforce their claim to international legal protection far away from their place of residence.

Thus the danger is the normalization of uncontrolled storage and cross-referencing of data collected in one country to be continued by another country. Higher data protection standards of one country can be easily bypassed by clever officials going through countries with lower standards. And there is a very real risk of both a huge accumulation of maximum amounts of data in centralised “data warehouses”, whose sole purpose it is to enable computer-aided search for information, and the comparison of databases becoming the daily norm .

All this not only increases the potential for data abuse. More importantly, through cross-border police cooperation, the origin and reliability of data will become even less transparent than it already is today in the national context. A false “hit" made by a researching official during police investigation in the European information network can have grave consequences: from covert surveillance to the tracking of one’s movements, temporary detainment to being refused the right to enter or leave a country, deportation, house searches, interrogations, and so on. It is then up to the affected persons to prove their innocence. To rid oneself of the suspicion and mistrust that undermines personal and civil liberties, in serious cases one is forced to take expensive and exhausting legal action. And we know: even having contact with people suspected by the police or a "tiny remaining suspicion" justifies data storage.

Therefore, in response to these ominous developments, we call on all those who share our concerns to join the campaign against the “Stockholm Programme”. This means not just informing yourself and others, but also taking specific action and exercising your rights.

The switchboards for the cross-border exchange of information are central police authorities of the respective EU member state. Amongst other things, these serve as a national point of contact for the European Police Office (Europol) and its corresponding computer systems, for the Schengen Information system and for the exchange of information conducted within the scope of individual bilateral and multilateral agreements. However, the central police authorities are also obliged to provide information on data that might be stored there.

So to anyone who would like to know what the police (think they) know about you, or simply to register your dissent, we recommend exercising your right to access your own data by sending a request for information to the relevant police authority in your country. The digest received in response will help to give us an idea of the full extent of police access to citizen data, as well as serving as a starting point for getting your data out of the computer systems, by legal or political means.

Instructions on how to contact your local SIRENE office can be found on For requests in Germany, we have prepared a document generator at

For more information on the future plans of the European ministers of interior and justice, see

giovedì 20 maggio 2010


A five year plan on deviant behaviour, creating a European space of freedom, anti-capitalism and rebellion
The European wide network „out of control“ was created in 2009 with the purpose of a cross-border collaboration of activists against a European security architecture. We are comprised of a wide range of activists throughout Europe, that all have in common their will to bring out a clearer overview of the European security and control architecture. We are certain that we can move on from understanding and analysing, towards structuring and organising resistance.

We focus on police collaboration and databases, policing crowds at large events such as summit protests, the security industry and security research as well as EU-wide treaties which endanger civil liberties all over the world.
We notice that there is no European wide response towards the border-crossing repression of the EU while it evolves into a state with its own powers. Struggles are taking place in some EU member states in sub-areas like data retention or of course against the EU migration regime and the Frontex agency. Further on, we also notice the lack of a common understanding of the construction of the security architecture and its European architects.

As a first step, we want to exchange experience, knowledge and information to have a clearer collective and common idea of the European security architecture. In a second step we want to establish common and convergent actions and campaigns. We are not suggesting to single out one of the numerous struggles against the European security state as a priority. But we want to ask ourselves collectively how we can struggle together to arrive at effective practices against this new security order. We are not naive. We know that it will take a lot of time of synthesising, understanding and commitment. We are looking at this project as a long term process. We are sure, that the cross-border repression organised on EU-level must be countered by cross-border solidarity and action.

After a constituting meeting in summer 2009, we came together in autumn to a broader assembly in Freiburg with participants from a handful of countries in the EU. Our first step was to analyse the means that changed the landscape of European security collaboration. We looked at technical tools such as border control sensors, biometrics, video surveillance, police usage of satellite data, flying cameras, non-lethal weapons, investigation software, “predictive analysis” and databases like the Visum Information System VIS, the Schengen Information System SIS or the fingerprint database EURODAC.

Thereupon we reviewed European level actors, such as the European Commission, its agencies Frontex, Europol and the European Gendarmerie Force EUROGENDFOR, and looked at strategies like the „Stockholm Programme“, the Lisbon Treaty, the scheduled „internal security strategy“ and the merging of police, military and intelligence. Further on, we also focused on various European companies that provide this apparatus with ever new technical gadgets.
Hereafter we discussed the radical changes which accompany the merging of internal and external security and its forces, shifting towards a database society, whilst also pushing the will to enhance surveillance and improve control by technical means.

The final session of our meeting had the aim to decide on future networking and action. We did not yet focus on concrete plans, but agreed on a long-term analysis and collaboration in various forms of protest and resistance. The idea of the five year “Freiburg Programme” was born.
Decisions on a European level need some time for their national implementation in the 27 member states, we want to be prepared and launch actions as early as possible. One of the the protests we were involved in was during the resistance against the NATO summit in Strasbourg, where we organised the action day against the European security architecture with a „PaRaDe SoLiDaIre CoNtRe Le CiRqUe SeCuRiTaIrE“. Some of us will participate in the No Border Camp in Brussels, which is scheduled for October 2010 during the Belgian EU presidency.
We plunged into several working groups dealing with our internal organisation, outreach and actions. We are communicating via a social network for radical activists (see We have decided to meet again in 2010. The date is yet unclear, keep an eye out.

In order not to get too depressed by dealing with cross-border repression, we decided to create a new Blog collecting calls and actions that target European security architectures.
Find more on

Network „out of control“

23.02.2010 POLiCE RAIDED RADIO BLACK OUT Torino Italy

Early morning a big police operation in different italian cities Torino, Mantova, Trento e Cuneo brought to the search of 23 people including Radio BlackOut HQ. Among the people that have been searched, 3 have been given house arrest and 3 are currently under arrest.
The operation comes in a very particular moment for radio blackout, currently under eviction from Turin municipality and in a moment of very strong criminalization of the movement, particulary Centri Sociali and Squats...
The operation seems to be linked to the Anti-Racist coalition assembly that are protesting against Dedention Centres (CPT) in Turin but it is obvious that the intent is to additionally criminalize the movement that is active in many front (from No-TAV to anti-nuclear, to anti-racist, to anti-fascist and squats )...
Then the bastards used main media to promote their oppressive message.

Frontex, the EU’s border control agency, is reportedly eyeing the possibility of using unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) for its anti-migration patrols.

[] Arms manufacturers, it has been reported in specialist media, have been asked to advise Frontex on how their products can be used to stop asylum seekers entering the bloc’s territory.

Frontex, the EU’s border management agency, is to organise an event in Spain this coming June at which several makers of pilotless drones will give presentations.

Although the camera-carrying planes have been designed for war and have been used extensively in conflict zones, Frontex is now studying how they can be adapted for border surveillance.

Frontex is said to be examining what “added value” they can bring to tasks performed by the coast guards of EU member countries. “Special attention” is being paid to drones as they could be capable of monitoring vessels at sea for longer periods than the equipment currently in use.


Police lack sense of humour

An anti-religion demonstration took place in the centre of Lecce [southern Italy] on April 30, 2010 with an exhibition, leaflets, megaphone and discussions on sexuality, abortion, personal freedoms, obscurantism. All these questions are obsessively brandished by the Church, as it tries to intrude its tentacles in the intimacy of everyone.
Nothing strange so far, except that the terrible demonstrators, just for fun, were offering desecrated wafers, wine of the Madonna and sweets of free love to passer-bys. Funny games were also being played to cheer the sunny afternoon of the very bigoted and bourgeois city of Lecce. But, as everybody knows, the pigs in uniform don’t like having fun except when they massacre those who end up in their barracks and police stations. So the pigs showed off their contempt: defamation, defamation, this is public defamation! First a few Digos officers tried to film passers-by and demonstrators intent at playing darts with a picture of Ratzinger [the current pope], but were soon driven away. Then they came back in greater number in anti-riot gear in order to seize the vituperated picture. Meantime dozens of people strolling in the piazza realized how the police, headed by chief Digos officer Raffaele Attanasi, were acting violently in their attempt to apply censorship. Not yet satisfied with creating such a chaos, Mr Attanasi threatened to kill an anarchist comrade if the latter dared touch him: ‘I’m going to chase you and kill you’, said the officer. Needless to say, the mess created by the police (but shouldn’t they guarantee public order?) attracted the attention of many passer-bys and onlookers, who stopped to watch the exhibition and to take leaflets. More police and carabinieri arriving on the spot were compelled to step back in front of the demonstrators denouncing them publicly through the megaphone.

Anarchists from Lecce

Text of the leaflet distributed during the initiative:

In a different way

To claim that violence and sexual abuse of minors are consequences of being homosexual [as an Italian high prelate recently did] is a proper terrorist act. It means to deny free sexual choice by considering it as a disease to be eradicated in order to avoid the most disgusting crimes that can be imagined. This is what high prelates of the Italian church felt obliged to say in the middle of so-called ‘paedophilia scandal’ that involves priests all over the world with the cover-up of the Vatican – including the pope. Besides suppressing all possibilities of auto-determination, this affirmation aims at banning the ‘diverse’ and legitimises, on a social and cultural level, the persecution against them. The more and more frequent aggressions against homosexuals are a clear example of this.
The stabbing of a homosexual is never mentioned whereas much is said against the abortion pill in the name of the defence of the ‘non-born’. Similarly, the murder of a pro-abortion doctor by a catholic fundamentalist is also silenced. Obviously not all lives are considered equal and worth being lived in the same way. After all, this reflects the entire history of discrimination characterising the catholic church and all the religions in the world.
If, on the one hand, the Vatican tries to divert the attention from the infamy committed by its representatives, on the other, relying on a particularly favourable socio-political climate, it tries to condition the life of everyone through practises of control on bodies and minds by pursuing its millennial aim: the submission and obedience of the masses through obscurantism.
Interfering with women's wombs and spying under people's sheets are practises aimed at social control: in this respect the Church and the State have always worked together in order to survive and reproduce themselves. Not by chance the campaign against the abortion pill can count on the support of the most conservative and reactionary politicians. This is an obvious example of the new form of collaboration between the State and the Church, which has seen the leaders of the Veneto and Piedmont regions backing the ban of the abortive pill in their local hospitals. Furthermore, when cardinal Bertone argued that it is homosexuality that leads to sexual violence on minors, there was total silence on the part of all [Italian] political representatives.
To talk about collaboration between the State and the Church might sound strange to some, but it is sufficient to look back in history to realize how the authority of these two institutions has always been the same.
Because of this collaboration, the revolutionaries shot priests and burnt churches during the Spanish civil war. If this had happened everywhere, maybe we wouldn’t be talking about all this now…

martedì 18 maggio 2010


Canadian Anarchist Movement
There's great new book being launched soon.
Islands of Resistance is about the history and practice of "pirate radio" in Canada.
So tune in your dials to the following book launches.
more infos

lunedì 17 maggio 2010


Renata Zelazna is currently in prison in the Netherlands for attempted murder of a policeman. She received no representation or legal advice.
According to her friends Renata was cooking in her home when she went out to ask some nearby builders to keep the noise down. A fight ensued which ended with Renata throwing a rock at a bulldozer and then going back indoors. Half an hour later plainclothes police arrived, she opened the door and was told she was under arrest for criminal damage. She was holding a small knife at the time but she didn’t threaten anyone with it. The policeman seized her, threw her to the floor and then CS gassed her. She was then carried to the car in handcuffs. She was held for three days in a cell with no toilet, refused vegan food or a change of clothes or sanitary products. A judge came to the cell window for ten minutes and remanded her. She is currently awaiting trial in prison.
Send mail to:
Renata Zelazna, Penitentiare, Inrichting Ter Peel, T.A.V. ,Renata Zelazna, 7138606, cel 1/10, Paterstraat 4, 5977 NM, Evertsoord, Netherlands

domenica 16 maggio 2010


On the 15th of April Costantino, Silvia and Billy were arrested in Switzerland under the charge of transport of explosive material and of having tried to use it.
We affirm our absolute solidarity with them. Their identity and their struggle is the identity and struggle of all revolutionaries, because they fought with passion, persistency and absolute will against the state and capitalism, who has produced wars, death, environmental destruction, exploitation, surpression and profit for those in power. And the control and bio- and nanotechnological development are some of the instruments in the hands of those in power, to preserve these circumstances.
There are three kinds of people: those who stand at the window and follow what happens; those who stand at the window and comment on what happens; and then there are those, who make the things in front of the
window happen.
These people – who have understood the necessity to become active to free themselves from the chains of this society – are the irreplaceable ones and we stand on their side.
Solidarity is our weapon!
Solidarity with Costa, Silvia and Billy!
Solidarity with Marco Camenisch!
Solidarity with all political prisoners!
At the moment Costantino is in the prison ‘Amtshaus Bern’, Luca is in the prison of Thun and Silvia is in the prison of Biel.
Who wants to send them letters, postcards or telegrams should do so at this address:
Costatino Ragusa
Regionalgefängnis Bern
22 Genfergasse
CH- 3001 Bern

Luca Bernasconi
C/o Regionalgefängnis Thun
Allmendstr. 34
CH-3600 Thun
Silvia Guerini
C/o Regionalgefängnis
Spitalstrasse 20
CH-2502 Biel
Let’s not forget, that everything is translated to German and that the state attorney, who is investigating, reads everything with great interest.
For donations:
In Italy c.c.p. 93785582, heading: Benedetta Galante, IBAN
Don’t forget to mention ‘For the prisoners Costa, Silvia and Billy’!


Dopo il campeggio dello scorso anno a Trento, contro la base militare a Mattarello, come redattori di “Birdi ke su porru” abbiamo articolato questo strumento editoriale e le iniziative nel territorio, in particolare contro la base militare del Salto di Quirra, secondo quanto prospettato nello scritto che facemmo circolare in occasione del campeggio, e secondo le tensioni che in quella sede prospettarono i compagni e le compagne che vi parteciparono.
Abbiamo indirizzato le nostre energie, unite a quelle di altre realtà di movimento presenti in Sardegna, in funzione del coinvolgimento diretto di spezzoni delle popolazioni locali nell’attacco a parte almeno delle istituzioni corresponsabili della situazione determinata dalla presenza ed attività della base.
Ovviamente alla luce anche delle novità emerse durante la scorsa estate e secondo le tempistiche proprie delle rapportazioni saltuarie con situazioni varie agenti nell’isola.
Non è cosa da poco l’essere riusciti pubblicamente ad affrontare – ed a bloccarne le attività per una mattinata – l’ufficio della dirigenza ASL competente per buona parte del territorio occupato dal Poligono Interforze Sperimentale del Salto di Quirra. Ha rappresentato ottima occasione per l’uscita di un nuovo numero di “Birdi” (quasi 2 mila copie diffuse) e la contestuale diffusione di circa 5 mila volantini che hanno affiancato l’iniziativa ed allargato contatti e simpatie verso l’azione diretta.
L’emergere contestuale, a livello più generale, della questione “centrali nucleari” apre ulteriori contesti operativi che nell’immediato impongono all’intero movimento anarchico ed antiautoritario un acceleramento di prospettive organizzative per affrontare la lotta nei rispettivi territori d’intervento quanto più coordinati possibile, ed analisi relative che riescano a trovare valide chiavi di lettura dei progetti del potere, al fine di essere più incisivi nel colpire.
In Sardegna diverse situazioni ci stiamo già muovendo in questo senso. Come redattori di “Birdi” in questo ultimo numero avanziamo alcune analisi come base di una possibile riflessione e discussione. Il limite delle nostre chiavi di lettura consiste certamente nell’affrontare il progetto “nucleare” sulle possibili ricadute nel territorio ove operiamo; ma in tale territorio, ove siamo presenti con una certa costanza, potrà anche essere un buon punto di forza per affinare ed estendere la lotta.
Tuttavia crediamo che sia opportuna UNA OCCASIONE di incontro, dibattito, iniziative comuni, in tempi ragionevolmente brevi ma sufficienti per costruirla assieme, tra tutte quelle realtà che lottano contro il nucleare e contro il militarismo, sia per supportare la lotta in atto in specifici territori, sia per confrontare esperienze ed elaborare possibili strategie di azione in certo qual modo coordinate e diffuse.
Lanciamo pertanto la PROPOSTA DI UN CAMPEGGIO LIBERTARIO ANTIMILITARISTA ED ANTINUCLEARE, da tenersi nei primi giorni di ottobre, a Villaputzu, nei pressi della base militare di Quirra.
Siamo disponibili ad incontri preliminari con i gruppi/situazioni interessati (escluso il periodo dalla seconda metà di luglio a fine agosto) al fine di meglio articolare l’iniziativa col concorso di tutti coloro che vi parteciperanno.
Per contattarci: tel. 349 64 19 847 – posta elettronica

Per le questioni logistiche siamo a buon punto, e saranno socializzate direttamente agli interessati.

sabato 15 maggio 2010


They are old things, from another century. Poverty, which pregress aeemed to have
banished from the West, comes back to make us feel its bite. Bankers aren't jumping
from windows yet, but the poor are filling the streets. Factoies and shops close their doors. Millions of people find themselves with no means for facing the future.
They were promised that a life passed on their knees, between a job that profited a
boss and obedience to the will of the government would at least ensure a quiet survival for them. Now it's clear to all that this was a lie.

They are old things, from another century. The lines are swelling in front of soup
kitchens. The number of thefts in supermarkets is constantly growing. Foreclosure
proceedings pile up while there are around 20,000,000 empty house here in the US alone. And while those on the bottom try not to die of hunger, those on top prepare
for the worst, for the feared social explosion. "Zero tolerance" is guaranteed for
anyone who breaks the law; new structures of detention are being prepared for natives
and immigrants, soldiers and "volunteers" patrol neighborhoods that are under video
surveillance. The old and new poor have to know:dying of privation or suicide, these are the only choices permitted to them.

They are old things, from another century. Today, more and more people are reaching
out to grab wealth from the places where it exists in abudance. Some even have a dream in their heart, like the two anarchists, Christos and Alfredo, who were arrested in Greece on October 1 2009 for a bank robbery. Christos robbed the bank at
gunpoint. They claim that Alfredo aided him, taking the money on delivery.
Now the two anarchists, one Greek and one Italian, are behind bars. Prison is the fate promised to anyone who isn't resigned to dying in misery, the fate promised to
the enemies of all exploitation and authority.

They are old things, from another century. A shattered economy, skyrocketing unemployment, the deterioration of living conditions, a war among the poor formented
by stooges of the powerful, the right wing using ever more blatant racist lunacy to
gain support for more and more repression, a planet threatened by technological
development. States alternating the carrot of democracy with the stick of totalitarianism......
In this sudden return to the past, there is still something missing: the offended
dignity that drives desperation away, transforming it into action; the freedom that
stops being the right to obey authority and goes back to being the challenge to every
form of power; the desire to live that isn's satisfiet with what exists and mounts an
assault to snatch what has never been.


print november 2009 some Anarchists in London

PANTAGRUEL. Some writings of Alfredo Maria Bonanno in english, or almost.

Here are a few translations and part translations of a small portion of Alfredo's
writing. This is a work in progress, many of the translations are as yet incomplete.
Open links to find more of Alfredo's work.

Alfredo was arrested on october 1st 2009 in Greece, accused of concourse in bank
robbery. With him, anarchist comrade Christos Stratigoulos.

venerdì 14 maggio 2010


Probation Offices Attacked in London (UK)
Tuesday, May 11th, 2010
11 May 2010
Forest Gate Community Service Office and Probation Offices were attacked by anarchist group “Black Fever Gang”. Spraypaint slogans and broken windows were the result. The action was dedicated to anarchist prisoners everywhere, especially those in Greece.
“We are fighters!! Not murderers!! Long live anarchy!! Black Fever Gang!!”

martedì 11 maggio 2010


*(sulla tragica morte oggi di tre persone)
La manifestazione per lo sciopero generale che si è svolta oggi, 5 maggio, si è trasformata in un'esplosione sociale di rabbia. Almeno 200.000 persone di tutte le età si sono riversate nelle strade (impiegati e disoccupati, nel settore pubblico o in quello privato, locali o migranti) cercando, durante diverse ore e in ondate consecutive, di circondare e assaltare il Parlamento. Le forze di repressione sono arrivate a gran regime, per giocare il loro solito ruolo – che è quello di proteggere le istituzioni politiche e finanziarie. Lo scontro è stato lungo ed intenso. Il sistema politico e le sue istituzioni hanno raggiunto il culmine.Comunque, in mezzo a tutto ciò, un tragico evento, che nessuna parola può descrivere efficacemente, è accaduto: 3 persone sono morte nell'agenzia della Marfin Bank di Stadiou Avenue, che è stata data alle fiamme.Lo stato e tutto il tam-tam mediatico, con nessun rispetto verso la morte dei loro prossimi, parlano fin dai primi momenti dei “giovani assassini incappucciati”, cercando di approfittare del momento per calmare l'ondata di rabbia sociale che era esplosa e di recuperare l'autorità che era stata strappata; per imporre ancora un volta l'occupazione poliziale delle strade, per estirpare le fonti di una resistenza sociale e di una disobbedienza contro il terrorismo di stato e la barbarità del capitalismo. Per questa ragione, nel corso delle ultime ore, le forze di polizia hanno marciato attraverso il centro di Atene, hanno arrestato centinaia di persone e devastato – con spari e flash-grenades – le occupazioni anarchiche “Spazio di azione unita multiforme” di Zaimi Street e il “ritrovo dei migranti” di Tsamadou Street, causando danni elevati (entrambi i posti sono nel quartiere di Exarchia ad Atene). Allo stesso tempo, la minaccia di un violento sgombero cade sul resto degli spazi auto-organizzati (occupazioni e ritrovi) dopo il discorso del Primo ministro, che parla dei prossimi raid per arrestare gli “assassini”.I governi, gli ufficiali del governo, il loro personale politico, quelli che parlano in televisione, gli scribacchini salariati, cercano in questo modo di purificare il loro regime criminalizzando gli anarchici e ogni voce di lotta non patronalizzata. Come se chi ha attaccato la banca, chiunque esso sia (ammettendo che regga lo scenario ufficiale), abbia potuto essere minimamente a conoscenza della presenza di persone all'interno, e abbia comunque deciso di appiccare il fuoco. Sembra che stiano confondendo le persone in lotta con loro stessi: loro, che senza esitazione conducono l'intera società alla più profonda depredazione e schiavitù, che ordinano ai loro pretoriani di attaccare senza esitazione e di sparare con l'intenzione di uccidere, loro che hanno portato al suicidio tre persone per debiti finanziari solo nelle scorse settimane.La realtà è che il vero assassino, il vero istigatore delle tre tragiche morti di oggi, è il “signor” Vgenopoulos, che ha usato il solito sistema per ricattare gli impiegati (la minaccia di licenziamento), e forzato così i suoi impiegati a lavorare nelle filiali delle sue banche durante un giorno di sciopero generale – e addirittura in una agenzia come quella di Stadiou Avenue, dove la manifestazione sarebbe passata. Questo tipo di intimidazione è perfettamente conosciuta da chiunque abbia avuto esperienza con il terrorismo della schiavitù salariata di ogni giorno. Stiamo aspettando quali scuse tirerà fuori Vgenopoulos per i familiari delle vittime e per la società intera – alcuni potenti suggeriscono che questo ultra-capitalista sarà il prossimo Primo Ministro, in un futuro “governo di unità nazionale”, dopo il completo collasso politico del sistema attuale che stà per arrivare.Se uno sciopero senza precedenti può essere considerato assassino...Se una manifestazione senza precedenti, in una crisi senza precedenti, può essere considerata assassina...Se gli spazi sociali aperti che sono vivi e aperti possono essere considerati assassini...Se lo stato può imporre un coprifuoco e attaccare i manifestanti con il pretesto di arrestare degli assassini...Se Vgenopoulos può trattenere gli impiegati dentro la sua banca – che è un nemico sociale primario e un obiettivo per i manifestanti......è perchè l'autorità, questo serial-killer, vuole massacrare da quando è nata, una rivolta che mette in discussione la supposta soluzione di un attacco sempre più duro [del governo] nei confonti società, di una sempre più larga depredazione da parte del capitale, di un succhiare sempre più assetato del nostro sangue....è perchè il futuro della rivolta non include politicanti e capi, polizia e media di massa....è perchè dietro alla sua molto pubblicizzata “soluzione unica”, c'è una soluzione che non parla di livelli di sviluppo e disoccupazione, ma invece di solidarietà, auto-organizzazione e relazioni umane.Quando si chiedono chi sono gli assassini della vita, della libertà, della dignità, i fermenti dell'autorità e del capitale, loro e i loro cacciatori devono solo guardare in faccia a se stessi. Oggi e ogni giorno.*GIU' LE MANI DAGLI SPAZI SOCIALI LIBERI**SONO LO STATO E I CAPITALISTI GLI ASSASSINI, I TERRORISTI E I CRIMINALI**TUTTI IN STRADA**RIVOLTA*dall'assemblea aperta della sera del 05/05/2010


The murderers “mourn” their victims(Regarding today’s tragic death of 3 people)The enormous strike demonstration which took place today, 5th of May turned into a social outflow of rage. At least 200,000 people of all ages took to the streets (employees and unemployed, in the public and private sector, locals and migrants) attempting, over many hours and in consecutive waves, to surround and to take over the Parliament. The forces of repression came out in full force, to play their familiar role – that is, of the protection of the political and financial authorities. The clashes were hours long and extensive. The political system and its institutions reached a nadir.However, in the midst of all this, a tragic event that no words can possibly describe took place: 3 people died from infusions at the branch of Marfin Bank on Stadiou Avenue, which was set ablaze.The state and the entire journalistic riff-raff, without any shame toward the dead or their close ones, spoke from the very first moment about some “murderer-hooded up youths”, trying to take advantage of the event, in order to calm the wave of social rage that had erupted and to recover their authority that had been torn apart; to impose once again a police occupation of the streets, to wipe out sources of social resistance and disobedience against state terrorism and capitalist barbarity. For this reason, during the last few hours the police forces have been marching through the center of Athens, they have conducted hundreds of detentions and they raided – with shootings and stun-grenades – the anarchist occupation “space of united multiform action” on Zaimi street and the “migrant haunt” on Tsamadou Street, causing extensive damage (both these places are in the Exarcheia neighbourhood of Athens). At the same time the threat of a violent police eviction is hanging over the rest of the self-organised spaces (occupations and haunts) after the Prime-ministerial speech which referred to soon-to-come raids for the arrest of the “murderers”.The governors, governmental officials, their political personnel, the TV-mouthpieces and the salaried hack writers attempt in this way to purify their regime and the criminalise the anarchists and every unpatronised voice of struggle. As if there would ever be the slightest of chances that whoever attacked the bank (provided the official scenario stands) would possibly know there were people inside, and that they would torch it alight regardless. They seem to confuse the people in struggle for themselves: them who without any hesitation hand over the entire society to the deepest pillage and enslaving, who order their praetorians to attack without hesitation and to aim and shoot to kill, them who have lead three people to suicide in the past week alone, due to financial debts.The truth is that the real murderer, the real instigator of today’s tragic death of 3 people is “mister” Vgenopoulos, who used the usual employers’ blackmailing (the threat of sacking) and forced his employees to work in the branches of his bank during a day of strike – and even in a branch like the one of Stadiou Avenue, where the strike’s demonstration would pass through. Such blackmailing is known only too well by anyone experiencing the terrorism of salaried slavery on an everyday level. We are awaiting to see what excuses Vgenopoulos will come up with for the relatives of the victims and for the society as a whole – this ultra-capitalist now hinted by some centers of power as the next prime minister in a future “national unity government” that could follow the expected, complete collapse of the political system.If an unprecedented strike can ever be a murderer…If an unprecedented demonstration, in an unprecedented crisis, can ever be a murderer…If open social spaces that are alive and public can ever be murderers…If the state can impose a curfew and attack demonstrators under the pretext of arresting murderers…If Vgenopoulos can detain his employees inside a bank – that is, a primary social enemy and target for demonstrators……it is because authority, this serial murderer, wants to slaughter upon its birth a revolt which questions the supposed solution of an even harsher attack on society, of an even larger pillage by capital, of an even thirstier sucking of our blood.…it is because the future of the revolt does not include politicians and bosses, police and mass media.… it is because behind their much-advertised “only” solution, there is a solution that does not speak of development rates and unemployment but rather, it speaks of solidarity, self-organising and human relationships.When asking who are the murderers of life, of freedom, of dignity, the ferments of authority and capital, they and their tuft hunters only need to take a look at their own selves. Today and every day.HANDS OFF FREE SOCIAL SPACESIT IS THE STATE AND THE CAPITALISTS WHO ARE THE MURDERERS, TERRORISTS AND CRIMINALSEVERYONE TO THE STREETSREVOLTfrom the open assembly of the evening of 5/5/2010